Reviews from

in the past

It's just SO BAD that I can't even get myself to believe Insomniac did this terrible game

it's honestly funny how i never played this one

3☆ - A fun tower-defense style game, taking Ratchet and Clank's goofy but fun weaponry and putting them in this genre really checks out for the common goofiness of tower-defense games. Nostalgia +1☆.

It it weren't for the co-op this game would have been so much worse. It's a very repetitive game-play.

The goal is to protect your base from enemies and when you finish the level you do exactly the same thing over and over again. You have 3 different bases in the game and you spend your time protecting them (one at the time).

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Played with my girlfriend and really enjoyed it actually. Not too much of a fan of tower defence games, however this was nice to play and didn't take too long either! Definitely good if you have an extra person to help :D

The biggest issue of the game is the trophies are very time consuming , and also wish there were more levels or challenges as , like i mentioned earlier, it didn't take that long to finish.

Overall very fun coop game , especially for anyone who likes the rac series!

Very fun to play but it's a tower defense game wich is not my favourite type of game.

Played and finished this game in a few hours in one sitting with my boyfriend, the reason I enjoyed it so much was because of that I think it was fun in co-op but I feel like the game would be super dull solo in comparison. This is not the usual R&C game as it is a tower defence game with linear planet design where you go do an objective, return to the base, kill hordes and then repeat till the end where you have one last rush and complete the planet.

Things I do like is the co-op, the weapon choice fits well and are fun to use, the upgrades to your character through badges earned on the planets and the cringey dialouge from the villain was amussing.

Things I disliked are the levels they felt dull and way to long, the reusse of a level when there is only a handful of them, the groovitron made the game way to easy and the pyroblaster was super strong which made anything melt in seconds with no chance of fight back and finally the back and forth felt a bit tedious on the longer levels.

Overall this game was fun and super short maybe like 3-5 hours I think so I would reccomend especially if you are playing co-op.

A good coop experience but super short and basic story, with bad performance

15 fps and maddening load times on the vita, what the fuck were they thinking? Might as well not even port it, I'll rather bother with the constant crashes in RPCS3

this is called Q-force in Europe not really sure why but that's the version I played

while its really not a ratchet and clank game it takes the core of one to make a bit of a smaller fun spin-off tower defense thingy definitely more fun with other people though by yourself maybe I am just not that into tower defenses but this was a bit tedious at times

Much like Deadlocked, it's important when considering this game to not expect it to have the same gameplay as its predecessors. I went into this game expecting exactly what was advertised, and I had a pretty decent time. Once again, the story is inconsequential at best, but the gameplay loop of racing through the battlefield, earning your weapons, placing your defenses, and warding off waves of enemies was VERY satisfying. Not a long game by any means, but as someone who never played it until marathoning the entire series, I was surprisingly pretty happy with the time spent.

Este jogo é tão mau, que eu nunca cheguei a acaba-lo

this was terrible when i was 8 so that really says something

It's fine if you have friends to play with, it's very tedious though. They play the Trololo song for some fucking reason at one point.

This is a Tower defense game disguised as a R&C game. I don't hate the game but it doesn't feel like the series i know very well. Not a fair rating but it actively makes me upset still

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- Pretty mediocre tower defence game
- Hit nostalgia-wise due to throwback of multiplayer Ratchet & Clank 3 defence game
- Other than that nothing special, would not replay

This game is ok, but this rating is a disgrace to the Ratchet and Clank that I know off. Felt like a DLC more than anything. No story, the gameplay is kinds meh too. The only reason that I bought it was because I wanted to buy the cheapest game of the PS store that I though was cool so that my dad would buy it. My PS was sitting in the countryside were there was no internet, so buying a game online with that speedy ADSL internet was new to me :)

It's fine for what it is but I really just don't care that much about FFA. Characters are ugly and annoying and the game is so short (which i guess could be a blessing)

Full Frontal Assault is about on par with All 4 One for me. Both very fine games in the Ratchet series, but if you don't have a friend or two to play this with then you can decide if you wanna skip it or not.

This game is your typical Ratchet and Clank gunning and platforming experience, except this time, it's a tower defense game. It's probably the shortest Ratchet and Clank game and can most likely be beaten in an afternoon so it doesn't overstay it's welcome. Though enemies get weirdly bullet spongey towards the end, especially the tanks. Pro tip: use the flame thrower weapon if you get stuck. It shreds through health bars like a hot knife through butter. It's actually pretty satisfying.

The story is...fine. It's a tower defense game so I wasn't expecting much anyway. The villain is really lame and is probably the worst one in the series. Funny jokes here and there. Qwark is the main focus if you're a fan of him.

Overall, a fairly good time. Get a friend if you can and blast through it. If you can't then feel free to skip. If you liked playing through the story mode, then give the online multiplayer a shot. From what I played of the tutorial, it seems like it could be fun with a couple of buddies.

I played on the Vita, which has terrible graphics, fps and load times. Would have been better on PS3. The game itself was OK, could've been better and longer.

Another big miss from Insomniac that did not fix any of the problems present in All 4 One. The tower defense gameplay is boring, the story is cringe and the game is still not optimized (crashed once).

Fun tower defense game to plane one night with some friends, nothing else