Reviews from

in the past

trippy nutso game that's near perfect. may make a tear well up in your eye. endlessly replayable.

A short, but unforgettable rail shooting experience. I still bump the soundtrack to this one when I get the chance.

A fun little rail shooter, though it got pretty challenging considering the controller was halfway up my ass (I heard this was the intended experience)

me when 🤯🤯 multiple times. One of the best games of ps2 and probably the most immersive game on the ps2

Rez es una de las mejores experiencias audiovisuales que he jugado nunca. Es fascinante como une canciones a los sonidos que generan tus disparos junto a un aspecto visual casi sinestésico que nos propone un viaje trascendental por el universo digital y la propia evolución de la vida. Es una de las joyas experimentales que nos dejó Dreamcast que merecen tanto la pena jugar y experimentar, es un viaje relativamente corto, no es complicado y te tendrá bailoteando sin darte cuenta de que estás siendo partícipe de esa música. Tetsuya Mizuguchi debería ser un nombre más destacado en la industria y este no es más que otro claro ejemplo de ello. Rez es casi perfecto sino perfecto, dura lo que ha de durar y por muchos años que pasen sigue siendo una delicia audiovisual. Jugad Rez, en cualquiera de sus versiones, no te arrepentirás.

One of the most stylish games ever. That’s the game’s top priority, so, if you think about it, it’s pretty much perfect.

I had a fever dream that made more sense..


What an amazing experience. Everything about the presentation and feel is just so cool. Gameplay is mechanically simple but very satisfying, and the variety of encounters is great and paced out perfectly. Everything about it is so elegant that it feels hard to talk about much other than just saying you should play it yourself if you haven't. The main reason I even wanted to write anything is to talk about my experience with trying it previously. I played the first level in the remake a couple of years back (also tried it in VR, which looked cool but did not play very well), and I thought it was neat but it didn't compel me to keep playing. Trying the original Dreamcast version it instantly clicked, it really feels like the way the game is meant to look and feel. Maybe not everyone's experience but I don't see anything about this that needs updating anyways. Anyways, absolute banger of a game, easiest 5 stars in a while.

I know this is a little late now but Merry Christmas everyone! I would've put this review out on Christmas but I was busy and also timed my playthrough of this game a bit wrong. Either way, hope everyone had a great holiday! I definitely did and it also ended with a bang since I played Rez.

I kinda don't have a lot to say about this one at all. The main takeaway is this game is an absolute treat visually. That's the main appeal of the game and I'm telling you, it's insane. You really just need to play it and witness it yourself cuz it's amazing and the biggest reason I'm rating it so high.

The OST is very good. I wouldn't listen to it outside of the game personally, but alongside the gameplay it's perfect and very much fits the game I think.

The actual gameplay is pretty simple actually. It's an on rails shooter that has a single powerup you can use when you obtain them and you level up and down depending on if you get hit or not. It's extremely straight-forward so it may be lacking to some people who would want a more complex game mechanically but for an audio-visual delight of a game like this, it's perfectly fine.

The game is also only like two hours long but tbh I think that's an absolute perfect length for a game like this, otherwise the wow factor might wear off if it was longer.

Like I said before, you really need to play the game yourself to see just how damn impressive the visuals are they're absolutely insane. Another Dreamcast banger, this console's on fire so far!


A wonderful audiovisual experience. A tedious game.

I didn't understand shit but it was fun

This review contains spoilers

"Ages ago, life was born in the primitive sea. Young life forms constantly evolved in order to survive. Some prospered, some did not, all sorts of life ebbed and flowed like the tide. In the quiet rhythm of the mother sea, life grew, always seeking to survive and flourish. Soon life began the advance towards the land, opening new habitats. A great prosperity came, as life conquered even the highest mountains. Mass extinctions came wave after wave, but empty niches always quickly refilled, to once again prosper, grow and reproduce. Someday the next great emigration will occur, as we leave this existence looking for another. The journey will begin anew. I hold within me, all the memories that have passed. Who am I..."
-Eden to the Hacker thoughout Area 5

Holy shit, this has to be my most favorite Dreamcast game next to Phantasy Star Online.

Everything about this game is charming. The music is banging (especially Rock Is Sponge), the visuals are surrealistic and full of those old-school virtual world aesthetics, and the game itself is simple to learn, but hard to master.

I have never, ever been so hyped to fight bosses in any game, but goddamn does this game know how to get you pumped up.

This game is absolutely worth your time. You won't regret it.

This game is more than LSD vision of geometric shapes. Everything in this game is putted correctly. Story Mode? not too long, Gameplay? simple and not challenging as it should be, Soundtrack? Well, it's all about this s@it! Designers made a great opportunity like nowhere to be found and it's fascinating! I could not imagine how my button speed makes the same soundtrack more exciting or find a better harmony with it.

One of the greatest artistic achievements in the history of video games

I think I'll put out a review of Rez soon on FortressGaluade. I MEAN, my friend FortressGaluade said that she will be putting out a review of Rez soon.

I love when he turns into the baby.

A surreal rail shooter that eschews complex gameplay for a killer soundtrack and stunning visuals by Tetsuya Mizuguchi (Tetris Effect, Child of Eden).

This game boasts a psychedelic light show depicting a virus in the future trying to hack its way through a mainframe to release an artificial intelligence - at least that's the vague justification behind the abstract wireframe world you float through in each stage. The visuals are inspired by the 80's cyberpunk vision of digital cyberscapes akin to Tron and the early CGI from films like The Lawnmower Man. Its crude by todays standards but for a stunning visual upgrade there's always Rez Infinite on steam.

The gameplay has you shooting waves of enemies and their projectiles but each attack is accompanied by sound effects that turn your actions into an extension of the soundtrack blurring the line between shooter and rhythm game. The surreal environments take you on a wild journey that grows in speed and intensity, the beat and tempo escalating until you reach the bosses which take the form of intense thrumming fever dreams with unforgettable visuals.

If you're familiar with Tetsuya's other works you'll recognize the trademark style over substance approach. It may not have deep gameplay but Rez is more of a sensory experience, the 'trance vibrator' is a testament to that. I rate this highly as it remains one of the earlier examples of designers challenging the conventions of gaming, pushing the boundaries between art, game, and what a gaming experience can be akin to the likes of LSD Dream Emulator.


When I was a teenager, I used to see this game on the shelves of game shops and think to myself, 'Who would want to play that? It looks like an old, ugly arcade game.' How foolish I was.

Rez has so much style. It's actually quite difficult to describe because it's both a geometric and rhythmic experience. This game encapsulates a certain idea of 2000s techno music. Musically, it falls between trance, synthetic acid house, and hard tech. It's important to note that the artists who created the music for this game (Ken Ishii and Joujouka, at least) are recognized electronic music producers who were important in the 1990s and still are today. One wonders if the game was created from the music or vice versa.

The level design remains a mystery to me: it feels like constantly diving into a neon fractal in a world that defies all physics. Level 4 is particularly epic. The game operates solely on its flow, linking a certain form of visual abstraction that perfectly syncs with the electronic music played as a mix, not track by track. The game can truly take you to an 'out-of-body' state that only a nightclub with lasers, strobe lights, and smoke machines can evoke.

You can still feel Sega's total mastery over the arcade game genre.

Se me sale el semen type game

i didn't think video games could look and sound this good

soooooo cool :)

Between Rez, Sin and Punishment, Killer7 and Panzer Dragoon I think the rail shooter gotta be the most underappreciated game genre