Reviews from

in the past

5 stars because I can date a crocodile Majima

Alligator Obama exists in this universe.

Pretty funny game overall, get to date Majima which was hilarious, fun to go back through collecting everything. Highly recommend

Fun lil comedy visual novel with some creative minigames, there's really not much else to say about this game

- Though verified, it is not Steam Deck friendly. There was this puzzle that would require physical keyboard inputs. Some mini games were better played with a mouse too.
- wonderful arts and music
- the jokes flew over my head. I didnt get most of them at all. Not sure if it was because the dialogues were intended for native English speakers or sth.
- the mini games were mostly fun!

their writing was not my thing, so i didnt feel motivated to continue. But i must admit that the game had a lot of charm.

its fun to see these characters talk and the art style is soo cute

A short and sweet visual novel/puzzle game that delivers big laughs and has genuine heart. Help a young alligator in a fictional version of NYC populated by goofy characters avoid the mob to figure out why his family is trying to “kill” him.

greatest game of all time for being transported into a gay anime dating sim with an alligator version of goro majima from yakuza

The game is a mini game collection with some cute characters but i didnt find the mini games very fun and you need to play the multiple times to get better ending and i didnt want to do that.

The aptitude test on whether or not you're good at slide puzzles. IRL I'd snap grandpa's stupid puzzle in half and drop kick him into the stratosphere

It was okay. I think the animation is really charming and well done, and the music is too. I think having different dialogue scroll sounds for different characters would've been cool, considering how much dialogue there is. Even if there were just like, 5 or 6 different ones that characters shared. Total personal preference though.

Some of the minigames were kind of wack. Like the shoe/drawer one was totally luck based, and the anime dating one was fun in concept, but way too long and there was literally no way to know how good you were doing until it was over. When I played it, I thought it ended really well based on the dialogue, but then it told me I failed, and I was so confused. I also wish the time mechanic was more defined throughout the game. You don't know how long something takes (conversation/game/whatever) until you've already done it. They had the times listed for retrying a minigame, but not for anything else, which I think is kinda odd. And because of the time mechanic, you literally can't do everything in one playthrough. And I get that it encourages replayability, but (and I could be wrong here) I feel like the stuff I missed didn't encapsulate a full, secondary, completely different playthrough? And there were also a few of those minigames you HAD to play at least once. So I feel like encouraging replayability shouldn't have been a focus here. And on top of all of that, I felt like the game dragged for just a bit too long. Or maybe it was some of the minigames being too long that made me feel that way.

Regardless, I had fun. I probably just won't be replaying it.

didn't get the chance to play this game until 2021 but I finished a few playthroughs in one sitting and had a huge smile on my face the whole time. definitely game of the year in 2021 for me.

oozing with charm, a home to hilarious characters ,and I love that animation.

real cute! real tight! real swell! real neat!

A short, lighthearted point and click adventure set in a universe inhabited by alligators.

In Later Alligator, you attempt to help Pat - a paranoid, jumpy and scatter-brained fellow who thinks his family might be out for his head.

Although it isn't long, the game hands you the reins to explore a city where you'll find a myriad of colourful characters, each one having a distinct flavour to the last.

By meeting the different characters, you'll be given the chance to complete a wide series of a variety of minigames, ranging from pinball, slider puzzles, a dating sim, five finger fillet, etc. etc.
You don't have to complete them all to win the game, but I enjoyed my time with most of them and it's nice that there is a lot to choose from to fill out the time.

Although there's so many different minigames to play, the Mario Party-esque nature of them means that the game has no real direction in coherency of gameplay and some of the minigames can feel janky.
Despite this, looking past this flaw isn't too hard considering what the rest of the game has to offer.

The writing is lighthearted and obviously isn't meant to be taken seriously, but the goofy nature of the game together with its cast of idiosyncratic personalities definitely helps elevate what is essentially a minimal mystery plot wrapped around a collection of mini games.

The art style is distinct and has an interesting use of its bleached colour palettes. I enjoyed the different portrayals of the alligators with different snouts, eyes, noses etc., some of the looked quite funny too.

One thing I definitely was surprised but nonetheless VERY impressed by was all of the fabulous animation work for just about any area, character, locale, minigame - you name it.
All of it is lovingly brought to life in hand-drawn animation that, along with its alligator-themed world, sets Later Alligator apart from many of its ilk in that regard.

Lastly, the soundtrack is both fitting, moody and eccentric in all the right ways for its scenarios that they feature in. It accompanies the game well, but also stands on its own as nice pieces of music too.

To sum it up, Later Alligator is a solid point and click game that is a little bit distracted by its attempt to try so many different things at once, but nonetheless is an enjoyable experience on a lot of fronts.

The game's a nice calm and fun play through, though I would suggest getting it on steam as the switch version has a bug for puzzle pieces

stellar animation and funny writing, unfortunately the gameplay is too lackluster to give anything more than a 3/5

I heard about this game a couple of years ago and finally gave it a try.
One of the main draws was the graphical style and the whimsical tone of the game... Unfortunately, once I started playing, I didn't get as hooked as I expected... So, mileage will vary depending of the player.

The main thing you do in the game is find characters who will have mini games to play for you, but I thought too many games didn't have clear enough instructions, and you'd have to figure them out by failing at least once.

The game is short, and you'll be able to get back into it to explore and find collectables even after you've beaten it. However, even though I haven't seen everything the game has to offer yet, I don't know whether I'll launch the game one more time to actually see it.

TL;DR : The gameplay isn't stellar, but if you like the tone of this point'n'click / mini-game collection game, you'll be likely to excuse it, and you might even love it.

Was grinning for most of this. All the characters are delightful, the world lush and rewarding, and then soundtrack has a really great range of unique tracks. Loved all of the mini games but a couple here and there had an obtuse win state that took a few tries. Really great for a long single session to 100%. Big pajama Sam vibes

Really lovely game with SO much character in its art/animations and lots of fun little puzzles. Enjoyed the story a lot, and so much to see & find that I never minded running around the city to find stuff.

so so fun and delightful. so charming with an enormous number of animations and cute details. this game is too silly and I love it so much. I still remember the characters and situations really well after all this time. some minigames are more fun than the others, and it can be hard to do everything you want to with the time limit, but the game is so short that it's almost a non issue to me. love the ending, love this game, PLAY IT.
(also soundtrack is great thanks 2Mello)

It's a good game. cute, funny, there's definitely some depth and repeatability for the mystery solvers


this game is amazing. just the humor, the atmosphere, the vibes, the characters, the REFERENCES. my god. multiple times i almost bust a gut laughing, but at the same time i felt endeared to each and every character in their own way. even when i was being a bit of a dingus and getting stuck on certain puzzles i still had fun playing the game. also a lot of replay value surprisingly, considering your choice of gator companions is limited. fuck the pinball achievement, though.

This game is only good if you're an achievement hunter (meeeeeeee)