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in the past

not to be a boomer but other than the changes to the vocation system leveling there is nothing about this remake that is at all better than the playstation 1 original. it's still dragon quest 7 and still one of my all time favorite games but that's exactly why i hate this remake. so much of the original's identity is lost for the sake of catering to people who would pout and throw a fit if they were made to play it. if we are to view games as art we can absolutely should deride a game like the dragon quest 7 remake for taking a beautiful and unique video game and completely butchering its pacing, atmosphere, and encounter design the same way we deride the demon's souls or shadow of the colossus for desecrating the more "traditionally artistic" elements of their source games

It's a slow burn but in the end it's a phenomenal game.

Also, Maribel is the best character in the series

Goddamn this shit got so meandering.

I love dragon quest as a franchise, but this one kept just getting slower and slower and losing more and more of my interest narratively until Maribel, who is easily the worst character in the franchise yet, just killed the remainder of it when I was forced to include her back into my party.

A really cool gameplay concept and the statisfaction of collectible completion kept me going til the credits, only to find out the reward for doing that is meeting a god who doesn't particularly care that you unfucked his mess. If you like DQ, go for it if you're thirsty for more, if you want a better narrative, play 11, 8 or even 9 if you haven't.

Dragon Quest can often feel like a lengthy series, from grinding out experience and cash to solving every town’s problems again and again and again. DQ7 will test your endurance more than any other in the franchise, but I promise it’s so worth it.

The cast is one of the strongest I’ve experienced despite only two party members carrying plot relevant reasons to endure the journey. Gameplay progression systems from DQ6 return with far more balance and updated use, making them welcome additions this time around.

The story really relies on your thirst for adventure in the first 15-20 hours or so as you begin to feel out your companions and you all start to see the effects your actions enable. It’s built mostly on what would be considered small subplots for over half the game before you’re hit with point blank narrative relevance. Despite the lull of story beats, each subplot is more interesting than the last and the myriad of themes presented throughout each are a treat each time.

Unfortunately I can’t praise the game’s finer points without major spoilers, but in conclusion DQ7 is well worth the time for those with some patience and a hunger for the unknown

As someone who adored the original I knew that I was going to spend another 100+ hours playing this version. Nostalgia would have led me to giving this 5 stars but upon revisting the game in this version I agree with many that there are times that it does go on needlessly a bit. The game is long even if you don't engage much with side content.

The thing I truly love about this game is the way the story is told. The way each island you restore has it's own condensed story felt like I was playing a fairy tale always wondering what the next island would be about and how it connected to the main plot. The 3DS version cut some of the unnecessary intro content and made things a bit easier all around which is nice. While I'm more a fan of the PS1 graphics I did not mind them in this either. When I played the original as a kid I spent over 200 hours in it and it was one of the longest I ever played a game until years later so it does have a special place for me in my mind.

Is it the best DQ game? To me yes but I would not recommend it to someone new to the series as it is very slow. Does it provide you with lots to do? Yes, the town building and monster park as well as the amazing class system kept me busy for a long time. I think to this day this game may have one of my favorite class systems in any game other than FFT.

This review contains spoilers

This game was bad and too long and too boring, i dont understand why dragon quest fans insist on defending this, its genuinely the worst game in the franchise hands down
im less mad, my real review is that this game couldve been cut down to when keifer leaves and then cut right to recruiting aishe, then buccanham with the sea dragon, then maybe do some stuff with that after maybe 5 vignettes, then go right for the ending storyline, the game suffers massively from having boring npcs and essentially no relevant story content

The Persona 5 of Dragon Quest. No, seriously, I really mean literally. +100 hours for a first playthrough while I'm barely at 14h.

It's good from what I've played, maybe I should keep at it to judge it better.

whilst people complain about the length the story is such a cool take on traditional DQ that i can't be mad. also Sir MELVIN THE GOAT

Damn man I thought I loved DQ as a series after playing XI and III but this was so incredibly meandering and drawn out. I really try to avoid dropping games but this one lost me.

way too long but the class system is fun. unforunately didnt get to finish all the DLC tablets once 3DS online services became defunct.

half the game is a major slog but it starts to pick up. still some classic rpg gameplay

Un jeu pouvant être résumé en un mot: éreintant.
Beaaaaucoup trop long pour son bien.
Trop décousu également.
Manquant d’options Quality of Life à hauteur d’un jeu récent.
Manquant de liant, d’epicness.

Et ce, jusqu’au grind interminable de fin pour être à la hauteur d’un boss de fin en 4 phase gonflant au possible. La faute en partie aux features de cette version 3DS, en partie multijoueur, à base de capture de monstres et d’échanges de tablette, fournissant les meilleures upgrade et possibilités de grind.

Ces longs écueils mis à part, il reste des chouettes personnages, de jolies histoire, et un système de classe old school, bien calibré au jeu.

The gameplay and story for the game is decent, but not amazing. Combat is what you'd expect from a DQ game at this point, and the vocation system is better in some ways and worse in others compared to 6. I like the idea of hybrid skills from mastering specific vocations, but they require a bit too many fights to get some of the ones that would be useful. It's cool that there are more tiers to the vocations now, considering how long the game is, but there are only three jobs in the highest tier making it less diverse compared to a final party in DQ6. It also still takes quite a while to master vocations, especially for characters that have to leave the party for story reasons. I like some of the individual stories throughout the game, and I think some of them had really cool ideas and scenes throughout. I do think the central story is a bit lacking, but the smaller stories throughout can be pretty good and make up for that a bit. I do think the runtime is a bit too long. A lot of the time is spent doing stuff and not necessarily grinding, which is nice, but I also think some of the story should have been cut for more consistent quality and a shorter game. Overall, I liked the game, but I can't see myself replaying it for quite some time due to its length.

Well this was definitely a journey,DQ7 is heavily flawed,most of the skills you get from grinding the classes are worthless and you end up using a few OP one over and over,trivilazing the fights,user interface feels very sluggish and cumbersome to control,game sometimes struggles on the 3DS,dungeons are overall very "meh" worthy,i can keep going,but in the grand scheme of things,these are fairly minor issues except for the very simple battles,because this game provides an overwhelming sense of scale and adventure like no other JRPG,every few hours you encounter different storylines,different towns with their own culture,atmosphere and characters,even if you don't like one,you can count on that it's going to end soon for a completely new island.Tone of some of these stories are surprisingly dark and melancholic,but never enough to kill that sense of joyous adventure.Out of the 3 Dragon Quest games i've played so far,7 easily has the best story and atmosphere,but it didn't still reached the heights of 11 for me,still a must play for those who can tolerate longer,slower paced RPG's

A JRPG infamous for its length, but proof that more content isn't always a recipe for perfection.

Dragon Quest VII starts innocuously enough, as we follow the young son of a fisherman who spends his days exploring his island home with his best friend, the unruly Prince Kiefer. When the pair find a mysterious tablet it sparks a truly massive quest that sees them dive back in time to free their world from a mighty curse that shattered the world into fragments and sealed them in darkness centuries ago. There's a brilliant structure to this adventure, with each island you visit in the past having its own complete storyline but as you get further into the story these individual plots begin to weave together into one huge narrative.

However, it's also extremely slowly paced. It takes over an hour for the first fight to occur, nearly 10 hours can go by without a full party, and I'd played for about 20 hours before I unlocked the job system - and that was still barely a quarter of the way in! If you're not a fan of grindy JRPGs then you really must avoid this game, but if you're happy to sit in for the long haul, Dragon Quest VII can be exhausting but rewarding.

This will probably be forever my favorite Dragon Quest game

I gotta play the PS1 version someday but I just love this game man it means a lot to me.

If Dragon Quest already was a series about having fun simplified RPG adventures this is like, literally a playable One Piece (or Shonen anime) with big story intrigue, lovable filler to add variety, and a cast that changes and grows over time.

It’s evident DQ changed after Chrono Trigger and this title shows that the biggest lesson they learned is that time travel can absolutely make for stellar world building even for small locations while adding epic stakes.

I love this game

If i hear the battle theme outside of this game my eyes will turn red and i will kill everyone within a 500 ft. Radius

This game is a long running tabletop campaign where every island is a session that the characters get to explore and solve before moving onto the next, a rare example of an RPG where the overarching plot reserves itself until much later into the playtime.

There are systems that I wish were more streamlined but it's a great series of fantasy Star Trek episodes to watch and resolve, a format that I wish there was more of.

It's gets a bit of a bad wrap for being the 'the long one'. But honestly I loved the short episodic nature of this adventure. Collecting the mcguffins, seeing these towns in the past, and going back to explore in the new present was always something I found really interesting. I have a lot of time for this game, not least because it was the game that got me back into hand held gaming.

This is my favorite Dragon Quest. I don't think you should let the long runtime scare you, the story is handled in many small vignettes that take 2-4 hours a piece. It's a great game to pick up and play in chunks over a long period of time.

It's a good Dragon Quest game, although I can understand why it is not usually the top favorite.

Une aventure hors-norme dans la pure tradition de la série, mais avec un supplément dans la trame scénaristique qui prend la forme d'une reconstruction d'un monde déchu.

Les histoires s'enchaînent, touchantes et variées, sur un rythme lent, mais bien huilé. Et toujours, au bout du compte, cette narration pleine d'humanité qui permet d'élever le moindre PNJ au rang de personnage attachant.

La lutte est semée d'embûches, de ramages de la 3DS, le voyage très long, ponctué de classes à farmer jusqu'à plus soif, mais on ressort de l'aventure dépaysé, éreinté, le cœur empli de mélancolie en repensant à toutes les épreuves traversées. L'un des meilleurs épisodes de la série une fois qu'on parvient à l'appréhender.

Dragon Quest VII is my favorite game in the series and one of my top 3 favorite games of all time. 

Like all the other DQ games, it's a super fun game with a cozy vibe, even with the actual plot getting dark at times. The combat isn't anything ground-breaking; it's the tried and true DQ formula. The game is fairly long, about the same length as DQVIII, but a good bit shorter than DQXI. 

What makes this game so special to me is how the story and world are built up over the course of the game.

You start off on the one lone island on the map, and through your adventures, you travel to different points in the past to rescue other islands. This makes them show up on the map, and you're able to visit them in the present to see how things turn out. 

The fact that the individual stories happen during different periods of time makes for some really cool parts. A few of the islands you visit will build upon the stories of others by either being prequels or taking place between the past and present.

During your travels, you're slowly fed information about the overarching story. It's really fun to piece together, and it feels super satisfying by the end.

This format of storytelling was incredibly appealing to me, and I've never really played anything like it.

Bom jogo no geral, mas com um sério problema de ritmo. Só pela metade do game é liberado o sistema de vocações (aprox. 40 hrs), e só aí que as coisas engrenam e a história ganha mais forma. Tem momentos incríveis, mas também muitos desnecessários.

will finish later. loved the dynamic between auster kiefer and maribel from the opening section i played though

Probably my favorite DQ game purely based off of its gameplay loop. I think if you’re ok with a game taking 100 hours to get through then you will have an incredible time.

I like the scene 50 hours into the game where a townsperson traps the party in a basement with all of a locked wooden door holding them in, and they just wait until someone lets them out. For Christ's sake, burn it down! You know Frizzle!

Gave this an extra half-star for the hilarious Alltrades Abbey sequence