Reviews from

in the past

How did the creators of Mario screw up jumping?

wow they made a whole video game about the smash bros character

This game sucks. Bad controls, awful jump physics, platforms dont have collision boxes on the sides and very little stage variety. There's a reason the series ended here.

The Ice Climber word of the day is "clunk"

Classic. Fun. Breathtaking. Has a great cast of characters with a lot of charm. Who could forget Popo... and... uh... Polar Bear. Simply one of the greatest games of all time. Some people will be like "This game sucks" "The controls suck" "I hate the slippery feeling of this game". But then praise games like Jump King, Getting Over It, and Only Up. They don't understand, this game was the ultimate challenge, and it beats every single one of those games that I mentioned. Not only for it's platforming gameplay, but the super in depth "hammer" combat system.

yea theres not much to say aboot it
you go up
it has a good song
its not great playing by yourself
the end

So close to actually being pretty good. Unfortunately, for a game centered around jumping up mountains, the jumping mechanics feel terrible. The music is decent but repetitive, and the death sound effect quickly becomes infuriating since dying usually feels cheap.

Doesn't feel good to play but it is cute when he jumps and clings onto the bird at the end of each stage.

Its like the ice stage in mario but thats it. Some Mountains repeat themselfs with little change. Can get boring and the controlls are a little more on the difficult side but you can get your 10mins from this once you get the hang of it.

I do not recommend Ice Climber.

The polar bear has some swag, but other than that, why were these bozos playable in Smash?

hard as fuck for no reason

Fun but kinda frustrating platformer. Great vibes though

Do you like repeatedly breaking blocks that just slow you down and don't add anything? No? Well maybe you'll like the clunky physics and awful ledge detection. Why are the Ice Climbers in Smash Bros? What does Sakurai see in this game?

I tried this game for a little bit and it absolutely sucked. Terrible controls, boring levels, and filled with frustrating enemies and death pits

While this game may be extremely difficult, I have to admit that this game is pretty fun sometimes. Probably one of the underrated main Nintendo games on the NES, if I were you.

this stinks, one star for the funny polar bear

nes classic 2/30

This game has one music track that plays during all levels and it sounds like complete ass

They're better in Smash than this game

Nintendo games from before they became the go-to adventure publisher are so often overlooked or actively maligned.

I love these little games.

Ice Climbers Walked So Celeste Could Run

good time waster if you somehow have nothing else to play

This Might Actually Be In My Top 3 NES Games

This game might be hold responsible for having invented slippery physics. Enough said

that polar bear is so cool...

I'm already not huge on arcade-style games but this one controls especially horribly. Not worth revisiting unless you're a big Nintendo fan.

The main reason I don't like this game is because it cost (and still costs) money to play
After some research, I found that they sold this for around 40 dollars in the 80s, accounting for inflation that would be around 116 dollars nowadays, or roughly 108 euros- Jesus Christ it's worse than I thought

A versão que eu joguei quando criança era a japonesa, então eu sempre esmurrei as focas e nunca achei nada de errado nisso, elas eram fofas. Muito depois que eu descobri que trocaram por yetis ou sei lá
No mais, é um jogo simples e divertido por uns 4-5 levels, até que fica complicado demais e desisto :v