Reviews from

in the past

If I need to talk about a game that "was a big part of your collection but nobody even kmows about it", Mini Ninjas is that title for me. I replayed this little gem over and over again and really enjoyed everything that this title got to offer.
It a mostly standard linear platformer with some actions put into it, but its also the combination of many fun things: the ability to get multiple characters, all with different playstyles; the wide collectibles and spells that enlarges your techniques in really creative way, the artstyle that creates both incredibly charming scenery but it's also able to create more stunning and sometimes creepy moments (the cemetery levels took me by surprise at the time). Not to mention that you can approach some sections as you want, either by going full on attack or trying to sneak through the enemy lines.... "it's like in metal gear or smt I dunno"

I remember spending ours on the cooler levels at midnight, trying to sneak on enemies either by taking control of the animals and turning into a rabbit, or just following the troops before backstabbing them.

Honestly it doesn't do anything stunning: it's just a simple idea with a simple but charming and solid execution. But honestly I respected that simplicity at the time, and still made me enjoy it.
It's not like the most revolutionary adventure around and it won't change your life, but it still a fun, overlooked little gem from the time it came out.

Overall Mini Ninjas is a really fun and cute game, but there are some major flaws that stops it from being what it should be.

-Gameplay is simple and really fun specially the special attacks. But there is a problem, there are too many things. Too many magics and too many characters, some of which I never even used/played as. The main character is so buffed you wouldn't need to play as any other except maybe the big one and the archer one. It would have been much better if the magics were spread evenly.

-Graphics are great. It is designed to be cute and cartoonish so it stands up fantastically. But again, there is a big problem. The snowy missions are HORRIBLE, and they are a big part of the game (about one third of it). You can't see anything, everything is SO white it hurts your eyes.

-The story is a simple "Evil Warlord and The Chosen One" story. I only have one question about it, why the fuck didn't the ninja master send the ninjas as a team and instead sent them one by one to get lost. Sound design and voice acting is great btw.

-Level design is mostly good, but sometimes it's confusing specially the snowy missions (because everything looks the same) and the paths that lead to the crow (the one who sells recipes).

Кто бы мог подумать, что студия, известная по играм про киллера, повстанцев и наёмников, неожиданно для всех вывалит на геймерский суд с виду непритязательную побрякушку про детей, возомнивших себя ниндзя в сказочном мире cтраны восходящего солнца? Говорят, не суди книгу по обложке. Но я уверен, что IO Interactive рассчитывали именно на обратное, сделав эту самую обложку как можно более вводящей в заблуждение, лишь бы их новое творение с куда более экспериментальным подходом не ставили в один ряд с ранее упомянутым послужным списком, тем самым взвалив на плечи проекта аутсайдера как можно меньше ответственности, при этом дав вполне себе в меру творческой свободы в рамках скромного бюджета.
Мини Ниндзя представляет из себя очень медитативную экшен-песочницу, где прежде чем пробежать очередной уровень сквозь чередующиеся кучки противнков, тебе куда интереснее будет познать все свои возможности посредством даже наименее полезных механик, как, например, возможность превратиться в курицу и снести яйцо. Игра крайне простая, но незамысловатой её явно не назовёшь, и над разветвлением гибкости мышления игрока постарались вполне славно. Приведу пару основных примеров. Что в твоих руках для нанесения урона? Атака по умолчанию, одна из многих атак за счёт маны, особая атака кокретно выбранного героя, атака расходными снарядами, атака в теле одержимого зверя и т. д. Что в твоих руках для восполнения здоровья? Можешь посвятить долю своего времени на поиски ресурсов, купить у продавца рецепт элексира и крафтить его за счёт необходимых ресурсов. Можешь найти хорошее место для рыбалки и полакомиться суши. Можешь найти и обобрать куст или дерево с лакомыми ягодами и фруктами. И такого вариативного добра здесь просто навалом.
Это яркий пример развеивания узколобого мышления, твердящего о заведомо примитивной сущности продукции, в первую очередь направленной на детскую аудиторию. Ни в коем случае малолетний потребитель не оправдывает халатное отношение великовозрастного творца развернуться на данном ему поприще, каким бы идейно ограниченным оно ни было. Суть игры можно уложить в одно предложение, но это не подразумевает по умолчанию заложенную в неё игровую импотенцию, обрамлённую в банальную кликер-бродилку. Напротив, энтузиазм игры прямо пропорционален тому, что вы сами вкладываете в её прохождение. Будь это скорая пробежка от начала до конца, освобождение каждой клетки со зверюшками от множественных надзирателей или и вовсе неспешное прохождение тише воды и ниже травы, с попутным поиском всего того, что не ровно лежит.
Но довольно с похвалой, Ведь Ioi не Ioi, не будь их игра хотя бы на пол ставки утомляющей мозготрёпкой. Учитывайте всё то, что я расписал прежде, но применяйте эти слова лишь к первой половине, ведь после неё весь мой энтузиазм сошёл на нет. Игра попросту излишне затянута, и тебе уже нет никакого дела не до зверюшек, не до самураев. ты просто хочешь домой. Дизайн каждой игры можно категоризировать на определённые времена года и природные условности, разделённые на несколько уровней. Но, ей Богу, совместив все эти категории однотипных уровней по одной целой секции, игра бы ничего не потеряла, ибо искусственно растянутое прохождение лишь притупляет все те впечатления, которые сама же дарует в свою первую пару часов. Не обошлось здесь и без технической инвалидности, ведь без стороннего вмешательства здесь начисто отсутствует музыка и тормозит игровой процесс, с чем сталкивались ещё на момент релиза.
Мои ощущения сравнимы с одноразовыми качелями, начиная от внезапного откровения в детской неожиданности, заканчивая усталым и разочарованным вердиктом об утраченном в никуда потенциале, c которым мало кто вообще знаком. Да, впрочем, и поделом ему.

So after the ps2 i went over to the xbox side of stuff with the OG xbox and the 360
It wasn't until earlier this year i was able to get a PS3 back and started playing through some of the titles i missed and one of those games, Mini Ninja's!

I was pleasantly surprised when i played Mini Ninja's, It was a fun, chill game with the first playthrough being on Hard mode (which was still quite easy)

So the gameplay is fun, It's smooth, the combat is nice and you can play as 6 different characters (once unlocked) and a different weapon on each character. You collect red orbs aswell which allow you to use that characters special move which can wipe out a group of enemies should you get a little overwhelmed.

I did however find sneaking up on enemies for stealth kills a bit of a pain with using the trigger to sneak and at some points it rolled even though the enemies were unaware of me.
The boss fights are okay, no hard at all and don't really rely on player skill until the final boss, the rest of them are main getting the boss to hit a certain area and then pressing the buttons it shows, the final boss is alot more fun.

This game also has collectables that you can find being Shrines, Plants, Caged animals, Coins and spells, most of these are usually hidden in plain sight and easy to find but for the spells you can use a magic power that will show you where that shrine is on the level and lead you there, all you have to do is find the white flower needed to activate it.

You can also use your spirit power to take the form of animals around you which not only shows you locations of plants with a bad aroma like someone farted on them before hand but you can also be a boar/bear which you can use to attack enemies but once you get hit you lose that form and have to reattach to it again.

I'll be honest i was paying attention to the story for the first couple levels but eventually i kinda didn't care and just kept playing because fighting the Ninja's was fun and i wanted to see if hard mode actually was a challenge or not.

I definitely would recommen this game though even if it is meant for a younger audience it's still a fun little slashing game and the platinum isn't difficult really either and it's only 12-15 hours too

Should have played it years ago when I bought it. It looked very fun but nowadays I find it slow and archeic.

Fun game with a lot of cool ideas and a great style. Swapping ninjas and using the powers is fun, so is wandering the open levels looking for shrines. Riding your hat down raging rivers, exploring snowy mountains, exploring temples and sneaking through the woods, there is a lot to like about this game. Unfortunately it does show it's age with some horrible boss fights, monster closets and some glitches. I could see a reboot making this game super good, it has a lot of good ideas and is worth checking out.

Детская игрушка, вопреки ожиданиям, отлично проработанная и продуманная. Геймплей прост, но приятен на уровне мало кем достижимым.

Looked kind of interesting visually but mechanically it's shovelware.

i played it as a kid so, but i recall it not being that great

What prevents this game from being a masterpiece is the mechanical design of the characters. Only three of them have any worth (Shun, Futo, and the protagonist), while the rest have nothing interesting going on.
But as others have pointed out, the visuals and sound are pretty insane, so meh.

The second half of the game is its main appeal: The gameplay takes a MASSIVE step upwards; every level is unique and fun in its own way. Particularly the koi fish and avalanche levels stand out.

I recommend playing on hard mode while trying to avoid as many enemies as possible. Makes the encounters a lot more fun.

Foi mais divertido do que achei que seria.

this is a pretty good adventure game similar to something like a mainline zelda entry, it's got some issues but overall, it's fun! the art direction is pretty nice, and the extra character cutscenes give a cute backstory for each of the ninjas

Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice of my childhood

I remember playing this when I was younger and even I could tell it had it's shortcomings, BUT that transforming into animals was very fun as well as the stealth segments and some maps actually looked very pretty. The humor wasn't good even back then for me though...

Podemos estar hablando de uno de los mayores sleepers de su generación................ Estoy terriblemente biased pero es que es bueno de cojones trust me

The zelda breath of the wild graphics before breath of the wild, along with top tier humour and gameplay

a versão de ds pelo menos é bem mediana

I haven't played this game in 14 years but my 2.5 star rating dropped to a 2 because I suddenly remembered that this game has a fart boss

this went so hard u gotta be in the know to know

I played the game as a kid! Got it on PC and the game doesn't work...

One of them is not what i would call "mini"

It looks like it's something special, but when you get to play it you realize that it's not. It's pretty basic adventure game of the time with emphasis on sneaking and stealth. It lacks depth in everything, it doesn't go deep enough in any direction, and feels like a missed opportunity to be something great. Art style is it's most memorable feature.

An older game that was seemingly forgotten as there was never anything else from this game. Overall a really fun action-adventure game, where you guessed it, you play as mini ninjas.

so underrated, best childhood game idgaf, SO WHAT IF IM BLINDED BY NOSTALGIA? ARREST ME OFFICER!!