Reviews from

in the past

Good game with surprisingly quality map design for (what is essentially) a NES game. The story's basic and the ambush spawns suck but aside from that I still had fun. Unfortunately, the presentation kind of sucks, with the character portraits, backgrounds, battle animations, and maps all being pretty ugly. I think that's a shame, because the promotional artwork has a very nice artstyle that isn't represented very well in game.

a disaster. characters have 0 personality to speak of, maps range from rarely surprisingly good to boring as sin, the art is ugly, the difficulties are overtuned like crazy, and the gaiden system and filler character mechanics are truly nonsensical

The story of this game is actually pretty good, but the kind of boring cast makes it hard to stay invested. Thankfully the gameplay mostly makes up for that, as this is one of the most fun Fire Emblems from a gameplay perspective.

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Really good remake! imo has the 3rd best gameplay in the series, love the artstyle for this game. the story is basic af but gets to the point fast than other games.

If you, like me, are spoiled rotten by all the extra mechanics (skills, supports, and so on) in modern Fire Emblems, then playing this one might bore you to death. Add in the art style, which most people either hate with a passion or learned to tolerate over time, a fairly basic story, shallow characters - and you might see why a lot of people tend to skip this one.
I'd argue that Shadow Dragon is still worth a play, if only to see the roots of this franchise without having to suffer through the NES version.

Somewhat of an underrated entry IMO. Very memorable characters which serve as a foundation for the various character achetypes you’ll see in future games. Worth a play for this reason alone if youre an FE fan. Gameplay is good - I like the class change mechanic a lot. allows you to have more gameplay options and prevents the player from messing up their game by leveling the wrong characters. main story is decent but forgetable.

This game was so boring i'm sorry

HEH, i liked the original more, sorry to the elitists out there who thinkthey have more taste

Fun to play but ugly as sin and that alone makes me never wanna replay despite the fact I replay most FE games at least once every few years

Should be stronger than it is but still a really visible distillation of all of Fire Emblem, good and bad.

My first real experience with the permadeath system. I thought the game was really fun. I think this remake is a great modernization of the original.

olipa vaikee peli (ei oikeest mitä vittua)

This was not the first FE game I played, but it's a remake of one of the first ones so I'll start here.

I was already familiar with the gameplay and mechanics so this experience felt like something I could comfortably run through. One thing I enjoyed is being able to customize anyone into any class. It certainly made the run more interesting. And there was a fair level of challenge even with a large roster of units.

While I enjoyed it, the game felt like a passive experience. The map design wasent anything special, and I didn't care about the story at all.

The biggest issue with this game is how ugly it is. Probably the worst looking Fire Emblem game ever. And on Wii U these bloated visuals are now expanded and stretched out to look worse. The GBA games looked way better.

Good for one playthrough, but nothing more.

I think I burned myself out revisiting this entry after completing FEE.
I’m not sure I will play this game again. It definitely lacks style and there are other FE I enjoy more if I ever need to scratch that itch again.

This entry is a bit of a mixed bag for me. On one hand, the game has some enjoyable gameplay aspects, such as how hilarious powerful the Warp Staff is, and the Ballistician class being surprisingly fun to play around with. On the other hand, I find many of the maps to be boring, and many of the characters still lack any strong characterization beyond the most basic of traits.

I also loathe having to use Marth in this game. I don't understand why they decided it would be a good idea to make him unable to promote, but it cements him as one of, if not the weakest Lord character in the series.

This game is probably still better to play over the original Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light, and it does a nice job with Marth's story. Besides that, I find this game to be a very boring entry.

Narrative: 4.5 - Gameplay: 4.5 - Visuals: 4 - Soundtrack: 3 - Time: 3
Stars: 4
Es un juego de estrategia, producido y distribuido por la Nintendo. Ya tiene once años y algunos podrán decir que no ha envejecido bien, pero tengo mis dudas. Me encantan la historia y las mecánicas del juego. Marth y su épica saga para recuperar su país, familia y orgullo, no es solo una experiencia increíble sino también muy gratificante.
Empezando por las mecánicas de juego, su dinámica del tipo piedra, papel o tijera (léase espada, hacha o lanza) trae toda una dimensión para la planificación y posicionamiento. Todo el mapa debe ser leído con paciencia, cada unidad debe ser calculada para que no pierda eficiencia, o peor, muera. Es como si todos esos elementos dijesen: repasa las posiciones, verifica mientras compruebas los ítems del inventario, haz todo con atención.

Sadly had to call it quits on this one around Chapter 11. Like most Japanese remakes of prior pieces, it's much too devoted to keeping with tradition and strict one-to-one nature in it's efforts. And, having played the sequels on SNES, GBA, and GC, that makes it a bit of a slog to force one's self through.

Uno de mis primeros juegos de estrategia por turnos y con sistema de casillas. Lo adoré y lo sigo haciendo. #Team Minerva

This game is like alright but there's no sauce to it
Generals having bows is funny as fuck tho

I think the only positive thing I can say about this game is the fact the art/designs was done by Masamune Shirow. Beyond that, I got bored 8 chapters in.

Butt ugly graphics but its got some good maps and an okay story. would play this over the original

Uno de los padres del género, un remake del juego original de 1989 que tiene varias luces y sombras. El juego como tal es entretenido, aunque se hace repetitivo porque no hay profundidad en el combate, más allá de eso, la banda sonora me ha parecido muy floja y la historia es directa (lo cual me gusta) pero abusa de muchas conveniencias para darle algún sentido a los eventos.

El primer juego de DS de Fire Emblem.
El primer Fire Emblem que me termino.
Lo recuerdo con especial cariño. Ojalá Bantu tuviera más desarrollo.

Yep, a much better version of the original very first FE NES classic game.

Really fun game and Marth is amazing Hero.

Yeah this game has strategic depth or whatever but why is it so UNGLY

I like barely remember playing this one I will not lie aside from funny reclass shenanigans but I have the vague recollection of having a great time