Reviews from

in the past

Got this in Humble Bundle and I was happy to start making custom characters cause I love doing that. I mainly just remade OC's I already had, but I also made this fucker. The custom character creator is cool, but it's probably not as fun as other notable ones. It genuinely has a lot to it, but you can't get super wacky facial structures or body proportions cause they gotta be real humans for the most part.

I finished my time with it by doing my own Jerma Rumble and it is so fun just watching custom characters fight. The last thing I did was a Tag Team match of Picard and Worf vs Kinnikuman and Mantaro. Forgot I was controllling Picard and had him just beat Mantaro's ass off stage (illegaly, no one cared i guess).

No matter what I say, never let me buy another one of these things. Nearly the same exact thing as 2K22 with all of the same problems (and even some new ones). Overall it's marginally better at best. Let's start with the improvements:

- Commentary is the best it's ever been. There's still flaws, but this is probably the first time in series history where I'd say it's reached a level of being acceptable
- The timed kickout minigame is the perfect balance of challenging but fair, versus last year's shitty default button mashing
- MyGM has some more depth to it (but still doesn't appeal to me whatsoever)

Yeah that's about it. And the bad? The worst point has always been an issue, especially last year, but I think the refs are the worst they've ever been. Absolutely abysmal AI, they'll run around the ring in a circle before starting a pin count. If it's a tag match forget it, the pin is getting broken up before the ref even realizes what's happening.

They finally came up with a good idea for Showcase mode, fighting against the same person repeatedly instead of playing as the same person repeatedly, and they absolutely ruin it by including multiple MULTI-MINUTE-long real match cutscenes into most of the matches. I want to fucking play the game not actually watch wrestling.

MyFaction continues to just be a shitty desperate-for-microtransaction who-could-give-a-fuck grind mode. Anyone who cares enough about this thing to spend real life money on it should be shot, I don't care if you're a billionaire.

MyRise goes back to its shitty roots with a linear main story instead of last year's fun but aimless approach. There's still side missions but it all feels pointless in the end. The male story is the same story they've been telling every year for half a decade. The female story is much, much worse, absolutely brutal to get through and the unskippable cutscenes are just rubbing it in.

These games exist to make goofy characters to fight your friends with, and it's great for that. If you have a friend to play with, great, go for it. If not, don't even think about it.

Clunky and saw a few glitches in my playtime.

Seems to have a reduced number of features vs older games, with predatory currencies, microtransactions and nigh on £100 of DLC.

Bring back THQ.

MyRise Legacy: Surprisingly engaging and soulful. Had a lot to say about women in the WWE past and present and the conditions they exist in and the conversation around their legacy. Very happy with how it was written and paced.

MyRise Lock: Not as good as Legacy but still decent. "The Lock" himself is pretty unlikable but that serves the story around him so that's fine. Felt like propaganda for the Fed in the end. Bad behaviour is an excuse the Fed gives for many top stars failing out of the company. Ultimate Warrior and Cm Punk being the biggest ones. So the resolution being "See? He stopped being an ashole and worked within the system. That's why he's successful." was more than a little cringe. The story treats WWE as the end all be all of wrestling and gives some lip service to there being other types of success but the Fed remains the place to be. That rubs me the wrong way especially with people like Matt Cardona seeing more success on the indies than he ever has with the Fed. I know this a WWE story in a WWE game but still. It did let me lead faction with Cody Rhodes and Drew Mcintyre which is thematically perfect.

General Gameplay: I tried with this series. I always felt like 2016/17 were a step in the right direction. 2019 was a step down but still decent. But I cant do it. The Creation suite is broken and stunted in a lot of ways but still lets you create pretty much anything you want. I got started making my shows and roster and decided to take a break and actually play. Then it happened. I was playing War Games and literally fell asleep in my chair. Everything about this series is mind meltingly boring. Animations are still subpar, the visuals have no sauce, and the controls are sluggish. Under no circumstances should I be bored into a coma while playing War Games. It brought up decades old feelings on the WWE series. Starting at SVR 2008 these games have never been fun to play. And if there is some fun to be had, some system that really grabs you, it's gone the next game. We have not been able to completely form our CAWS body shape since WWE 2K14. For 10 years. Slobber Knocker hasn't been in since SVR 2006. The whole point of Showcase is seeing historical moments recreated in game. 2K22/23 don't do that. 2K22 let you use the soundtrack as entrance themes. 2k23 does not. Kingdom, Codey Rhodes' theme, is exclusive to him and is lost when you change anything about him, meaning unless you want complete silence when he comes out all the custom stuff for him is locked. Some of the gear in CAW have locked colors. New hair styles look fantastic with good textures. Old hair still looks plastic. There is a lot of good wrestling games out there, old and new. Play those. Stop giving 2K money.

I'm still here primarily for GM, which is still a blast with friends, but this year MyRise actually got me too, and The Legacy story is a real standout.

Greatest WWE game in the 2K series by far

WWE gibi kaliteli ve ucu açık bir içeriği alıp bu kadar eksik oyun yapmak gerçekten zor. Evet saatlerimi verdiğim bir oyun, gerek showcase olsun gerek kendi rplerimiz olsun gerek online olsun gerçekten keyifli ama günümüz şartlarına göre bakınca çok fazla eksiğe sahip. Yıllar önce çıkmış WWE oyunları bile daha fazla detaya sahip. Oyunun grafikleri ve mekaniği yeterince iyi evet ama bizim istediğimiz oynanışı renklendiren ufak detaylar daha çok. Umarım yeni serilerde bu çeşitlilikleri getirirler de doya doya oynamaya devam edebiliriz.

Не рабочий онлайн, в остальном всё топчик

Je pensais pas que j'allais m'amuser autant sur un jeu de catch, le seul problème c'est que j'aime pas trop le mode showcase, mais rien que pour le faite qu'on puisse faire des combats Shrek contre R. Kelly il mérite sa place

A step-up from last year.
John Cena's Showcase mode is a fun twist.
My Faction is essentially the card collecting mode with online this year. I played more of it this year but it's still not my thing. My Rise is pretty good with two different stories to play through.
My GM seems alright, but I haven't played much of it.
Universe Mode is where I spent most of my time but there's still a lot of work needed to make it stable and great.
It's hard for me to tell if the gameplay is better or not. I'm just used to it at this point.
I'm still having a lot of fun with it but there's still room for improvement.

Adrenaline, in my soul
Bret Hart vs Cody Rhodes

Great roster, anyone missing can be added back in via community creations. Far fewer bugs this time but Universe mode manages to take one step forward and two steps back. Let me do War Games at a PPV!

A fun enough game but lacks the creativity and charm of the older games.

There's not a whole lot to say here but I would love to see some improvements next time.

The game plays and feels great, looks great, and the Showcase is great, but don't go in expecting it to be the best game, or even wrestling game, you'll play.

This game has THE worst online of any game EVER. 80% of the matches are not starting or crash when they start and for the other 20% of the matches my opponents quit cause I'm literally the best player on this entire plant 🦆(And that is a FACT not an opinion or a joke and definitively not an exaggeration). The showcase is also mid and the gameplay feels worse and less smooth then 2k22. The only upgrade is My Rise.

I've been playing this weekly with my cousin in a 1v1 MyGm mode that we're several seasons into. The extra customization options they've added to MyGM have helped keep my favorite mode going strong for a second installment in a row.

Gameplay wise, the mechanics laid out in 2K22 are mostly the same, which is fine. But the series is already pivoting into some overly complicated shenanigans with the combo system. I don't find it very intuitive, and the mandatory usage of it in some narrative modes got real annoying.

Speaking of narrative, the John Cena Showcase sadly manages to be a downgrade from the Mysterio showcase in 22. I love the inventive angle on all the matches, and the finale it builds up to is a hilarious tribute to Cena's place in wrestling fandom. But why were the matches presented so wildly out of chronological order? And why didn't the historical footage during the matches have Cena providing contextual voice over like Rey did? The Showcase mode always felt like playing an interactive documentary. Here, it feels like playing an on-rails tutorial that's frequently interrupted by cutscenes.

Overall I'd say this ends up comparable in quality to 2K22. Everything that works keeps working, and the things that suck are on par with what dragged 22 down. At this point, future purchases are REALLY gonna hinge on some major expansions to the included modes.

As per usual in yearly release sports games, WWE 2K23 takes what was presented in WWE 2K22, and adds on to it. After a major revamp to how the game plays in 2K22, 2K23 brings a lot to start making the game feel complete again. MyRise has stepped up the quality of their storylines, now with two unique stories, one for each gender, that are decently written and include all sorts of wrestlers from the WWE Universe. Showcase Mode, showing off the career of legend John Cena, remains the series' weakest game mode, giving you a choppy, tedious series of matches that I only care to go through simply to unlock the wrestlers and arenas locked behind it. MyGM got some improvements, including the addition of up to 4 players within the multiplayer portion of the mode, and it remains a whole lot of fun to play with your friends. MyUniverse continues to suffer, even with the addition of the Rivalry system. A few features were actually removed from the 2K22 version of the mode, and it's still completely riddled with bugs, which is unfortunate because MyUniverse has the ability to be the greatest mode in the game. Online versus matches are still hit or miss, and can be filled with people exploiting glitches or abusing certain moves, so wrestler beware.

If you're a fan of the WWE, or wrestling in general, this game boasts one of the greatest customization systems in gaming for creating wrestlers, so you will never run out of new blood for your feuds. It's a lot of fun, and it looks great, however if you're an old school fan of WWE 2K19, you may find that it still does not live up to the more sim-like nature of that game.

And that's the bottom line, because Stone Cold said so.

2K23 gives an interesting spin in the showcase Mode and shows John Cena's greatest.... DEFEATS! Yeah. No joke! I dig the fighting system and the animations of all the wrestlers. The roster is pretty stacked, too and yeah... Shit's good!


This probably being the last 2K game Dolph Ziggler is gonna be in doesn’t feel right

It sure was fun to beat up John Cena a bunch, but I wish there was more of a narrative to the showcase mode.

Mostly same stuff. I will say I enjoy the showcase in this game more than the year before. Universe is a bit more broken than before but GM Mode has made a lot of improvements and is really a good time

Fun and interesting showcase mode. Same features as 2K22, there are still lots of annoying bugs with universe mode and sometimes it takes 2K way too long to add fixes and new features. Also drip feeding DLC for 8 months is scummy and I hate it.

I have not played a wrestling game in over a decade. I had a lot of fun with this. I cannot tell you how it compares to other WWE 2k games, but the wrestling generally felt pretty good and not button mashy.

story mode is worth playing everything else not so much

Better than 2K22, which is high-praise from me. Nevertheless, the gameplay can still be boring and Universe is too buggy. The creation suite is what I love most about this one, it's been very upgraded. I think 2K24 could be a vast improvement. 8/10

So glad peak WWE gaming is BACK!

Really enjoying the customization. My biggest issue is how Universe mode is so glitchy. If not for that it'd be an easy 5 star.

The gameplay is a downgrade from WWE 2K22 for me, but I like this game's roster more. Universe Mode is still busted, MyRise is boring, and MyGM is only fun with friends. I wish they would do more to spice this series up.

Fun if you have a friend to fight.