Reviews from

in the past

se eu sonhasse que podia fazer um jogo de luta onde eu podia juntar personagens de super sentai, anime de fantasma, horror, detetive, comédia, aventura, isekai, high fantasy, esporte, luta eu teria sonhado esse jogo

o que é bem minha cara

When you do the super move a second time in a match the animation is shorter. They knew

This game is great for when you have 12 hours to spare for what is essentially street fighter but good. David Cage took inspiration from this

meu apego ao estético sempre caiu fácil com jogo de luta, é bem óbvio né? escolher um personagem por causa do visual dele, por causa do estilo dos golpes, por causa da música. mas evil zone eleva a outro nível isso, ele transforma cada história dos personagens num anime de um gênero diferente, colorindo as telas de loading, músicas, diálogos e lista de episódios conforme o personagem que está sendo jogado. arcade de jogo de luta se integrando a experiência narrativa muito além do comum. um dos jogos mais eu que existem.

vi que tinha gente na página comentando que o jogo é esperto por encurtar animações de golpes na segunda vez que você usa na luta. vocês não merecem falar de nada se não conseguem perceber que as mudanças estão é nos floreios cinematográficos dos golpes, coisa que esse jogo adora fazer.

I streamed this a while back, but I had played it many times before and I wanted to share this fairly unknown classic with my friends.

Both myself and a friend saw a certain badass character as appearance goals and I thought I was the only one...

Anyway, enough of my identity crisis there.

I bought my physical copy from a shop when I was returning from a school trip to France and wanted it purely for the anime cover.

The story is about an evil witch who wishes to destroy the universe... I think. Memory and translation was a little spotty at times.

Since everyone wants to battle with her for their own reasons, either to save the world or take her power or even something more personal, they come from a wide variety of backgrounds with a school girl who is also a touch tomboy martial arts fighter, a magician, a warrior dressed like he comes straight out of Power Rangers or Ultraman, a psychopath possessed by an evil blade and more.

There are a few fully animated scenes in the intro and the epilogue of every character, but, not as much as what was in Ghost in the Shell for the PS1.

The game has massive replayability as you get a different story and each opening and ending to a match plays like a anime series from light-hearted magical girl to gritty and depressed shows of the 90s, minus the gore beyond the red pixels. Even the final boss, when you unlock her, has her own story that adds more character to her than you'd see in most fighting games made at around this time.

I only mark it a little lower because the hitboxes can be a little buggy at times, often leading to BS moments. Especially with the final boss who has high damaging moves that leave little room for error, but they're not impossible and still a lot of fun.

Stream + gameplay

eu amo a maneira que esse jogo pega a estética de anime pra televisão e aplica ele nas lutas, tratando toda luta do modo história como um episódio. em termos de gameplay é um tanto simples (o que permite ser quebrado facilmente - algo que a própria IA faz) mas o charme dele é o bastante pra me ganhar. muito bacana. obrigada thorhighheels

This game is so awesome and unique you gotta try it