Reviews from

in the past

"I don't know about angels, but it's fear that gives men wings."

Still kicks all kinds of ass even after a dozen replays. Max Payne, along with its sequel, slot comfortably into my top 10 games of all time. It still holds up (save for some weird compatibility bugs that are easily patched), plays great and has writing and voice acting that is still unmatched compared to most games that have come out since.

Remedy has been on an absolute tear with Control and Alan Wake 2 so if they can take that magic and apply it to the upcoming Max Payne remakes then a stone cold classic could possibly be made even better.

Max Payne was one of those characters I always had a strong familiarity with but I’ve never actually gotten around to playing the series which is a bummer. I really missed out as a kid (my loss is my mom’s luck though because I know she would’ve needed to help me with those blood mazes).

Aside from the peculiar controller movement that takes some getting used to, the game still holds up incredibly well, and I had a blast with it even 23 years later. A true classic.

Gameplay has not necessarily aged the bests, at least on controller. I feel like this game would be a lot smoother with mouse and keyboard, of course its what it was designed for. That being said, the game is still fun.

Gunplay, while not as precise on controller, is really fun. The dive mechanic is fun. My one real gameplay criticism is that managing health is a pain (ha). You have to find painkillers to heal, and if you don't your just outta luck. One of those old "you respawn with the health you had when you saved" type deals where it's easy to get kinda stuck in a shit situation. That being said, it wasn't enough to make me hate playing.

The story is kinda generic but in a the same way something like Dragon Quest is generic. Max Payne inspired most of the detective/crime thriller stories we see to this day in gaming. It is not its fault that its so influential that its now generic! What ISN'T generic at all though is the way that story is told. The comic book style is so fun and engaging, and its really fun to just go through and reread the story. The dialogue is also written perfectly.

Overall this is a great game, and if the remake can fix the gameplay quirks, this could be a 5/5.

I was in a Backloggd review.

Funny as hell, it was the most horrible thing I could think of.

Minha ''análise" poderia ser resumida em: Max Payne tem uma história muito boa, atmosfera noir bacana e envolvente, dublagem (em inglês) incrível, gameplay legal, mas com sistema de dificuldade horrível.

Porém, eu decidi que vou dissertar "um pouco" sobre isso.

Uma das melhores coisas nesse jogo é que o modelo facial do Max Payne foi o próprio Sam Lake, que na época era o roteirista do jogo, e hoje é o diretor criativo de qualquer jogo da Remedy. Ver a cara do Max Payne / Sam Lake durante as cutscenes enquanto ele mata trocentos inimigos é ao mesmo tempo engraçado e fodástico. A expressão facial do Max Payne, que parece o tempo inteiro que ele está com uma vontade enorme de cagar ou mijar é icônica. E o fato do Sam Lake ainda conseguir fazer a mesma expressão mesmo depois de mais de 20 anos é ainda mais foda.

Uma coisa que é preciso se atentar é que o Sam Lake realmente só deu o rosto para o Max Payne. Quem dubla ele na versão original (em inglês) é o ator sensacional James McCaffrey, que é um amigo e colaborador de longa data do Sam Lake, e por isso ele dublou personagens dos outros jogos da Remedy.

Uma coisa que até hoje é lembrada e é realmente bacana é a mecânica de bullet time, onde o tempo fica lento e o Max Payne pode atirar em seus inimigos com mais facilidade (e estilo também, quando se ativa o bullet time e logo em seguida dá um pulo pro lado). Isso claramente foi inspirado no filme Matrix, de 1999 (que não inventou isso, mas aperfeiçoou e trouxe para o público geral), e essa mecânica não seria exclusiva de Max Payne nos jogos. Ela também foi utilizada, por exemplo, nos próprios jogos de Matrix e na trilogia F.E.A.R.

Outra coisa legal desse jogo é que a história é contada principalmente por meio de páginas de quadrinhos que estão aos montes no jogo, seja em locais e objetos-chave no cenário, como também em trocas de capítulo.

Esse é um baita jogo, quase excelente na minha opinião, e que felizmente conseguiu seu lugar na história dos jogos. A Remedy mereceu esse reconhecimento.

F para James McCaffrey, dublador de Max Payne, Thomas Zane (em Alan Wake 1), Zachariah Trench (em Control) e Alex Casey (em Alan Wake 1 e 2). Um excelente dublador, que partiu cedo demais. Descanse em paz, James.

Ahead of its time in some ways, and painfully dated in many others. I loved the storytelling, the realistic locations, detailed ambient soundscapes, scripted setpiece moments, and the combat when the game was playing fair. Unfortunately the gameplay often devolves into trial-and-error tedium, where you'll grind your way through encounters and quicksave every couple minutes knowing instant death is always just around the corner. The game punishes you for using its iconic dive by leaving you defenseless and unable to shoot at the beginning and end of the animation, and using slow motion is often frustrating because suddenly your bullets travel at a snail's pace, requiring you to lead your targets in a way that just doesn't feel right. Sometimes you pounce on a group of enemies and kill them with a quick burst of precise gunfire and it feels great, other times you'll pump 5 shotgun blasts into a goon's face as they continue shooting you like the Terminator. I can't imagine what a slog this must have been on consoles back in the day.

Stupendously cinematic for the age, a bounciful accolade of heroic bloodshed and a lovechild of different styles- Moody tragedy as the ammunition to John Woo breakneck spectacle and larger-than-life Lynchian existentialism. If not for the aged yet marvelously balanced gunfighting, the screenwriting was COOKED. It's still such a hypnotic oddysey thanks to McCaffrey (rest his soul) and Sam Lake's masterminding surfing on atmospherical coolness. Remedy peaked here.

Max Payne, to this day, is one of the greatest and most revolutionary games ever made. Not just from a gameplay and storytelling perspective for video games, from voice acting and aesthetics as well. The amazing gunplay that still holds up today mixed with the slow-down mechanic, aka Bullet Time, makes for such a fantastic gameplay loop that seldom gets stale. Although some segments of the game are very difficult, they feel super rewarding to get through once you do beat them, and the overall experience makes for such a heart-wrenching and satisfying time.
The story while somewhat simple, is awesome and hooks you from the start, and immediately makes you feel sympathy for Max, and speaking of Max, easily one of the greatest and most fantastically written video game protagonists of all time. A happy man whose everything is ripped away from him, and from that moment, he spends the rest of his time dwelling on the past and trying, and failing to bring himself back up from drowning. The story, along with the wonderful voice acting from James Mcaffrey and others, make for a storytelling experience we hadn't quite seen in that caliber since Metal Gear Solid back in 1998 on the PS1. The Noir aesthetic adds to the amazing atmosphere of the game, and puts together an experience that is nothing short of amazing to get through even today. Please play the Max Payne trilogy, you won't regret it :)

I had only played the third game so I figured i would go back and try the OG's and while I can 100% see why this game is so well revered but unfortunately I did not have a great time playing it.

Firstly I think the narrative is amazing, such a great broody noir detective story. For a 23 year old game it surprisingly has a large focus on its narrative and atmosphere. James McCaffery gives an iconic performance as Max Payne and his snarky delivery adds a decent bit of humour to the still image cutscenes. Speaking of the cutscenes I really like the drawn comic panels, it gives a kind of court room sketch artist vibe and in some cases can look really creepy, way better than polygon character cutscenes.

Unfortunately the game really shows its age in its gameplay/level design. I never really found any problem in parts 1 & 2 but part 3 I regularly found myself getting stuck on levels for a long period of time. A lot of this can be put down to the game trying to do more than it was capable of such as "Platforming". The part 3 prologue is a good example, You have to walk across a really thin line whilst in janky slow motion and have to jump to other really thin lines and pray that you are going in the right way due to their being no direction what so ever. This section alone has killed any desire for me to revisit this game

Now of course this game has its problems because it is 23 years old, and whilst it has a surprisingly engrossing narrative and a really memorable protagonist, I do not think that it is a masterpiece. I still hope for a remake of both this and Max Payne 2 but due to recent events its seeming more and more unlikely. So if this will end up being the only rendition of this game there is then you could do far far worse.

Very fun game, gameplay didn't feel dated at all and going into bullet time was satisfying every time. Really liked the comic book style of storytelling + Max's narration. It felt just like I was playing an action movie but as a video game.

"They were all dead. The final gunshot was an exclamation mark to everything that had led to this point. I released my finger from the trigger. And then it was over."

Ah, Max Payne. The game that taught kids that being a cop is cool and fun as long as you're wearing a leather trenchcoat while diving through the air in slow motion.

And that grimace. Man, oh man, that grimace.

However, when you're not diving through the air and shooting wildly as most of your bullets miss their target, Max Payne is a superb noir thriller. It manages to thread the line between homage and affectionate parody at times perfectly. The endless metaphors and similes could wear real thin real fast depending on your tolerance for them, but the game is at least self-aware of that fact, with a particular sequence poking fun at itself in a charming way.

Otherwise, the actual story at play here is a decent thriller caper, propped up mostly by James McCaffrey's excellent vocal performance as the lead, with stylish graphic novel cutscenes peppered throughout to bridge the gaps between chapters. The narrative by itself is fine, but the presentation definitely elevates it to something unique, so it balances itself out.

The gameplay is, of course, the highlight, with excellent gunplay mixed with dodging and slow-mo mechanics that can make an otherwise bland combat encounter much more impactful, proving once again that the right presentation can elevate the form. However, where Max Payne starts to wain for me is in its difficulty, level design, and platforming segments. The levels themselves are fine, but there's not much variety outside of the first and last portions of the game, and it dips into becoming a corridor shooter before long.

It's a shame the other difficulty levels are locked until completion since not much challenge is offered otherwise. In fact, nearly all of my game-overs were reached thanks to missing a jump or getting caught on a platform.

Still, there's no denying that Max Payne is a classic and despite the remake on the horizon, its still more than worth it to jump into the original version.


The lobotomized devotees of the Personal Computer love to tell anybody who will listen about how one of the platform's greatest advantages is that it has the best backwards compatibility in existence. Of course, they neglect to mention that trying to play any game that's more than about 10 years old requires going to the PC gaming wiki, searching steam forums, and eventually downloading weird DLLs and mysterious EXEs from some freak's google drive.

Anyway, after doing that, and also limiting my framerate to 60 so the shootdodge would work as intended, I was ready to revisit a seminal game of my youth: Payne in da butt. Hehe, yeah, Payne to da Max!

It's really quite astonishing that, as the de facto progenitor of the modern third-person shooter (no, Tomb Raider was an action-adventure game, you dolts) they nailed it right out of the gate. Gunplay still feels good to this day, although movement can be a little wonky. I think that might be a side-product of playing it on a 2023 computer, though.

Its biggest problem is that its difficulty can often feel cheap. This is setting aside the famously broken adaptive difficulty: it only lowers on deaths, but if you're playing on PC you'll be quicksaving and quickloading, so it never goes down and by the end of the game the enemies are insane bullet sponges that will headshot you in .000001 seconds. Some areas can amount to trial-and-error, incentivizing that sort of constant quicksaving due to how often offscreen enemies love to chuck grenades at you in stairways, or slide around corners to ambush you with shotguns. I also recommend turning off the aim assist, as bullets aren't hitscan. This is no doubt due to the need to model their movement in bullet-time, but they move so slowly that the auto-aim making you shoot at where enemies are instead of where they will be means you'll whiff if they're moving at all.

Many of Remedy's future trademarks are on display here: Integration of live-action, via comic cutscenes. Fictional TV shows within the game, though limited to one episode each of Lords and Ladies and Address Unknown here. And, of course, experimental storytelling within the game itself.

I feel like an aspect of MP1 that's often overlooked is how goddamn nightmarish it is. Literally, in some cases -- As a kid I think I didn't grasp just how insane it was that this John Woo-inspired action game opens with an on-screen baby corpse. But as Max trudges through this New York Fimbulvetr, apparently brought on by the death of his partner Alex Balder, the grimness is constantly offset by some of the goofiest shit imaginable. It really shouldn't work as well as it does -- the combination of New Yawk Guidos, X-Files-esque government conspiracies, and Norse mythology somehow results in a cohesive aesthetic against all odds.

No doubt this is due in large part to the late, great, James McCaffrey. Without his voice, it's hard to imagine Max being as iconic as he is. This was also a time when 99% of game voice acting was still total dogshit (the non-Max characters are indicative of what we were all used to) so it really stood out.

MP1 isn't the peak of the series, it was surpassed by Max Payne 2, a game whose only flaw is its rather short length (something shared with 1: although How Long to Beat lists MP1 as 8 hours, I completed it in about 5, so I don't know what they're talking about) and equaled by Max Payne 3.

If you want to play Max Payne 1, this is what I had to install to get it working. Limiting your FPS will depend on what video card you're using, but on a 7800xt I found it was the "radeon chill" option in the AMD Adrenalin software. God, I hate PC gaming so fucking much. Too bad the console ports of Max Payne 1 were total crap from a butt. I think the ports of 2 were fine, but I never played them. Time to see what sort of voodoo magicks I have to employ to play 2...

"I was in a computer game. Funny as hell, it was the most horrible thing I could think of."

Raw as hell.
it was cool to see just how much of Remedy's current games was already in there.

also a note to the iOS port being surprisingly very good??
it deserves applause that a mobile port from 2012 now supports controllers, 21:9 aspect ratio and 120fps with proper settings and even a contrast enhancer.
Compared to the Steam version that needs a patch to even work properly, it's kicking its ass.
Wish more mobile ports were this well kept for modern smartphones

dive and tear your way through a cold winter's night in new york city and take your revenge. a classic if cliched tale of vigilante justice elevated greatly by sam lake's unique writing voice that has fun with its cliches without dipping into parody and a memorable low budget diy graphics presentation, tied together with simple but incredibly fun shooting. it's an all-timer and endlessly replayable.

This review contains spoilers

This game is so beautiful.... we really don't need anything better than baked lighting.

Also love when it diverts into pulp horror for a lil bit.

After playing for a few hours I went walking down the street and my brain randomly sent signals to my brain being like "Can you activate slow-mo and do a bellyflop into the concrete????" not realizing that you can't do that in real life.

Nothing to say but, rest in peace James McCaffrey. An iconic character with an iconic voice that can never and will never be forgotten.

-the rxmas of this medium tbh
-boyfriend said this game is like what a child thinks real life places would be like. was playing the ragna rock segment when he said that and u know what he’s right. feels at times like a fake game made for a real movie, like the gta clone in spike lee’s inside man lmfao
-nails what winter feels like in cold grey places. think more ppl need to appreciate old rockstar aesthetics. ik this is not rlly a rockstar game but idk the look that this bully and gta3 share during their winter scenes are unparalleled. ill probably never play manhunt bc idk idgaf but I bet those games have lots of cool like grey winter scenes
-the platforming horror prologues are consistently rlly cool and don’t rlly outstay their welcome esp when save-scumming. cool that ur literally reliving/replaying max’s most traumatic moments and it kind of paints him as a total psychopath ie in the fact that he’s responsible for sm death and destruction but is haunted by the only death that’s happened to him. feel like playing mp3 beforehand def endeared me more to max as a character and also having a real person’s face grafted onto the ingame model rlly helps humanize the character as well
-weird survival horror angles in this whenever there’s a cutscene, but like the masc vers of that. specifically lots of overhead diorama ass angles, kind of goes hard. idk I fell off of silent hill 4 real hard after playing like half of it solely bc I was not having fun and it wasn’t what I wanted to see in a survival horror game. idk this is and enough of that has to do w how overwrought and weird the sounds in this game are. the fucking baby crying in all the platforming moments lmaoo. idk this is like a very masculine game but also very in its feelings, very emo I love it
-think seeing non-american’s world view of nyc pre 9/11 is genuinely such an important thing to have esp as someone who has no memories of a world before that. think remedy’s take on the city is just as inspired and prescient as sons of liberty and the only reason this isn’t held in quite as high esteem in that regard is bc idk this didn’t have censorship at the last minute/is a hopeless story in a hopeless world unlike the ending of mgs2/looks and feels more nj than ny
-owned this either on my first iphone or my ipod as a child and never got past the first five mins lol

About damn time. Hard-boiled snowy John Woo worship with a slight air of sardonicism throughout. The "bullet time" mechanic it birthed is slightly janky now, but when it works, it fucking works. Don't miss this classic.

Its almost a perfect first attempt at a Video Game. And contrary to popular believe: This isnt a quick save nightmare and if you actually play well using the bullet time to slow down and speedup the action, then you can blast through even the highest difficulty. Besides that the game has fantastic voice acting, a fun story and a killer atmosphere that still holds up.

Through its apparent attempt to be surreal and subversive it ends up succeeding in its original goal, that of being the most honest and down to earth of them all. Max's sense of justice is so stark it feels like vengeance, and he certainly tries to paint it that way, but the end result is a completely righteous set of ideals that guide him on his path towards heaven.

Aqui temos um conceito simples: andar e atirar em tudo que surge na tela. Em sistemas de gameplay, podemos pontuar o bullet-time, que ajuda a criar um senso de estratégia corriqueiro e deixa os confrontos mais divertidos. Mas tudo isso, só funciona da forma que funciona, pela influência imensa que o cinema de John Woo teve aqui, pra que desconhece o sujeito, é um diretor de Hong Kong de filmes de ação (maravilhosos diga-se de passagem).

Além da narrativa, seguir o melodrama típicos da filmografia dele, a gameplay ta mais preocupada em criar situações engajantes do que lógicas ou realistas. É tudo sobre manobras enquanto você tenta matar todos em tela, sendo basicamente o estilo de ação dos filmes.

O jogo só dura um pouco mais do que devia, tirando isso é maravilhoso.

Aged better than you’d think, Max Payne is still a great game. It has it’s flaws but still has better gameplay than most action games. Shame the Playstation 4 port for this is absolutely awful, so bad I had to stop and finish the rest on my computer, thankfully it was much better on that.

all i wanna do is WHACK ‘IM gunshot sound AAAAAUUUUUGGGGHHHH

Simply fantastic, the story is very cool and to the point but whenever there's a comic strip you know you're in for a good time. Clearly inspired by Hard boiled (there's even a reference to it in one of the difficulties' name) and other movies like it. The gameplay can be brutal but having a quicksave quickload feature does help.

If you're playing on PC the patches from pcgamingwiki are mandatory as the PC port on steam is completely broken on modern systems.

After a replay on Hard Mode, I legit think this game is fantastic and deserving to be known as one of the best third person shooters out there. Super fun yet simple gun combat with a art style that works so effectively well with the hard boiled modern Noir story that it wants to tell. The dream sequences are also pretty insane for what they were able to pull off at the time.

It absolutely blows my mind this game was released in 2001. Remedy have once again proven themselves to be masters of their craft - to have writing, art direction, cinematics and voice acting of this quality in a game that's 23 years old is just wild. The gameplay was a bit clunky but it never got to the point where I feel like it was unplayable or unfair in any way.

This is an excellent neo-noir shooter and I can't believe it's taken me this long to play it. Can't wait to start Max Payne 2.

I played this game at a cybercafe in my hometown in Mexico and it was hard so I never really got THAT far plus I usually allotted only 2 hours of play time so that was like 20 pesos. But I went thru this game last year and actually finished it and I loved every minute of it. Bro literally had witch time before bayonetta did, plus seeing how much hardships he went thru during his time as a police man with the war on drugs and then having his family murdered by drug crazed psychopaths was heart wrenching. Plus the scenes where he would be in a dark void just hearing the cries of his dead child are haunting. Remedy were just pumping out good ass games back in the early 2000's

Overflowing with style, this is the definitive neo-noir experience. The bullet physics are top notch. Sam Lake is the GOAT.

Não ta dando pra jogar tanto, mas aproveitei a folga pra jogar essa perfeição aqui, já que tiraram da Steam, apelei pro Eneba e comprei os 2 jogos

cara, a versão de PC é porcassa, muito bug, queda de frame, glitches que fodem a missão (tem um que o jogo simplesmente tava com uma cutscene bugada, a ação começava e simplesmente os npc's atiravam no max durante a cutscene e eu morria LUL)


Esse jogo é maravilhoso, divertido pra UM CARALHO, o primeiro jogo da minha saga de jogos de ação favorita, que se foda os bug's

revisitar esse jogo depois de uns anos sem jogar fez minha semana feliz demais, a história é linda, é engraçada as vezes, o max é um puta personagem, a gameplay em comparação com o 3, envelheceu mal até, mas é bem jogável ainda, o posicionamento de inimigos é bem pensado e te faz sentir raiva, a ambientação desse jogo é simplesmente GENIAL, esse jogo é perfeito demais, tudo o que tem nele é de um nivel muito otimo pra epoca de lançamento, já a OST é simplesmente atemporal

eu te amo max payne, eu te amo

joguem os 3 jogos, não irão se arrepender.