Reviews from

in the past

The hit rates are not worth devoting any fucking energy to, fuck you if you have any strong opinion on them

The hit rates are fucking awesome, fuck you if you hate them

man is this rough around the edges, it picks up a lot in the back half when you've managed to build units up to be decent but there's an overabundance of absolutely dogshit filler units and virtually every map being a Siege map gets really repetitive. I get why the hardcore ironman crowd might relish the challenge but that ain't me. The story isn't terribly interesting until right near the end either, but the true ending is pretty great even if the gaiden maps needed to get there can be fucking dreadful. Man is this game really fucking pretty tho the spritework and animation is top notch.

Genuinely my favourite Fire Emblem game. Its a game known for being janky as hell and that's pretty true, with wack units, low hit rates, gimmicky and annoying gaiden chapters, and there's probably more that can be said.

In spite of that, it has really solid maps and those shaky hit rates and gaiden chapter requirements force you to think a lot. I find a lot of fun in using the game's wack ass nobody characters like Dorothy or even Sophia because you can find ways to level them up or give them a purpose in a chapter. Even with very strong units like Rutger, Perceval and Melady available there is still room for other characters to contribute. Roy is infamously bad, but he becomes more like a king on a chess board where you need to think carefully to keep him alive and that ties really well into his character. Not for everyone but he isn't without merit.

Story is simple and could use more characters for Roy to interact with but it does its job. Elibe is a well realised setting, with each country having a distinct and memorable role. Supports were introduced in this game, and while they can be too short and simple at times the game has a lot of good ones. Roy, Shanna, Sue, Lugh, Igrene, Echidna, and Dorothy just to name a few. Just read them on an FE wiki tho, the GBA support system sucks.

I really like this game, but it has it's problems. At the very least, Roy is lore accurate to SSBM, in that you might think he's ok at first, and then you realise how much worse he is than another sword guy

One of the harder FEs with probably the easiest final final map (it literally took two turns; Roy can one-turn the boss at this point, and I had given him boots). Despite being an interesting set of characters, half the cast is difficult to use. Roy himself isn't very good since he doesn't promote until chapter 21, which is actually the penultimate chapter if you're not going for the true ending. Other than that, it's a pretty standard FE story, with interesting maps that aren't toooo annoying, although same turn reinforcements were. Building supports also takes way too long, though I'm pretty sure that's constant throughout the GBA games.

Pretty middle of the road FE. There isn't much variety in chapters since the game basically consists of siege only maps. There's a lot of really bad filler units that the game constantly gives you, when in the end I just kept using the same characters for the whole game.

Story is also nothing too special. It just feels like a combination of Archanea and Jugdral's stories, and it doesn't really do anything special with them. The true ending however is pretty sweet, and I wished the game had more focus on Lilina, Fae, and Idunn since I think that's what the game really excelled at.

Nothing else much to say tbh. This game is whatever and the foundation is greatly improved with later GBA FE titles.

Entertaining game that had enough differences in mechanics to differentiate it from FE7. However a lot of these differences are just bad... Like the fact every map objective is seizing the throne or the fact that there are ambush reinforcements which can be very egregious when you're playing slowly. Thrones grant defense and 30+ evasion which means that a lot of your scrubs like roy,sue,shanna,etc can't get some juicy exp because the bosses are just too fat. My last beef is with the unlocking of the last 3 chapters, sealing a very relevant part of the game behind requirements most people won't satisfy is just dumb.

It's probably THE most Fire Emblem game to Fire Emblem. This game is pretty emblematic of what the series is.
I technically played a ROM Hack dubbed the "No Redundancy" patch, but I still feel like I got a good feel of what the game is like.
That being said, some issues here and there.
Gameplay Rating: 7/10
Biggest issue: the AWFUL, AWFUL hitrates in this game mean you're going to be missing a lot of your attacks even if you're exploiting Weapon Triangle advantage.
The other issue: Ambush Reinforcements. Holy shit it can be brainmeltingly draining to be flanked with no warning and BOOM there goes your Healer. Awful, awful game mechanic. i hope this mechanic never sees the light of day again.
Apart from that, yeah, it's Fire Emblem. Cool weapons, awesome and charming animations, interesting maps, the whole package. A few more nitpicks here and there could include how you can't use stat boosters at base.
Story Rating: 8/10
It's damn solid for a Fire Emblem game. It's nothing that makes you lose your mind but it's a story and it's cohesive. It's like a prototype of Tellius in a way; this game sort of paved the road for those games, and they feel a little similar in that way.
Colorblind Test: A+
Nothing horrible to see here. The GBA's colors pop a lot so there's not a lot of problem when differentiating colors.

this game is fucking dogshit, oh my god. i actually really like the characters and story but the gameplay is so bad, its like a reverse fates to me. axe and dark magic users are actually unplayable, the maps fucking suck, and roy actually doesnt have the worst growths but he promotes like 2 chapters before the end its fucking ridiculous. zephiel is awesome though

The best fire emblem game
only true scholars understand

This is the 7th Fire Emblem title I have played, and still I want to play more. The formula of Fire Emblem is near perfect.

The tight strategy gameplay and host of characters to recruit keep things interesting throughout. The perma-death mechanic adds tension to every move and really makes you think about your turns a way other strategy games don't. You have to think multiple turns ahead to ensure you can reach your objectives and keep your party safe. One misstep and an enemy ambush could easily take out one or two important characters. It's a pretty standard Fire Emblem affair in that regard.

As for what this title does a bit differently, there are a series of unlockable hidden levels throughout the game one must complete in order to get the "true ending". I like this idea a lot actually, as it makes subsequent replays more interesting. I didn't realize until near the end of the game that you had to complete these chapters to reach the 3 final chapters, so if I ever decide to come back to this title there is more content I haven't seen waiting for me.

The difficulty is a bit spikey at times, but if you take your time and have some experience with strategy games its nothing a regular player cannot handle. There are some maps which are rather annoying to play such as one which takes place in a desert, limiting both visibility and movement. But with proper preparation and tight gameplay you can get through it.

The story of FE6 is rather basic, which is one of its weaker elements. Somehow it doesn't seem that much more fleshed out than the NES or SNES titles despite featuring support conversations to expand on characters and lore. The dialogue and plot is a rather standard fantasy affair though with armies marching on each other, minor politicking and the threat of world annihilation by an ancient powerful being. A lot of the characters are rather forgettable too, also leaning on some standard tropes as their main character traits. It's not bad or boring, but the writing does feel very "standard", and if in a few months I can't remember most of the details or cast I wouldn't be surprised.

Overall great game, well worth your time. Is it the best Fire Emblem? No. I don't think it's even the best Fire Emblem on GBA. But it's still one of the better RPG's you're going to find on the system and worth checking out.

feels like putting razorblades up your urethra in gameplay form. still, it laid the groundwork for GBA fire emblem and had some pretty cool characters. story is still a bit of a mess and the tutorial is literally hidden away in the fucking extras menu. also missable gaiden chapters/spoiler thing so yeah do all those be careful.

Honestly, a decent enough FE game, if not a particularly remarkable one.
Story was kinda just: "(location A) is invading (location B), go save the day." but the ending was pretty good, and gameplay, while frustrating at times, did work.

The hit rates are fucking awful, fuck you if you defend them

before reading this remember that I overall liked this game so I don't get death threats in the comments (or if you want to wish me death do it using an @ so I get the trophy lmao)

listen . i wanted to love fire emblem binding blade i really did . like theres some part of me that really wouldve ended up loving this game to death if it wasnt for the fact that its absolutely fucking tedious to play its not like this has no redeeming qualities but its pretty hard to just close an eye or maybe actually both eyes to some of the stuff that this throws at you

binding blade has actually a lot going for it bomb presentation amazing animations and art design addictive gameplay (:3 blatant lie) and the usual fire emblem flare in the story department but it really works a lot against its favor in many different ways

before I get to the weird stuff I want to really have a moment to say that the pixel art is incredible every single battle animation is intoxicatingly good and when you get to advanced spells there's some real eyecandy there im just gonna say this every single character portrait even if pretty simplistic drives the charm and the worldmap designs (in terms of aesthetic) are a delight to look at and even the backgrounds during the cutscene segments have a lot of details here and there that really add to the experience

unfortunately apart from this (that will become a staple for the other gba games anyway) I found this game kind of mid in every single aspect and you won't believe how much this ENRAGES ME UGHHJJ i swear I did my best to like this entry but it has too many downsides to actually say that this is at least at the same level of awakening for me . not even talking about echoes because that one is beyond everything else entirely

the story is pretty simplistic and doesn't get too many interesting plot points through a whopping amount of 25 chapters + like what 7 other chapters and thats a fucking shame apart from the beginning of the game and I'd say until you rescue lilina (one of my favorite character in this game actually) it really slows down for the entire game and picks up again only in the last chapters and since its just gonna be 20 chapters of absolutely nothing its a damn fucking flaw if you ask me most of the beats are gonna be like "our nation is against this nation and we are gonna defeat the main lord of this plot of land and then another and them another and then another until we get to the final boss and everyone's happy" and even when they get to interesting bits like the dragon lore stuff or the demon dragon infodumb in one of the last chapters I was so fucking exhausted of the story so far or lack thereof that I just wanted this torture to end im not even joking here

also I don't understand why the true ending is locked behind some extra quests whose conditions for their unlocking are a mystery to me as of yet I followed a guide so idc

granted there's some high points here and there again the whole lilina affair is probably my favorite part of the story and the dragon stuff is also cool and the final boss and ending are sad enough to make me at least enjoy the closing act but apart from that there's not a lot of stuff that I can say about the story besides its a fucking slog throughout but that's not gonna be so bad if the characters are charming !!!

they're not

this game strangely has a large cast of characters to the point that I only used like ¼ of the entire roster (which were also the only good ones anyway lmao) and yknow what happens when you make a game with too many characters ??? none of them will be properly developed thats right and thats a fucking shame if you ask me

tell me 5 characters in this game without looking on the Internet I'll wait

even the characters that should be the protagonists have to take a backseat most of the time because when you recruit the chapter character they're gonna steal the one liners for the most superficial character design ever and then get in your caravan and never speak again which means that most of these people won't have character development or anything ALTHOUGH !!! the supports DO give a little insight on the character relations and whatnot and when you recruit a new character that doesn't join automatically sometimes youre gonna need a specific character to make them do the talky talk but realistically apart from this theres absolutely nothing

clearly roy is gonna be the most deep character of the bunch and even there ? he's not really the deep anyway its like they put a shonen protagonist into the fire emblem universe and called it a day hes lawful he wants to kill the bad guy and can do nothing wrong DISCLAIMER echoes became one of my favorite games here and alm has the same problem you can get tanjiro from demon slayer and put him in the shoes of alm and it would be the same my problem is not about ROY but how generally this game handles characters and character development

other characters do have some kind of depth like fae which is a little dragon with a big heart and some kind of lore implication lilina is the love of my life and my sweet little angel but again after you save her she's just gonna sit her ass in the caravan and do her magic things I guess and … I already forgot who else there is

hector and eliwood are interesting but they're gonna be explored better in blazing blade anyway so whatever the red and green knights are as bland as ever there's dieck who is actually just zoro from one piece and there's also another reason why I want to fuck him shanna is very pretty and clarine is fucking funny sue is also an interesting character with zero depth apart from my tribe is very rural and we eat raw meat and I think I wanna sit on noahs face but I never really used him in battle anyway thea and larum are also very cute cath is an exception because I remember her for ruining my life milady can put her stilettos in my urethra and I want perceval to cum all over my face sophia is BEAUTIFUL but doesn't last 2 seconds in battle zeiss is also another face I'd sit on and I want douglas to choke me and fuck me raw

and guinivere is cool I guess not a fan of the damsel in distress just sitting around not doing anything trope

now again most of the characters are gonna just say a one liner and dip but some of them are really hot so I can excuse them

now the gameplay is basically usual fire emblem I'm not even gonna talk about it but I'm gonna say that this is definitely the most weirdly balanced one of the bunched I've played so far which is not a lot but still

some of the characters I mentioned are completely useless and again most of the characters you're gonna use are just gonna be like what 10 ? maybe even less because most of the characters here just suck and aren't even worth to put into battle to just then getting killed before even acquiring a level this game is so fucking unreal and difficult for no reason like who the fuck thought about ok let's make this game difficult by making the maps too large and/or intricate for their own good and making the hit rate be like 10% what am I even supposed to do with that im gonna go insane

so yeah basically if you want my advice just use Allan Lance Dieke Rutger Shin and maybe Sue Milady and then idk I also added to the bunch clarine and perceval now lilina is probably not good and you should just go with lugh but I wanted to use her in battle so I ended up leveling her up like hell and she became a fucking tank thank me later

and I guess that's basically it I can say that the music is also cool doesn't really excel in anything if I'm being really honest but it's serviceable and works well for the game in general so at least I'm gonna give this to the game I already talked badly about it long enough and I think there's some really interesting tracks here and there and for some reasons I ended up being a sucker for the sad songs like distant utopia is definitely an highlight if you ask me and the theme of guinivere just being depressed and miserable somehow ended up being my favorite theme out of the entirety of the tracklist idk it's such a beautiful song what the hell oh also I guess the polar region one is another highlight and there's a battle theme that I can't fight but yeah there's this one too if you're interested the name is [????????????] I'm pretty sure there's some other cool stuff I listened during my campaign I will be sure to check them out

(this is a consideration as soon as I finished the game maybe if I listen to the ost alone without getting frustrated at the game I'm gonna change my mind thank you)

all in all this is a fine game I just expected more from the "core fire emblem experience" if I had started from this one I'd have dropped the series marathon so fucking hard what the hell

this game is fucking impossible without savestates I want to talk with fire emblem fans who say umh achtually rebooting the game when a character dies is part of the whole experience hehe umh bro just say you got suicidal tendencies and go

made it about to mission 13, doing an ironman and got my shit scuffed

i think that everything that made rekka no ken great is here but this is three failed playthroughs now, two out of apathy and now this one. the maps are too big, i feel like the enemy power ramp is too quick, i dunno. i remember running into this even when i was reloading fights, it just required too many reloads of long fights. and i refuse to get better or smarter!

to be real tho i really do like the idea of doing ironman playthroughs in these games, but without the freedom to train back benchers (they get mulched by a random wyvern knight) its pretty precarious. i might try rekka no ken this way, we'll see if that works out better.

stray thoughts:
1. its cool that roy can marry his social studies teacher
2. echidna is the baddie of all time

For a franchise that had just been deprived of its long-term lead creative minds and key development staff (Shouzou Kaga, Mayumi Hirota, and many more), I think stripping back to the most core mechanics, storytelling devices, and design was a smart idea.

I do have some biases in favor of this game. Growing up introduced to Fire Emblem through the GBA games always gave me an affinity for this unlocalized entry as some "cool obscure one that was like the ones I knew". Plus, it has many maps and chapters that are reminiscent of Thracia 776, my favorite game.

This game is a bit tougher than the average Fire Emblem, which feels a bit strange of a balance direction for what was clearly intended to be a soft-reboot to introduce new players, but I enjoy that. I enjoy the quirks like the less reliable accuracy, the huge playable cast with lopsided unit balancing, and more.

Its fun to replay, trying out new units and going different combinations of paths. I really enjoy revisiting this one. It's not my favorite FE out there since its story can be a bit flat for some parts, some maps can be really annoying, and sometimes the quirks are too quirky, but I can definitely say I like this one.

This was my introduction to the series by accident due to me mixing up binding blade and blazing blade up and ended up playing one of the hardest fire emblem games in the series it doesn't help that the tutorial for this game is hidden in extras which would have been useful to know beforehand. Accuracy is fucked in this game as archers and fighters will practically not hit anything 90% of the time. The maps can be tough especially mid game and the game will punish you if you misplace a unit that's low health. Despite it all this being the introduction of the series for me I understood the appeal of the series and strategy RPGs in general because of this game. (Still fuck ch21 I still have PTSD of that chapter to this day). The story for the game is alright but probably has the hardest requirement to get the good true ending of the game as it requires you to beat all the gaiden levels. The game was overall fun to play through but was difficult as a beginner to the series

Such a great fire emblem, embodies the spirit of the franchise perfectly without MISSing a single detail, I hate it.
I would say fe6 is the most hit or MISS game out of all gba fire emblems, and it's kinda easy to see where the hate comes from when you have ambush spawns and double bolting sages in a fog of war map. But don't let that scare you, this game is so much more than that. New characters come in at an alarming rate, seriously, the amount of playable units is so large, that by the time you realize Wolt and his 4 damage iron bow are MISSing from your team because a
silver lance wyvern reinforcement just spawned on top of him, you already have 5 new characters fighting by your side. It's an all-out war, and it feels like one. Other fe games fail to do this, as they are treated more like isolated conflicts. Such a shame the rest of the world MISSed out on this game, as it is Japan-exclusive.

After playing fe7 and fe6, not gonna lie, I will MISS the continent of Elibe and its terrible playable lords...

Roy, for the love of god, please go above 9 strength. Please!!!!!!!!!!!!

A game I wish I liked more. After beating chapter 15 I lost the motivation to finish, but I’ll most likely come back to wrap it up down the line. The maps weren’t very exciting, the characters were not very memorable besides a couple standouts (Rutger the GOAT!!!), and I didn’t care for the story despite enjoying it in FE7 quite a bit. Overall I don’t think it’s bad, but there isn’t enough going for it to keep me engaged.

Had a lot of fun playing as scuffed as possible and being surprised at how willing the game was to accommodate me with free, powerful prepromotes the further the game went. Lots of great memories and tense situations playing this one, hit rates kind of blow though and the level design is quite bad

Principal ponto negativo desse FE e que é obrigatório fazer as side quests pra conseguir o final verdadeiro, e se tu não tiver um guia tu simplesmente perde uma run toda do jogo por ter perdido uma side quest

I like FE6. It's a simple back-to-basics game after FE4 and FE5, which is a generally good game overall with some major flaws. The characters are alright, though most of them aren't too deep and the support conversations (which are annoying to get, but tbf that's all of GBA FE) are fairly basic. The gameplay is good, even if the hitrates are a bit low across the board.

The problems with FE6 are the off-pacing with the gaiden chapters, and the fact that it falls off near the end. The true ending being unlocked by getting all the uber-weapons throughout the story but ensuring you don't use/break them is somewhat silly, and many of the late game maps turn into "avoid the berserk staff users at all costs". Roy's extremely late promotion does not help anything either. It's not horrible, but not really the best FE has had to offer either. With that said, this game is coming off of FE5, which has some of the most turbotoxic chapters in the series, so it's a bit of a step back from that at least.

All in all, it's okay. The front half of the game is really good, and the back half is "eh" rather than "bad".

Easily the most difficult and less approachable FE on GBA, sadly. And I've tried. Graphics have that amazing late 90s/early 2000s appeal I love so much, but at least Blazing Blade and Sacred Stones exist.

keep in mind this is from getting the good ending: I don't think I would've minded it if the difficulty came from well thought out places but instead most of it is fucking same turn reinforcement ambushes, every boss being on a throne resulting in garbage hit rates and also just bad hit rates across the board, most of sacae, etc

it just basically turned into a chore for me when I started the sacae split and i was never really hungry to jump back in for more, it was just to reach the credits

officially a roy fan now though