Reviews from

in the past

Stray if it was good. This is what happens when you actually stick to a vision instead of blowing your entire budget on Sonymaxxing.

It's a delightful mixture of Untitled Goose Game and Goat Simulator–with a little Breath of the Wild for good measure–wrapped into a delightfully dense, vertical, but manageable open world.

While the controls are a bit janky, it's hard to complain when the game purposefully lacks friction and instead gets by on the strengths of its exploration, tone, and quest design.

Super cute, sometimes funny, and usually pretty wholesome chungus. But this is definitely a game by people who actually understand cats. I remember soyfacing extremely hard when I came across a cucumber, and the cat jumped 16 feet into the air.

It's concise, confident, and a great way to spend an afternoon.

Little Silly, Cute Kitty

I'm a cat owner and have been for the last sixteen or so years of my life. My first cat was an all black football cat named Lurkey. This was a name given by my father because our large lad spent the first year of his life with us after moving in from the frigid outdoors living in the shoe room only emerging from his cave to eat and use the litter. Lurkey passed and my parents obtained a new cat via the cat distribution system while I was away in college, her name was Esme and she was also a black cat with a shame reminiscent of a pigskin. I write this all to say that I have a long love for black cats, and Little Kitty Big City is playing right into its target demographic here... a gamer with a cat who grew up with black cats.

My ferocious feline, named Albert Whisker (yes RE fans that's for you,) began to maul at my screen as SOON as I started Little Kitty, Big City. Maybe upset he isn't getting the same adventure in my humble apartment as our purring protagonist gets in a bustling (presumably) Japanese city, but that's neither here nor there. LKBC gives you one simple objective as the procatonist: get home after a tragic fall leaves you... not home! What gives the game a runtime as long as you want is the world filled with a plethora of collectibles, objectives, and animals to meet and converse with around town. The humor is endearing, a continuous hide and seek match with a chameleon comes to mind here, and the charm of interaction with your surroundings is endless. The environment is easy to make your way around and becomes immediately familiar to the player after a few rounds. I commend the dev team for knowing how to stack things inside such a small area to make it fun and traversal not feel like you're spinning in circles through the same area.

Ultimately this is a short game without too many bones to stand on, but it was fun for the couple hours I ran through the "main story" and putzed around side objectives. I had a few bugs that I couldn't really call frustrating because well... look at the game, but they were a bit annoying when trying to time or prepare jumps that faltered right away. I only had to reload a save once after being stuck in a stool but again, I only lost about a minute or two of progress. Game Pass was the right price for LKBC, otherwise I probably wouldn't have bought it. I'd recommend to anyone with a subscription or people who just really like cats, it's a fun one.

From the cover alone, you can probably already tell what you're in for with Little Kitty, Big City, and yes, it is exactly as charming, delightful, and obnoxiously cute as you want it to be.

That said, as ridiculous as it sounds, I did have some slight apprehension going into this, given what kind of game Stray was (or, in this case, was not).

Thankfully, underneath all the sweetness, there is a fun lil platformer to be found in Little Kitty, Big City and it's not merely a cute cat simulator where you run around doing cute cat things. I mean, it is very much that as well, but it's also a half-decent collectathon with some simple but engaging puzzles and side quests for the titular little kitty to embark upon.

Really, 'simple but engaging' is perhaps the best way to describe this game. It doesn't try to be anything more or less than it needs to be. The entire thing can be finished in less than 6 hours, and outside of some wonky catforming controls and animations, it holds your attention the entire way through.

With fun platforming, endlessly delightful little touches to the cat's behaviour and animations throughout, an upbeat, jazzy score and a delightful sense of humour, it's exactly the kind of game you need to take a break from the 50+ hour narrative-heavy, live-service AAA games that inhabit the space.

Sometimes you just want to reject modernity and embrace kitty.


Esse jogo me surpreendeu mais do que eu imaginava.

Apesar dele não ter uma cidade tão enorme, ele tem uma cidade bem concentrada e rica em detalhes, além disso, possui uma liberdade gigantesca e uma história que apesar de simples, tem personagens fofos e carismáticos.

Um dos pontos altos, também é um dos pontos fracos, a movimentação.

A movimentação do gato é super fluída e limpa, porém na hora de escalar coisas e objetos, ela se torna um pouco estranha e por muitas vezes bem bugada, ocorreu comigo até um caso de eu simplesmente entrar dentro de uma parede e ficar preso.

Fora esses pequenos errinhos, esse jogo é quase perfeito pro que ele se propõe, mitada indie.

muito bonitinho, mas é mais um desses jogos de "(insira animal aqui) sai pela cidade fazendo uma bagunça" em que você tem uma lista de tarefas pra completar. não é ruim, longe disso, mas também não faz nada novo, ele tenta ser tipo um untitled goose game misturado com stray.

vale a pena jogar pra se divertir já que ele é bem curtinho

Jogo simples de um gatinho que lançou no Game Pass. Falta apenas uma conquista para eu pegar 100% nele. É um game bem legal para passar o tempo, já que é bem simples. Algumas mecânicas do game podem parecer um pouco confusas no início, porém com o tempo você pega a manha e fica bem tranquilo de se jogar. Como disse antes, é um jogo bem simples... Não espere grandes coisas vindo dele, mas ainda é um jogo divertido com uma história fofa que vale a pena conferir.

Little Kitty, Big City. Hitting the gritty. Better than Stray by a bitty. Controls nifty, but sometimes mingy. "Worth $12.50", if I were grifty.

Nah, fuck that cringe shit. Look - the game is fine. Has some of the same misgivings as Stray such as the handholding and need for unfair amounts of precision on jumps, but unlike Stray, you can control your orientation and it's not as slow-going. The amount of customization (hats, some of which are functional) and the cheerful soundtrack both serve as highlights.

Stray if it was made by people who run pet accounts that act like it’s the pet using it

just being a silly little kitty goofing around a cozy recreation of Japanese suburbia

It's incredibly mid. Imagine Untiled Goose Game, but not as good. A simple 3D platformer with janky controls, grindy gameplay and annoying elements. There's fun to be had here since it is quite cute and also very short, but there's no replay value and it's definitely not worth the £20 asking price. I'd buy it for about £7/8 max.

A nice short game that doesn't overstay its welcome. If you liked Untitled Goose Game but wished it had some platforming, and a cat, this one's for you.

Points deducted for a few weird glitches, including a glitched quest. Some of the platforming can be troublesome with the controls, but overall, a solid experience.

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another too-on-the-nose game that panders to a very specific type of online person; myself included though it feels like it acknowledges a part of me that I don't particularly want recognized. the little animation flourishes when you pounce on a collectible or scurry your paws crawling through a gap, the silly hats, the Japan setting, the pastel solid color art style, it all feels workshopped to be something that'll go viral on twitter and be the "this was made exactly for me!" experience of 2024 for a select group. too easy to feel a bit patronized from the carrot so clearly dangling in front of my face.
doesn't help that dialogue is ever-present and feels like it was written for a children's TV show, and even the movement isn't as tight as I feel it should be for a game mostly about traversal.
unfortunately I had more fun coming up with increasingly-ridiculous rhyming phrases based off the title (a somewhat humorous tune about a small cat metropolis is a pretty witty itty bitty kitty city ditty)

What a cute little open world checklist game that never felt like I had to do anything but made me want to. The little hats rock. Only beef was that the climbing kinda sucks at times and there was a bit of jank at times.

This is what I wanted Stray to be - a game with a nebulous overarching goal that you can achieve at some point but being able to spend the vast majority of your time going around doing cat things; making friends and causing chaos.

Could maybe have done with a little more to do in the hub world, or had that area be slightly bigger but still good fun.

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I named Little Kitty after my dearly departed black cat, Rascal. I like to think this is what she spends her days doing in the kitty afterlife 🙏

They fully leaned into the millennial cute cat memetics, and honestly, it sort of works. It's a very cute game that doesn't really try to do much else aside from being cute. And that's alright.

I do feel that these kinda of cutesy/wholesomy kind of games often ends up feeling a bit substance-less and fast food-y; And LKBC isn't immune to that; but honestly, that's also fine. I was reading a tweet by the devs about how they made sure that the game didn't have anything scary or morbid in it, because they wanted very young children to be able to enjoy it, and I think that's cool and good.

I unno, it's short and cute and I enjoyed it and I wish I could have a cat but I'm not allowed one in my apartment.

I am not immune to cataganda.

The mechanics of jumping should have been in stray!

This is a fun time of a game, despite having an achievement bugged I’m very happy with the quality of this!

I still prefer stray, but that’s personal opinion ain’t it.

Ps I was an absolute menace in this!

Jogado no Xbox Game Pass. A proposta e a fofura funcionam extremamente bem, mas eu acho que o resultado final de gameplay acabou ficando raso demais. O movimento (e principalmente o pulo) são meio estranhos, as missões são repetitivas demais e você tem vários elementos subaproveitados (como o miado ou os emotes). Eu ainda quero voltar e fazer 100%, mas não senti vontade de fazer isso já.

This game rewards exploring and interacting as a cute silly cat

Little Kitty Big City is a game I went into with a lot of interest, and left wanting more from. I had been waiting for this games release ever since I heard about it, the idea seemed novel, and something that I would love; and it was certainty something I loved. Sure, it does not do everything right. Glitches, dialog with way too much text in areas, and dull-ish end game achievements. But overall, this game does not over stay its welcome, and is a fun little distraction between bigger titles.

Very charming game, especially as someone who loves cats! It has incited comparisons to untitled goose game, and I think I had more fun with this game than that one, but they decidedly left me with kind of the same feeling. It’s very charming looks-wise, it’s fun going around doing cat stuff, but… the ‘fun’ of playing an animal and doing mischief just fades very, very quickly. I think this game has more cuteness going for it than Untitled Goose Game did, but it also has a lot more jank to it, which in this case I didn’t really mind since I never got stuck, but I was surprised by the sheer amount of it at times. Oh well, in any case, it’s cute, it’s nice, it’s fun and it’s pretty short, so you can’t go wrong with this one if you just want a catastic adventure.

An adorable, light-hearted escape where you romp through a city as a curious kitten, tackling simple but engaging challenges. It's charming and perfectly uncomplicated—ideal for unwinding. The game may not revolutionize anything, but its cute factor and straightforward play make it irresistibly enjoyable.

the millennial cringe is strong with this one

I've been on a bit of a negative streak with my reviews. Time to lighten the mood with a wholesome pallet cleanser. I thought the writing was enjoyable, and exploring around was a lot of fun. What makes this game work for me I think is how a majority of it is truly just exploring for the sake of experiencing more of the game. You can rush through and finish the main mission and roll credits extremely quickly if you want. But the game's about roaming around being a lil' kitty in a big city. Perfect gamepass game to brighten my gaming mood. Love that despite initial impressions making me assume this would be a goose game mixed with stray type thing, it was able to stand out on its own ultimately not sharing much beyond surface level observations with those two. Cat-likes haven't become oversaturated yet thank goodness.

It's a tad buggy, and normally I wouldn't even bring something like that up because I genuinely do not care. Bugs don't bring a game down imo. Gamers gotta stop pretending they're professional game critics 'cuz they saw a Glitchy animation and pointed it out on youtube with an arms-crossed sighing PNG looking at the footage. But uh, I do bring it up this time because the game glitched so hard that taking a picture in the camera mode warped me to the ending cutscene and put the game in a bugged state where the cat was spinning rapidly during the credits. So that should probably be fixed lool. It happened consistently when taking a screenshot while running around a human's feet. After I'd already seen the ending, doing this again would just fade to white. While it was white screened, 20 seconds later I got an achievement for knocking someone over by landing on their head. Wild stuff lol. Otherwise small thing to note is the collision can be a tad wonky, but I'll gladly take that over every jump being hard scripted uncharted style.

But yeah loved all the little hats you could find, characters and their quests were charming enough to hunt down and complete. Fun list of achievements to figure out. A couple of 'em were a bit too grindy, most were fine but asking to recycle 100 cans is a tad overkill. I think the industry could use some more games like this. Small but packed with love. Absolute breath of fresh air after a lot of these obscenely long games I've been trudging through lately.

It also let me live out the fantasy of living in a walkable city. I live in an automobile infested nightmare where even on any given quiet street you'll see, no exaggeration, 50+ cars lined up and down the entire road on both sides, with any notable destination being 10+ miles in any direction... So that's a plus on a personal note. Big Car doesn't want you to realize cities can be small enough for little kitties to explore. Similar to how Big Game doesn't want you to realize we could be getting smaller games with "worse" graphics made by people who are paid more to work less and we'd all be happier for it.

Short and sweet romp through a cute city and cute kitty. I'm always down for a 3D platforming collect-a-thon. Movement feels good although the jump can be a little sluggish sometimes. Fun 100% with the exception of a couple luck based activities that took a bit too long. Randomly waaayyy too much text that can only be skipped by spamming instead of a one button skip.

Hats are good.

This game is so adorable!! Having a checklist of achievements to go through makes galloping through the sandbox have more of a purpose, and walking around and smacking stuff as a cat is just the cutest thing! I wish the game was a little longer or had more quests, as I completed all of the achievements in a little over 4 hours, but I will definitely be replaying this with my girlfriend, who is probably one of the main demographics for this game. If you have Game Pass, this is definitely a must play if you want a comfy fun game!

A more feel-good take on Stray, and if you can play as a cat wielding a samurai sword in its mouth chasing down the general public you've already won me over.

Honk your heart out Untitled Goose Game... this cat is already the most badass character in gaming history.