Reviews from

in the past

don't use your jagen he steals exp

I wonder what the kid in the ad is up to nowadays (not Jack Black, the girl who was weirdly into the Atari sprite)

A simple platformer with a nicely fleshed out jungle environment. It gets dull once you get the timing for jumps down and spend most of your time running back and forth to collect the treasures. Could have used a bit more excitement a la Jungle Hunt.

Retro Yearly List #8 [1982: Pitfall!]

I was not aware of Pitfall franchise being born in Atari, the first time I saw it was on SNES, later I discovered that this is a pretty iconic title for Atari players back in the day and one of the "must try" of the console.

For me, playing it for the first time, it's an ok game, the controls are nice, it's just a little bit repetitive. It has similar mechanics to the original DK but with a different approach, you have to collect all treasures spread along several screens before the time runs out, you can go to the right or to the left, or by the underground to travel faster through the screens.

The objective is not clarified by the game so imagine discovering that by yourself without any tip, at least this was the case here in Brazil, it seems that this game's ending was an urban legend, people used to just try to survive for 20 minutes while randomly walking through the several screens.

The actual challenge is tough, to beat it you have to almost have a perfect run, you can see TAS videos beating it in about 17/18 minutes, and an average player is supposed to beat it in 20, that's insane.
Didn't accept the challenge tho, as I used save states.

Fun game. The actual main goal is tough to achieve, but it's still enjoyable even just casually running and jumping through. I beat this for the first time, and it was pretty intense to do so - I had just 16 seconds left on the clock at the end. A satisfying challenge.

Pitfall is the video game precursor to Uncharted, Tomb Raider, Prince of Persia, Assassin's Creed... any kind of adventure game involving traps, falls and hostile architecture, I think.

It's also not as good as any of the above titles and honestly is now kind of a novelty.

I just gave this a replay for the first time in…well, it’s been a while.
You know what I discovered?
It’s still stupidly fun.
I just tried it out as a test and next thing I know, 40 or so minutes had passed as I kept trying to beat my scores.
It’s such a simple game, with simple graphics.
You play as basically a stick figure who runs and jumps and jumps some more. You can swing by vines if they are available. You have to jump over to obstacles, like logs rolling at you, scorpions the size of cocker spaniels, snakes, and use alligators to cross ponds while their mouths are closed.
It all adds up to fun.
I honestly didn’t think it’d be fun anymore. But I was wrong.

Pitfall de certa forma pode ser considerado o pai dos jogos de ação e plataforma, onde o objetivo não é um puzzle a completar ou inimigos para vencer. Apenas uma floresta que você deve explorar na busca de tesouros.
Pelo menos é isso que eu entendo do jogo, porque eu acabo nunca jogando mais do que 10 minutos, sem saber para onde ir, dando em caminhos bloqueados e telas repetitivas. Sem falar da clássica tela em que se deve pular sobre crocodilos, o tempo é muito exato, e na maioria das vezes, dá que você cai na boca aberta do terceiro.

Outro obstáculo clássico são os buracos em questão, que dão o nome Pitfall ao jogo. Em jogos mais recentes da série, é revelado que esses buracos são bocas de criaturas místicas, pois elas abrem e fecham algumas vezes. Na maioria das vezes, para passar deles, você terá ajuda de um cipó que estará convenientemente balançando de um lado para o outro, ao agarrar nele, um som indecifrável é ouvido, que muito depois, alguém se deu conta que é o personagem fazendo o grito do Tarzan...

Em geral, o objetivo do jogo é acumular o máximo de pontos dentro de 20 minutos, coletando barras de ouro e desviando de troncos de árvores que rolam pelo cenário e tiram sua pontuação, e dos animais que te matam de primeira. É só isso mesmo.

Uh... Have you played Atari today?

melhor jogo do Atari 2600 provavelmente... até dá pra se divertir se você não tiver nada mesmo pra jogat

Decently fun time, but once you know how to get past the screens (most of them are repeated) its gets boring. Really great effort from the atari tho

Unlike every other Atari game, this one doesn't get bullshitty impossible difficulty wise after a few screens which I almost want to praise, but I feel it ends up going in the exact opposite direction and becomes really mind-numbing and boring for how easy it is. Finding out how to stand on the alligators heads was the peak of the experience.

App Store revisionism made me think this game was an auto runner for years.

Pitfall is a novelty. Pitfall wasn't always a novelty. Pitfall is probably one of the best games on the 2600, even if that doesn't really mean anything. 3D Tic-Tac-Toe is one of the best games on the 2600 if you can convince a friend to play it with you, if you want a measure of how little it means to be "one of the best games on the 2600." But once upon a time, Pitfall was one of the most sprawling video games ever developed, one you had to spend several weeks slowly, methodically mapping out and then several more improving your executional skill to be able to get even remotely close to beating it.

Nowadays, after running around aimlessly for 10 minutes or so, you can just look up a map of the game. If you then decide to follow along, you'll probably get maybe 70% of the way through before time runs out even with heavy use of emulator rewind. Then you'll probably look up the TAS and see that you've got less than 2 minutes of wiggle room from frame perfection if you want to "beat" Pitfall. I did not beat Pitfall.

I think it's one of the first games I was presented to, and a nice platform for what it was

lityShimmy shimmy yay, shimmy yay, shimmy ya (drank)
Swalla-la-la (drank)
Swalla-la-la (swalla-la-la)
Shimmy shimmy yay, shimmy yay, shimmy ya (drank)
Swalla-la-la (drank)
Swalla-la-la (swalla-la-la)

Um jogo revolucionário e precursor de diversos outros jogo com foco em aventura e plataforam, é um runner infinito para conseguir pontos, mas com boas ideias pra sua época.

Nota: 6/10 (★★★) - Legal

This might be one of the better games I've played on the system. I had some decent fun with the game and I liked the different stuff happening in the background.

The game sure has pitfalls in it