Reviews from

in the past

Despite being a fan of Mario Kart, I only ever played the newer games (DS and onwards). I never touched anything that came before, and that's like half of the games. While I'd still like to play 64, Super Circuit and Double Dash, I figured I'd play the game that started it all. My dad used to reminisce on how he loved playing this game with his friends back in the day, so I figured it would be a fun time. Sadly, I was mistaken as I found it to be kinda sucky.

I'll start with the good parts though. The game's visuals are pretty nice even if the mode 7 can be sort of weird on certain stages. In general though it's nice and colorful and looks good for a SNES game. The ost is also decent with some really solid tracks here and there. I also found the first cup to be alright course-wise even if I ended up only getting 2nd place.

That's it for the positives however, because as a whole this game is just unfun. I said the first cup was alright course-wise and while that's true, I still had an issue with the controls while playing through it. This game is so slippery, if you bump into anything you go flying. The drift feels so loose and is tricky to use, so you'd wanna use it as little as possible. However a good majority of the courses have so many sharp turns in them, you're forced to use the drift. That plus the bumping everywhere aspect just make's it super frustrating to play.

That's not even getting into the CPU's that actively cheat by just having stars whenever they want. I played on 100cc and they were brutal, I'm surprised I was able to get 2nd in the first cup. Once I got to the 2nd cup, I lost halfway through and because I wasn't having much fun to begin with, I just decided to play through the rest of the courses on time trial mode. You can't even unlock special mode until you beat the first three cups on 100cc, which I just said screw that. Oh also the courses are lame for the most part in terms of theming cuz, with the exception of Rainbow Road, they repeat two to three times each (with Mario circuit appearing a whopping four times) and just feel so samey.

Sadly I wasn't able to enjoy this like I thought I did and I think I'm maybe being a bit generous with giving it a 4/10 cuz I really did not have fun. Rainbow Road having an absolute banger song may be why I am not rating it any lower idk lol. Now I'm worried for Mario Kart 64 even tho I've heard good things about it.

As you are probably well aware of at this point, there are a seemingly endless amount of spin-off games in the Mario franchise, whether they continue the traditional platforming style that the original games started, but changed things around, or with most other games that venture into many different genres, like party games, puzzle games, RPGs, and so on. Of course, many fans of this franchise have probably taken a dive into each of these spin-off series at least once to see what they are all about, but, even if you are not a Mario fan, or a fan of video games in general, there is probably only one Mario spin-off series that you have ever played in your entire life. That, my friends, would be Mario Kart. This is, without a doubt, the biggest spin-off series that Mario has ever had, with many different games still being made to this day, and each of them being a critical and commercial success (for the most part), usually being one of, if not THE best selling games on their respective systems. Hell, like I mentioned earlier, even if you don’t play video games all that often, you probably have at least tried out one round of Mario Kart in your life with your friends, just to see what all the fuss is about, it is THAT big. But, of course, all juggernauts have to start somewhere, and for Mario Kart, that starting point would be with the original SNES game, Super Mario Kart.

When it comes to my own personal experiences with Mario Kart, I have mainly stuck to later titles in the series, such as Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and Mario Kart Wii, since these games usually get better with each installment, and if I am gonna play any entry in the series, it would be best to stick with those ones. That’s not to say that I haven’t taken a look into the other games in the series though, as I have played quite a lot of both Mario Kart 64 and Mario Kart: Double Dash, both with friends and by myself. In terms of Super Mario Kart though, I have barely any experience with it whatsoever, aside from one playthrough through all the modes, and occasionally jumping into it sometimes when I am bored. So, based on my own experience with the game, I would argue that Super Mario Kart is a good game… but it doesn’t hold up quite nearly as well as other titles in the series. Despite that, it did lay the groundwork for what the series would eventually become, and for a first attempt, I would say they did a pretty great job here.

The graphics are pretty good, having a distinct style from every other game in the series, and while they haven’t aged too well, and can look weird at times (Yoshi looks like he is in constant agony), I will admit that there is a certain charm to it, the music is pretty good, having this distinct and nostalgic flow about it, even if sometimes it can get drowned out in the main game, the control is good for the most part, with the steering handling pretty well, but when it comes to higher difficulty, that becomes a different story (more on that later), and the gameplay itself is that classic Mario Kart feel that has become a staple of the racing genre, but much more rough then most of you are probably used to.

The game is, obviously, a racing game, where you take control of one of eight racers hailing from the Mario universe (including Donkey Kong Jr., for some reason…), race against the other seven on a good selection of tracks through multiple Grand Prixs, try to get the upper hand on your competition with proper use of drifting, boosts, shortcuts, and items that you will obtain, keep your streak up so that you don’t end up eliminated, and come out on top while celebrating with a bottle of alcohol, as one does in a Mario game. All of the core mechanics and gameplay modes of Mario Kart that will be repeated for most of the rest of the series was introduced here, and when looking back on them, they still work very well, the items are very satisfying to use when you use them at the right time, and there is plenty to do here that will keep you invested.

The main mode is obviously the VS and Grand Prix races, where you can race against either the computer or a friend, competing for first place and rubbing it in your opponents’ faces when you eventually win. This is primarily where I spent most of my time with this game, and I had a pretty good time with it for the most part. It did feel fun going through these tracks most of the time, and the satisfaction I felt when getting first place in a Grand Prix felt as it should for one of these games. Aside from those modes though, we also have Time Trial mode, where you can try to beat these courses as fast as you can while learning all the ins and outs of it. I personally have never really cared about Time Trials, but I can’t deny that they have become a staple of the racing genre, so I can appreciate it for being there, and for those who do wanna get better at the game, it is a good choice to hone your skills. And finally, there is Battle Mode, where you can take on another player in a head-to-head battle, using many items to annihilate your competition, popping all of their balloons, and making you the Ultimate Balloon Warrior (god, that sounded so lame). Again, I myself am not too huge on Battle Mode, but I can’t deny, when you get the right people to play with, it can make for a chaotically wonderful time, even if this Battle Mode is hard to go back to, since there is only a two-player option rather then four.

So, now that we have gotten a lot of the positives out of the way for this game, it’s time that we get into the negatives, as this game definitely shows its age in a lot of ways. Going down the list here, first and foremost, for every race, no matter if you are playing by yourself or not, half of the screen is completely useless, only being used for the map or for the second player. I can kind of understand why this was done, but considering that F-Zero, a great SNES racer that came out two years before this, managed to fill up the whole screen with the main action, why can’t this game do that too, and put the map in the corner or something? Secondly, while the control is solid for the most part, it certainly isn’t the best, as it carries the same problem that F-Zero has where, in certain instances, it feels impossible to turn properly without smashing into walls. Yes, you do have drifting to help you out, but I’m pretty sure plenty can agree with me when I say that the drifting in this game is complete ass, and it doesn’t help that much, especially in courses on 150cc.

Thirdly, this game carries around a dirty term that is a common one with others in the genre: rubber-banding. If you don’t know what that is, it is essentially where, if you are too far ahead of the computer players in a race, they will speed right back up to where you are, and have a high chance of stealing that first place right from under your nose. I swear, the amount of times I have had a perfect run in 150cc mode ruined all because of an opponent snatching that first from me at the last second… it boils my blood just thinking about it. And on top of that, the AI can also use items that are impossible for the player to use, so they are basically cheating, and I hate them all because of that. And for the final issue of the game, one that is pretty obvious at this point… it is incredibly dated. Yeah, I know, it isn’t the game’s fault, but there have been plenty of other games, not just from Mario Kart, that have evolved the genre to places that this game wishes it could reach, such as with faster speed, tighter control, 4 or more players at once, and infinite possibilities for carnage and ways to push racing to the next level. If you were to play any Mario Kart game, this would be one of the last games that I would suggest to you, and many would probably agree with me on that sentiment, even though it still has a lot going for it even to this day.

Overall, despite having plenty of issues and just not being as appealing due to the effect of time, it cannot be denied that Super Mario Kart is still a pivotal point in the Mario franchise, and one of the best racing games on the SNES. It set the foundation for what would become the biggest racing franchise in gaming history, and even nowadays, it is still fun to come back to from time to time and revisit, seeing where it all started, and maybe even getting some friends along to have some fun with. I would definitely recommend it for Mario Kart fans, just so they can experience it at least once, but for those who are only casual fans of the franchise, then you can just stick with the later titles, as you won’t be missing out on too much. And besides, we all know that F-Zero is better than this anyway. It’s not even an opinion at this point, it is a well-known FACT.

Game #344

The game that started it all, a pretty alright Mario Kart for the time, but with improvement upon improvement with every subsequent title, this game feels quite bad to play, but in a charming way! The controls are super slippery, like you're playing on ice all the time and the CPU rubberband to hell and back but I don't think it could be any other way, otherwise the future games might have stagnated, who knows. Even if its extremely dated now, it is still worth a shot to try.

Wow, this is ok. You guys actually hate this?

One of my first gaming experiences as a child, so I have a nostalgia bias. That being said, the game is so punishing to play with extremely difficult steering mechanics and a huge amount of downtime when you're hit by a hazard or item. Easily the hardest game in the series and Mario Kart fans who go back to play this one are in for a severe shock because playing this game for the first time is the most "what the f***" experience.
That being said there is an allure and charm to the game's style and characters and its a hilarious time with friends who are particularly competitive as with most MK games. An iconic, foundational beginning for the franchise.

I'm really giving this game the benefit of the doubt since it can be a lot of fun when playing on original hardware with an original controller with an original human. I only really mention that cause I feel like playing this on something like NSO or Virtual Console just kind of leaves you wondering why you're playing super Mario kart instead of a good Mario kart game that you can just play there. It's fun for a cup or two, but there's some really bullshit things like that one ice track where you keep driving into blocks that halt you, along with the really weird drifting.

More fun than I expected, kinda rips

Everyone's gotta start from somewhere, I guess.

You know what, this game would be a lot better if the drifting wasn't so awful. Fix the controls and there might have been something of value to derive from it.

Anyways, this game sucks and the only thing I like about it is the music.

Yup, I played it just to say I did. Woulda been nicer to it as it's harmless at the end of the day, but it actually hurt my eyes after just three races so it's literally a pain-enducing experience.

É divertido nos primeiros 20 minutos. Mas os cenários reciclados, pouco conteúdo e a gameplay travada vai tirando toda a graça com o tempo. Ao menos possui uma ótima trilha sonora.

I would've given this a 5/10, since even though the control is slippery, the courses are uninspired and generally very little happens in the races, I can accept that for the time this was released. It was impressive for the time. Plus, this one has Donkey Kong Jr.

But... MY EYES!!!

O jogo mais injusto que joguei na minha vida, ao menos a OST é boa, de resto felizmente os outros Mario Kart corrigiram os problemas, MAS TODO MUNDO TRAPACEIA NESSA MERDA, Isa tu tava certa.

It may have started the Mario kart series, but it is borderline miserable to play nowadays.

"Parents can't have a favorite child" mfs when the same hoe pulls up at the function and grabs second place. For balance purposes, know this is only to bring rivalry to the workplace so you gotta grind your ass off. It triggers depending on the character you choose I suppose. Is there a rhyme or reason, who knows. It's kind of a relief to know even the first entry went "baby, it's 4 p.m, I'm coming for that banana peel tax!".

The feather item kinda raised the eyebrows, but that moment came back in a flashback once I realized what I was getting myself into: a puzzle game disguised as a racing game. You know, I don't see races, but now it's clear. Kinda choreographed, too. You're the only one who has collisions, the guy on your rear used pre-determined items to screw you over, the "main character syndrome" was actually real and no one believed you. What a sad tale. The main character being Luigi, yes I really gotta use him at all costs. Lord forgive me, I need to keep clear of seeing Yoshi in the coming days or I'm going buckaroo.

You know what rage rooms are? Well, is there a need for destroying all that stuff, if you want some rage there's the perfect place for you and it's called Vanilla Lake. Why are these white obstacles on the same layer as the ground, how do I see those... Amusement rights revoked 💀 it's no surprise that the course tend to blend together since they're all flat, but I'm glad they could use their new technology we're happy for you do not come to school tomorrow. DK Jr. goin though we'll see if he'll make it to the next entries.

Man maybe on Backloggd 2 this game can have its glory day, but you're gonna have to count me out. I don't think it's wrong to call this one a demo with all parameters in mind, even erasing the other entries from your cerebrum cortex. Ahah, jokes on you the cerebral cortex is actually where the more high-tech human features like personality and reasoning are and not knowledge. Yep you're learning things on Backloggd. What do you mean, you knew that? I would have taken a wallopin talking back like that in the old days 💀 time to move on to the next "Mario Cart" like the british might say. They don't say that, but... food for thought.

It was good for the time I guess.

Need to go to the eye doctor after racing on Choco Island.

played on NSO SNES

While it's the first game in the series, this game hasn't aged well.

Slippery controls, boring track layout and BS Ai makes this game not fun.

The game feels very clunky to control when played today, but there is some fun to be had. i would strongly recommend playing it 2 players otherwise your camera angle looks pretty bad.

Super Mario Kart é a forma mais básica do que essa franquia representa. Apesar de ter fases recicladas, pistas curtas e umas CPUs muito injustas algumas vezes, tem que parabenizar esse título que foi a origem de uma longa série de jogos extremamente divertidos que dominam o mercado.

the original Mario kart, it's fun as hell even if it's the first one in the series

Nearly unplayable by modern standards. The controls are unintuitive, with your turns being either too sharp or too slippery that'll result on you careening off-track more times than you should be legally allowed; the AI is borderline cheating in so many ways, not just from the insane rubberbanding that gives you barely around 5 seconds to stay a decent distance at first place and the fact they can use infinite supplies of one item that you can't use in any capacity, but they're also somehow capable of phasing through obstacles no sweat and most of the time even allowed to hop over eachother's items completely unscathed. And then there's the little things that pile up into a mountain of regret, like Rainbow Road's color onslaught barely letting you see the item boxes on it and the fact that getting hit by certain items makes your screen spin around at sickening speeds. Outside of the fairly impressive 3D environment in a 2D engine this game managed to get away with, it's a fatal misfire in nearly every respect.

With that said, though, there's not much point to really hating this game, as horribly as it aged. It doesn't matter that the game didn't age well at the end of the day, as it was an important stepping stone into one of the most whimsical, creative and fun spin-off franchises ever made. The developers did the best they could for the most part with the limited tech they had at the time in order to create a kart racing experience like no other, and it deserves all of our respect for spawning way more uniquely fleshed out iterations of this idea later down the line. And, fortunately, this is the only particularly bad entry of the entire series, so it can only go up from here.

rough start to the series but it gets better from here...eventually!

Unless you're an aliasing fetishist or enjoy being humiliated by a blatantly unfair AI, there's no point in revisiting this first Mario Kart. Even though I have fond memories of it from my childhood, I must admit it hasn't aged well.

The game's difficulty is incredibly poorly balanced. The 50 and 100cc races are nearly impossible to lose because they're so simple. However, once you reach the special cup and the 150cc category, the game turns into SM domination and promptly punishes you for even the slightest micro-error. Honestly, 100% this game is truly one of the most punishing challenges I've ever subjected myself to :(

I’m amazed a franchise spun out of this game. I remember hating it in the early 90s. Maybe that’s because like three different friends needed me to go to their house to beat all the cups for them.

It's pretty terrible to play nowadays but it kick started a great series and it was a decently unique concept for the time so I can give it that at least I suppose.


Music is still great.