Reviews from

in the past

people will say this trumps every other game in the series through their shattered screen iPhone 8’s and then go to their fridge to see it’s empty the lights are blinking and there is nothing but a slice of week old little ceasers pizza and a 6 pack of stella

I need this shit translated and I need it NOW

Like most of early SMT, Persona 1 is cool. It's trying a lot of bold, interesting stuff, and its aesthetic alone is enough to earn some positive attention. It's just too bad that the execution on all of those ideas always feels so clumsy.

For the record, I'm not talking about the appallingly localized PS1 version. I just tend to log everything under its original release so that when I sort things by release date my results come back the way I want them to and things don't get lost amid 30 versions of the same game.

Even on the PSP, Persona 1 is a slog, though that didn't really start killing me until about halfway through. For a good while, I was having a much better time than I expected. Partially that's because story developments are pretty frontloaded even on the SEBEC route, but really it's because I hadn't yet realized the gameplay's problems, nor the fact that they weren't going to go away.

Persona 1 has a million numbers for you to look at, and leverages them for a battle system that's so much shallower than it looks. There is a tactical grid in battles for the placement of area attacks and the determination of reach, but in practice the player almost never interacts with that grid in any interesting way. You set up your party's positioning near the start of the game and never change it. Resources are abundant and managing them is scarcely a concern. Persona fusion is crippled by the sky-high level requirements on recruiting most foes, and higher level personas eat so much SP and their stats are so often irrelevant in the face of other factors that players are likely to use the same personas across their party for giant stretches of time, and that so often reduces the system to something that's just kind of... there. Before long players are likely to be playing out every battle on auto (and PPSSPP's fast-forward) and seeing little to no punishment for it. The encounter rate is high, and many enemies are annoying, but the average encounter sparks no joy, and that's what one spends about 75% of Persona 1 doing.

I'll admit, I had heard some terrible things about Persona 1 and I had trepidations about playing it. I'm glad that I gave it an honest chance, because before the honeymoon was over I had a pretty good time.

Then the novelty wore off, and I was left with a bunch of unengaging, time-wasting encounters in mean-ass SMT dungeons keeping me from a story that is pretty neat for its time, but not enough to sustain the experience.

Update: I actually bailed before I noticed that you can skip the battle animations on PSP, which is enough to shoot it up a couple points all on its own. In addition to that, like, damn the Snow Queen route is so cool, and I really don't think I was giving it enough credit.

How does it feel being the superior version of persona goat...original arrangements were peak and the auditorial storytelling was pretty good, psp port lost most of that,,

Durante minha maratona de Persona, após ter jogado o 3 e iniciado o 5 (já tendo jogado o 4 anteriormente), visitar o início da franquia foi uma das experiências mais interessantes que eu podia ter tido, ainda mais sendo fã do combate clássico.
Diferente do que todo mundo diz, não, o jogo não está exatamente datado, na verdade, é mais atual que todos os Personas de Katsura Hashino, embora é inegável que ele seja um ótimo diretor, ver problemas de extrema sexualização de menores de idade, transfobia e pedofilia (P3P lol) por quase duas décadas de jogos nas mãos desse diretor, é de fato algo que não consigo relevar.
Persona 1 (e 2, que ainda não joguei mas sei um pouco), ainda escrito por Tadashi Satomi, é justamente o que a franquia sempre quis ser, um Shin Megami Tensei colegial, que assim como todo bom Shin Megami Tensei, trata de seus assuntos com alta complexidade e reflexão.

I like a good dungeon crawler, this one's just okay.

Just not for me right now.

I feel like Persona 1 is truly a product of being the first in the series and was clearly developed as a Megaten spinoff and nothing more. Coming from what Persona would eventually turn out to be, this was hard.

It's more of a dungeon crawler than what I was in the mood for right now, with the story taking a backseat to the gameplay, which I genuinely enjoyed.

To me, it feels like the game doesn't really try to push the story as much at this point (I did only get 5 hours in... twice) and is mainly using it to guide you further along to experience new demons and the gameplay, leaving me confused about the characters and their intentions.

I'll probably read the manga and eventually come back knowing exactly what I'm in for.

I can confidently say this is my least kaneko game (unless majin tensei counts)
I've finished this game a year and a half ago and my experience with it was...slow
The dungeons are redundant, it's either empty hallways, one way path tiles or teleport tiles--nothing exciting, nothing creative. Though I will say, I might have bias since I liked devil summoner 1's dungeons lol

I don't really fuck with the character designs, it's mostly the uniform honestly. The sprites are.. mid, I didn't like it, it's so.. off putting, I don't know how to say it. They also made demons look uninteresting, some boss like Nyx somehow look like not a boss at all, it's just the layout of the combat looks bad and I know even devil summoner uses grid system, it's just somehow they way it looks and how the layout is, the grid system just felt...ass?
Also the final bosses ain't really shit it's just spam the same offensive magic, spam the healing items it's ugh..

Good ost and character writing tho

Not as bad as people say, but still feels very dated and a little bit grindy.

Nanjo me parece excesivamente sexy, lo cual me impidió concentrarme durante gran parte del juego tomando en cuenta que es obligatorio en la ruta SEBEC. De ahí en fuera buen juego, lo recomiendo si te gustan los tipos con lentes.

UNDERRATED should be played more

I might’ve said this in my review of the PSP remake but the sad truth with this game is it was made to be an ambitious and bold experiment in an era of looking forward for the future of Megami Tensei. This has become evident to me (a “megaten maniac”) with the fact that no video game company nowadays would throw away a system they built upon to make a spinoff that boldly would try and do something so risky like being cinematic (based on interviews this seemed to be the main goal). Sadly this creates a tedious gameplay experience that hides a genuinely good story and one I feel like is the most “wow I need to go outside and live my life now” Persona game I’ve played honestly. Whether it’s having the best use of a hidden video game character for legitimate thematic relevance, the crawling darkness of peering deeper into the mind, the absorbing darkness and coolness of the music, or the inner reflection on loneliness in a genre that’s kind of all about playing a long as game by yourself. I think Megami Ibunroku Persona was a great and interesting experiment.

This game is amazing, its story and music are perfect and while the gameplay is a bit flawed I personally had tons of fun with it

Melhor jogo da franquia no quesito história e cast, chega a ser impressionante. É um dungeon crawler que é difícil de acompanhar caso seja seu primeiro, mas é bem tranquilo caso você tenha costume. Não é atoa que criou uma das franquias mais famosas do JRPG.

Perfection in videogame form. 8/10

I feel the exact same way about Persona 1 that I felt about Shin Megami Tensei 1.

Its a goated premise with some really cool ideas thats just annoying to play due to its very archaic design and awful dungeon crawling. I've played worse but combat encounters are way too frequent, and they are the worst combination of piss easy yet time consuming.

Its an interesting game and I think everyone who likes Persona should check it out, but that dosent mean you should get super invested and actually bother to finish it.

What I do strongly reccomand however, is that you read its manga adaptation. It covers its story in a much better way and even expands on it, giving Naoya (the protag) some very good characterisation.

good game with great music and great messages shared through its characters, tons of random encounters tho :/

im not one of those whiny bitches who go "oh the pain i cant keep bumping into walls and dealing with these sections its so OVER" no i get thats just a part of the game. it just feels dated and boring, nothing held up and you need to run into it with an iron will to beat this in 2024.

It is quite an enjoyable experience once you get past the (good?) old maze-crawling RPG scare. If you can't embrace the 80s... yeah you'll be in for a bumpy ride.

Now if you endure the initial hardships, you will be rewarded with a rather well-flashed-out, creative demon-merging system—the Persona system! The setting and character structure are also really fun (though that's SMT if...'s merit, I guess). And I just loved the whole demon contact thing, though I guess that also comes from other games (this was my first Megaten). I've always found most JRPGs to be way too combat focused, so that was just lovely, though the final reward is still combat-related. One negative takeaway is that the combat encounter rate is way too high, making leveling up Agility on your MC a necessity, hindering your roleplay possibilities. Story wise, I guess I just wish the good ending requirements were clearer and that there was more player choice overall.

TL;DR simple, old school, though watered down (yeah you read that right) maze dungeon crawler, with super cool RPG mechanics that set the game apart from others, even from previous Megaten games. Rewards patient players that are willing to overcome the steep learning curve (coming from modern games), though the reward is definitely not that great.

If you're a modern RPG player, this is a scary one. If you're a hard-boiled Ultima/Wizardry/Bard's Tale player, this is one hell of a cakewalk -- you just need to figure the Personas out, and grind a little bit on the Snow Queen route).

De longe, o jogo com a pior fama da franquia, o que é bem irônico, já que é literalmente o segundo jogo mais vendido da franquia, perdendo apenas para o 5º jogo. Obviamente, minha expectativa estava no chão, mas, na verdade, fui bem surpreendido. O jogo é, obviamente, muito mais simples, o menor da franquia, com uma história simples e personagens que nem têm o devido tempo para serem tão bem desenvolvidos, mas já entregam muito carisma. É um jogo bem fora da curva para sua época, e, diferente do que muitos acham, as dungeons em primeira pessoa são muito bem executadas. Particularmente, são bem melhores do que o Tartarus e o Mementos.

Obviamente, a nota não foi tão alta para este por alguns fatores. Querendo ou não, o exagero de inimigos não é algo muito interessante. Em vários momentos, o jogo te coloca em um loop apenas para gastar o seu tempo. Você termina a dungeon e é obrigado a fazê-la toda de novo só porque o jogo quer. Além disso, as batalhas do jogo são as piores da franquia, o que torna a repetição muito chata. Além de tudo, é um jogo bem simples, curto demais para desenvolver os personagens ou trabalhar a trama melhor. Honestamente, acho muito melhor como uma introdução para o 2º jogo do que como um jogo por conta própria, mas isso fica para a review do Eternal Punishment

De qualquer modo, não deixa de ser um excelente começo para uma franquia hoje tão aclamada. A Atlus nunca teve muito orçamento em suas obras, e isso sempre é bem explícito, mas acho que eles sempre trabalharam bem com isso. Mesmo sendo um jogo ultrapassado para a sua época, ele é funcional, e isso não é motivo para ter birra com o jogo. Afinal, o jogo só foi mal recebido no ocidente, e por causa do port horrível. Espero que alguém que ler essa review quebre esse rótulo de ''Oldsona'' e ''Modernsona'' e entenda que, afinal de tudo, esse jogo é tão Persona quanto o 3, 4 e o 5.

Lone Prayer es un temon pero el grindeo que te pide el juego da ganas de intoxicarte a proposito con plomo

Norma general: La mayoría de comienzos son complicados, y Megami Ibunroku Persona es uno de estos.
Es difícil pensar en la saga Persona y que lo primero que pase por tu mente sea este juego, es una rareza cuyo encanto es visible, pero aún así es difícil de comprender.

Gameplay (3/5): A pesar de ser parte de la fórmula Dungeon Crawler que Atlus acostumbraba a hacer durante ese tiempo, Persona 1 queda pálido en comparación a sus contemporáneos. El diseño de niveles suele ser pobre y la ambientación deja mucho que desear.

Historia (3/5): A la par con Persona 4 y 5 ya que todos estos juegos sufren de lo mismo; a partir de cierto punto, la trama se siente como si la estuviera persiguiendo un camión. Tiene problemas de ritmo, sobretodo en la ruta de Snow Queen, donde gran parte de las interacciones entre los personajes y el entorno es nula. Por otro lado, si decides quedarte con Maki y enfrentar a SEBEC te espera una gran aventura; Mark y Nanjo se roban la película, y la misma Maki es un gran personaje de apoyo.

Música (5/5): Difícilmente pondría el aspecto musical de un juego bajo el 4 de calificación, porque como músico sé la virtud y profundidad que puede llegar a tener ese arte... Pero dicho esto y dejando de lado mi yo mamador RWAAAAAAAAAA QUE BUENA ES LA MUSICA DE ESTE JUEGO; hay un debate en redes sobre si la música de PS1 es mejor o la de PSP, y si bien creo que ambos son tremendos OST, PS1 se lleva el premio ya que tiene mayor cohesión con la vibra general del juego.

Veredicto (3,5/5): No diría que este juego es mediocre -porque no lo es- pero tampoco creo que sea un punto fuerte en la franquicia. Se respeta el precedente que dejó en los próximos juegos, y muchos aspectos de este son bastante destacables, pero al final se ven opacados por otros que fueron anticuados hasta en su época de lanzamiento.