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in the past

trippy nutso game that's near perfect. may make a tear well up in your eye. endlessly replayable.

This games is litteraly art

This is one of the only game that i can think of which i dont want to play with the simple, but effective gameplay, but just want to watch everything around, listen to the sound effect and bombastic music

I swear just looking at everything around is chilling as fuck... its like a loffy if you will

I can applaude the devs for the work here... because thats truly one helluva underrated gems

Twenty-first GOTW finished for 2023. It's hard to pin down my feelings on this game. On one hand, it's one of the most visually gorgeous games I've played in any medium, and the soundtrack (while not necessarily my jam) compliments the gameplay and style perfectly. On the other, it feels much longer than it's actual game time, is quite vague, and pointedly existential. I'm so glad to have gotten this one off the backlog, and it'll likely stick with me for a while for various reasons, but I don't have a desire to revisit it any time soon.

A short, but unforgettable rail shooting experience. I still bump the soundtrack to this one when I get the chance.

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"Ages ago, life was born in the primitive sea. Young life forms constantly evolved in order to survive. Some prospered, some did not, all sorts of life ebbed and flowed like the tide. In the quiet rhythm of the mother sea, life grew, always seeking to survive and flourish. Soon life began the advance towards the land, opening new habitats. A great prosperity came, as life conquered even the highest mountains. Mass extinctions came wave after wave, but empty niches always quickly refilled, to once again prosper, grow and reproduce. Someday the next great emigration will occur, as we leave this existence looking for another. The journey will begin anew. I hold within me, all the memories that have passed. Who am I..."
-Eden to the Hacker thoughout Area 5

Holy shit, this has to be my most favorite Dreamcast game next to Phantasy Star Online.

Everything about this game is charming. The music is banging (especially Rock Is Sponge), the visuals are surrealistic and full of those old-school virtual world aesthetics, and the game itself is simple to learn, but hard to master.

I have never, ever been so hyped to fight bosses in any game, but goddamn does this game know how to get you pumped up.

This game is absolutely worth your time. You won't regret it.

I think I'll need to experience this game in VR for the full effect. The vibes are immaculate but I find the game itself to be... kinda boring man. The gameplay is not fun enough for me to want to 100% all the levels for level 5. It kinda fails as an arcade experience for me. I'll revisit it one day I'm sure.

I didn't understand shit but it was fun

me when 🤯🤯 multiple times. One of the best games of ps2 and probably the most immersive game on the ps2


A fun little rail shooter, though it got pretty challenging considering the controller was halfway up my ass (I heard this was the intended experience)

One of the greatest artistic achievements in the history of video games

An hour long rail shooter featuring some of the most gorgeous visuals and a soundtrack to compliment it perfectly. Simple to play, hard to master, ludicrous to score attack. A very transcendental game for me personally and one I can actively recommend to everyone looking for something that just goes above and beyond with so little.

played it on 360 arcade. classic.

Gorgeous from back to front and one of the best aesthetics committed to a video game in general. Gameplay is just unique enough to last the short runtime. Soundtrack is mostly fantastic trance goodness but the best song is the sick trip-hop beat in the last level.

A wonderful audiovisual experience. A tedious game.

i played as a ball that killed csgo anti cheat code with geometry

This game is so mfin cool. Stylish visuals and while it's not really a rhythm game it syncs pretty much everything to the beat of the music so it really gets that multi-sensory vibe going. Trance inducing. Absolutely a game you gotta play, tetsuya mizuguchi does not miss literally ever.

Made me fall in love with video games again.

Rez es una de las mejores experiencias audiovisuales que he jugado nunca. Es fascinante como une canciones a los sonidos que generan tus disparos junto a un aspecto visual casi sinestésico que nos propone un viaje trascendental por el universo digital y la propia evolución de la vida. Es una de las joyas experimentales que nos dejó Dreamcast que merecen tanto la pena jugar y experimentar, es un viaje relativamente corto, no es complicado y te tendrá bailoteando sin darte cuenta de que estás siendo partícipe de esa música. Tetsuya Mizuguchi debería ser un nombre más destacado en la industria y este no es más que otro claro ejemplo de ello. Rez es casi perfecto sino perfecto, dura lo que ha de durar y por muchos años que pasen sigue siendo una delicia audiovisual. Jugad Rez, en cualquiera de sus versiones, no te arrepentirás.

Rez reminds me a lot of Crazy Taxi. Both are arcade-esque experiences where the game is fun to play in short bursts, but are pretty repetitive and don't actually offer much content. Also both were on the Dreamcast. Rez is a 3D on-rails shooter where you fly through a wireframe soundscape shooting down any enemy that files within view. The visuals and music are definitely the highlights of the game, and probably the only reason anyone remembers it. If this game had a pretty static backdrop, it would've fallen to the wayside of history. It's a game that I think I would rather watch someone play than play myself, a trait it shares with a later game by its creator, Tetris Effect. I just didn't like the actual gameplay. You move a cursor on screen and hold down a single button. There isn't much to it, and I found the levels more tedious than I did exhilarating. The VR version of the game might be more enjoyable, because you can both immerse yourself in the game as well as gain more precise controls. As for the original version, it's a mediocre game in great packaging.

Dance yourself clean

I feel like Rez is one of the most impactful experiences I've had playing videogames.
I say this because this thing isn't only a pretty well crafted rail shooter, neither because this is also one of the best integrations of music I've seen on a game ever. Rez is impactful because what you get from that experience can seriously be lifechanging.
Obviously I choose to read it as a metaphor for making up with a part of your inner self that you've been avoiding. Finally facing something that's been bothering about you for so long, with barriers you've built to keep it away that are now so strong that you can't just deal with it in one though.
You gotta go deep into yourself to finally face that thing, to see what you are and be who you want to be, who you really want to be.
In my mind, that's why the credits roll even if you fail. Yeah you could just let it be there, but you could keep going, you gotta keep going.
There are so many things that made my playthrough a really great run tho. For example, only by the end of the game I felt like I truly understood how to play it. As if it's asking you to go back at it.
It's not a hard game, but really getting it is kinda complicated. There's very little dialogue and explanations, but through try and error you'll turn yourself into a pretty good... uh... rezer??? It's no surprise this guy ended up making one of the best puzzle games ever (Lumines).
Another thing I felt Rez really does greatly is in how it could be beat in one long run. It encourages you to do it in one session even, when you try to log out. It feels as if it's asking you to solve this in one long steady flow of though, with electronic beats banging in your head, discovering yourself one step at a time. Fuck.

Way better than I thought at first. I feel sorry for saying I like Sayonara Wild Hearts better.
Probably coming back for the other endings or just for fun, trying to optimize levels and boss battles adds a lot of replayability.

unmatchable amount of style

I think I'll put out a review of Rez soon on FortressGaluade. I MEAN, my friend FortressGaluade said that she will be putting out a review of Rez soon.

I love when he turns into the baby.