Reviews from

in the past

The endpoint of the systems that were refined through Symphonia and Abyss, so technically / mechanically feels the most polished of the three. The combat feels shockingly sluggish for the first few hours, but eventually opens up to the most wild systems of all three - the skill ceiling in this game is so much higher than the others, which adds some extra reason to replay. The characters are almost all very likeable, and don't just feel like anime tropes, although the core plot, especially towards the end, is not quite as gripping as its predecessors. I'm sure if I experienced this game when it first came out in 2008, I'd love it just as much as Symphonia and Abyss, but coming to it a decade later, I see a lot more flaws in the formula than I did when I was younger.

Clunky combat, misogynistic character designs, formulaic and repetitive level design. How does a 2008 Tales game feel as dated as its 1995 SNES ancestor? At least the story seems interesting, but I can already tell that the gameplay is going to be as tedious as Abyss and is therefore not for me.

-Classic Tales game.
- Interesting game mechanics and battles, very rewarding to master the combo system.
- Interesting levels and maps with slight explorations.
- Plot is basically an anime plotline, not interesting to me but it is serviceable.

Like always, all characters are interesting, and the friendship between Yuri and Flynn is deep, it's just awesome to see a protagonist that ain't afraid of dirtying hands.

Em 2021, comecei a jogar Tales of Vesperia com bastante empolgação, por conta de ter jogado e gostado muito de Tales of Berseria, que foi meu primeiro jogo da série Tales of. Por isso, mergulhei nesse título tão elogiado da série, avançando até a metade do game. No entanto, com cerca de 80 horas de jogo, acabei abandonando-o. Toda a empolgação inicial desapareceu, principalmente por conta do combate, história e missões secundárias. Embora algumas dessas missões sejam interessantes, elas são meio que jogadas no nada e você que se vire para achá-las ou concluí-las, já que algumas são perdíveis. Com o tempo, o jogo se torna cada vez menos interessante, especialmente pela história, que permaneceu confusa mesmo após zerar o game.

E agora, em 2024, resolvi retomar o game de onde parei e finalizá-lo de vez. Desta vez, me aprofundei um pouco mais no combate, o que melhorou um pouco minha experiência, mas ainda continuo não gostando devido à sua repetição. O ponto alto do jogo, sem dúvida, é o seu pós-game. Embora eu ainda prefira o pós-game de Berseria, Tales of Vesperia oferece uma variedade significativa de conteúdo novo assim que derrotamos o chefe final e carregamos o nosso save. As cenas animadas, apesar de poucas, são algo legal no game, uma pena o mesmo ter tantos problemas assim.

No entanto, Tales of Vesperia ainda mantém o combate mais clássico da série e alguns vão gostar disso, embora não tenha sido o meu caso. Além disso, possui alguns personagens carismáticos. Por outro lado, apesar do bom pós-game, a história esquecível, o combate desinteressante e as sidequests totalmente perdidas dentro do game, pesam mais. Talvez jogar com um guia torne a experiência mais satisfatória. Minha nota final para o jogo é 7.8/10.

Definitely a fun game, but it has some major weak spots, and I really don't understand why so many people claim this is the best in the series. Most characters were really good, combat pretty fun, ending was unsatisfying.

👾 Tales of Vesperia (🇯🇵 2008/2019)

It took me several years to complete its story in short bursts because I wasn’t invested enough. It’s an overrated entry in the series but overall its ok.

🎮 Played on Nintendo Switch
Rating: ✨✨✨▫️▫️

Qué buen juego, la manera en que reflexionan realmente me hizo pensar, y cómo toma la historia me hizo querer saber más. No es perfecto, pero sí el peak de Tales hasta ahora

Tava gostando bastante até mas perdi o save, talvez eu jogue depois

This game seems good but after this and Symphonia I think I might just not be a fan of the Tales series on a design level

apunta maneras pero no es para mi, puede que le de una oportunidad en un futuro

Tales of Vesperia is my first trip into this franchise. After being swallowed by near 70 hours of gameplay, I can definitely say that this is a must play for RPG fans.

Like most RPGS, the artstyle is the first thing hurled at you once you boot it up. I'm glad to say that this game is beautiful. Not only the many environments you'll visit looks great, but character design, anime cutscenes and music are very good. The charismatic cast of character also helps. Yuri, the protagonist, for example, may look like your typical anti-hero cliché guy, but as the story unravels, you find out that he's a bit more complex than than your standard main anime guy.

In fact, most of your party members are fairly well-written, with good plots, believable motifs and an overarching development over the game's 3 acts. Patty, the definitive edition's new addition, should be enough to convince you to spend time here.

It's a pitty that, although the cast is great, the writing and pacing do not help the overall storytelling. This lighthearted story is good. It actually goes a bit deeper than most regular RPGS, but the RIDICULOUS amount of not so compelling dialogues and slow interactions kinda kills the game's rhythm. And while the story is compelling, its supposedly epic moments are somewhat dull. I blame the pacing. Vesperia kinda outstays its welcome, which is a shame for a game so good.

But while playing this gargantuan game, you'll experience one of the best gameplays that action RPGs of its time had to offer. The battle system definitely carries a bunch of shortcomings and limitations, but it works surprisingly well. Organizing your party and skills feels strategical, buying and synthesizing equipment and items is nice, boss battles are challenging, the game often gets tactical and intense, the AI works neatly, dungeons are simplistic and well-designed and pulling the right combos at the right time is addictive. It's all too fun. This game is from the XBOX 360 era, but yells PS2 RPG. And that is a fantastic compliment, in my opinion.

The thing is, being a product of its time, Vesperia's gameplay is filled with limitations and archaic design flaws. If you like to nitpick, you might easily fall off the wagon. The combat takes a while to get used to, movement is stiff, difficulty spikes towards the end can make it a little grindy, getting mobbed and stunlocked in any fight IS a thing, you have to wait the enemy get up so you can damage it again, there are PLENTY of enemy reskins instead of new ones and not every dungeon is fun. And then there are the sidequests. Probably the most notable problem with the game. They are missable, clueless for no reason and, sometimes, rather unrewarding.

Yet, Tales of Vesperia holds up reasonably well. I'm glad I got to play such an intriguing RPG. Its shortcomings and pacing issues may not be for everybody, but the game constantly compensates you for playing and spending time with this remarkable cast.

Play this game. It has Patty in it. Do it for her.

Progressively falling in love with classic Tales, and this was no exception. Having a main protagonist already set in their ways with little room for growth is a risk, but Yuri is such an entertaining character that it more than made up for it. The party dynamic was really strong too; I really enjoyed the main cast as a whole. The story was a little weak, though.

I think this was the game where I really started to figure out how the combat system of these games work, and once I got things going I had a really good time with it. Overall a very solid game, and I would more than likely go back and do the extra stuff at some point.

Guys I really didn't like this at first and never started Act 3. Replaying it as Rita and omg it's good now

Playing this after having played the original version on the Xbox 360 so many years ago, so far loving the characters/plot/gameplay just as much. As someone who's grown up on the Tales series, Tales of Vesperia is an easily lovable game with a just as easy to love cast of characters, however I can see the game being seen as boring by others not too familiar with the series. I'm not as interested in mastering combos when it comes to combat gameplay, and as such the combat gets a little repetitive, however this can be easily challenged by someone with more ambition. The Definitive Edition does present some issues when it comes to sound mixing, as some of the characters have new voice acted scenes. These new scenes have different sound levels compared to the original scenes, and can sometimes be jarring.

Its a great game with an interesting protagonists and an unexpected third act twist. Protagonist and twist seem even more relevant the older I get. Music is really good and fun. Op is great, and combat is okay but eventually I figured it out, kinda. Uh, not perfect because Flynn constantly leaves, even though it works better for the story that he does.
I hope this game never gets a direct sequel. Unlikely to happen now but just in case.

Esse jogo é maravilhoso. Foi o segundo game da franquia que eu joguei e ele foi o responsável por me fazer amar essa franquia de jogos medíocres

I only played this game for a little over two hours. Naturally I won’t rate it but I think it’s enough to know if I would like this game or not and I will try to explain why I don’t think this game is for me and not to say that I think Vesperia is a bad game.

A slow, very slow start:

As I started the game, I was quite intrigued by the initial events. Something casual like a fountain breaking and the local hero running to the rescue is a very good way to start things, I think. Plus the game looks nice, the art style is really good looking and the town environment is much better than a lot of more modern and also flatter 3D JRPGs.

Then after about ten or maybe twenty minutes, I’m down to my first dungeon right after the tutorial. A dozen or so guards to fight with but basic attacks. After every combo I have a long recovery during which I can do nothing and I get ganked a lot. I know, the game will provide me better tools but why am I thrown at a dungeon so early with none of them? The combat at that point is really not very interesting and I think it expresses perfectly what I don’t like about this game’s pacing. Instead of putting things in your hands right away, it’ll instead slowly do so over the course of multiple hours while throwing bread crumbs at you.

Loading screen, battle, loading screen:

There are a lot of fights right from the very first dungeon and they have a very particular way of happening. When you encounter an enemy, you’ll have an animation of battle starting which is sort of like what Pokemon did, this already takes one good second. Then you have a loading screen, then another animation (thankfully you can disable this) with at least one second of nothing happening before you can move. Then after the fight you get at least one fade-in into a screen with your score, then maybe a level up screen, probably some party dialogue which is very repetitive especially when you fight every few steps, then another loading screen of 1-2 seconds to go back to the map. You’ll probably walk a few steps and do the same cycle again. This is very, very painful to me. I played other JRPGs, usually they try to lessen the time for these things. Final Fantasy for example (I only played the 2D ones) had pretty straight to the point fights, get an encounter, beat the enemy and move forward. Chrono Trigger doesn’t even have loading screens at all, not even when moving to new areas. I just can’t get used to this pacing.

A while later, you fight your first boss. You may have levelled up and unlocked a new move which doesn’t change the way you fight at all. Anyway, you get your second party member and from now on the game is mostly about you out-healing hits. It sort of plays like a mmo where you just attack and get attacked back. Sometimes you’re stuck in the middle of a group and get stunlocked too.

Too many skits, can’t jump lines:

When you get your first party member, the game also introduces skits, short conversations that show party interactions every once in a while. You get a prompt telling you about it and you can choose to watch them or not, granted the way it’s presented with such a big popup makes it seem like an essential part of enjoying the game (and so say the fans). Two new problems appear here:

First of all, you cannot skip dialogue lines. I can’t read it like I would read a visual novel and skip to the next line. Considering the length of these, I cannot believe there’s no feature to just move on to the next line. You just have to stop what you’re doing and sit there for a minute or two for the characters to finish their voice lines. I honestly find it very awful. Added on top of that, they happen every few steps you take. Seriously, every few steps I just felt bombarded by skits. Why is the game trying to make me stop so often to watch skits? Why can’t I do anything without constant interruptions? You enter a new area, skit. You fight some monsters, skit. You move midway, skits. You reach the next checkpoint, skits and probably a cutscene of the party resting. Even when you reach a new location, suddenly you can’t go out of town until you move the story forward because the game removes your party and won’t let you out another.

A combination of slowness building up into… slowness:

So yeah, I feel like everything is designed to break the pacing in this game. The way battles work, the skits, the long loadings even on a modern computer, the speed of menus and even the speed of things like a dialogue box transitioning into the other. I didn’t mention it but cutscenes are also very slow with a lot of moments where the camera just sits there before moving to the next shot and the overall pacing of the story is also oriented toward slowness so it just doesn’t help. Why is the game so slow?

Is it a problem for a game to be slow? No, I don’t think so. I’ve played Trails games and they are very slow, slice of life JRPGs. Why didn’t I dislike them? Because the slowness is only in the pacing of the story and adventure, not literally included in the game mechanics. On another hand I absolutely hate Animal Crossing for its tedious menus where I love most farming games with efficient menus. I don’t like games that force you into cosiness and taking your time, but I could spend hours in Monster Hunter doing nothing and chilling in the environment because I decided to do it myself in a game where I love the gameplay, menus and pacing. I dislike Red Dead Redemption 2 for its overly slow animations for everything and it seems natural that I would not enjoy Vesperia, I guess.

I just feel like it wastes my time for nothing. What do I get out of taking my time so much in the game? Do I need it for immersion, character development or something similar? I really don’t want to spend so much time when I feel like the game could have been twice as short just because it doesn’t have a button to let me move the dialogue forward or because of its movement speed or another feature like that.

This seems to be a fairly uncommon opinion so I thought I would share it. I tried looking up similar opinions on the internet and I only found a few people expressing these concerns. Somehow, the usual response was “have you ever played a JRPG” as if they’re all like that. The only other game I can think of which is this slow is perhaps Ni no Kuni, although 3D JRPGs seem to be generally slower than the older 2D ones from the little experience I have with them. Sure a lot of them would have fillers, random encounters and other ways to just lengthen the game but at least those made you play the game. You wouldn’t play a Final Fantasy if you dislike the battle system and a shitton of encounters is annoying in its own way, but it still makes you play the way the game is built ultimately. A filler arc is still a part of the game where it plays the same as usual. Vesperia on another hand won’t let me play and will constantly remove the game out of my hands.

tava gostando mais do que esperava até o ponto que cheguei mas perdi o save, talvez volte a jogar depois

im bad at combos but i enjoy the funny gay witch

this honestly plays a lot like old-school final fantasy games not so much in the combat but just the story progression and how to the world expands i know a lot of these tropes arent exclusive to ff but this one really gives the vibe. that being said the combat just wasn't for me i found it kinda of tedious and i wasn't dying to play this style of game since I already played a Tales game this year and I already played the whole of the pixel remaster and ff8 and 9 last year and this year but I am trying to finish the larger games in my hard drive to free up space and these jrpgs sure are big that being said for a definitive edition this is severely lacking in quality of life features, autoplay cutscenes/text would've gone such a long way.

Absolute perfection. The pinnacle of the genre. A lotta love and talent put into this one.
I could write a whole essay on how good this game is, but bottom line its one of my favorite games ever. This game is why Tales of is so good to me. Best cast of any rpg ive played and a great story to boot, This game will be on my gravestone

Cast de persos incroyable, Yuri est un protag magnifique (et j'adore Flynn aussi il est génial), le gameplay est très très très fun, l'OST est VRAIMENT BON, il y a beaucoup de contenus et les graphismes et artstyle sont géniaux. Le système d'armes et les skills d'armes est très addictif aussi et motive le joueur à essayer toutes les armes possibles pour apprendre tous les skills. Le scénario était assez bien aussi, honnêtement c'était une expérience extrêmement agréable et addictif, c'est dur de choisir entre Vesperia ou Berseria mais ils sont tous les deux mes jeux Tales prefs


having only played tales of the abyss out of all the tales of games, i was fairly disappointed. only my desire to see this terribly paced bogged-down story through carried me to the end. characters are fine if you are okay with anime archetypes with nothing new to offer, but the constant talking about the same things over and over started to get on my very forgiving nerves after a while. it looks cute, the world is somewhat interesting, combat is boring and the story is clunky and meandering. it gets by on charm of its little anime cutscenes and its fighting dog with a pipe

judith and flynn were great though loved these guys

One of the best "Tales of" games I've ever played.

i really liked the visuals but ultimately the combat was too much of a slog at the beginning-- very slow paced and clunky. the characters and story were alright but not enough to keep me playing. also after playing berseria boy were the skits in this one soo repetative.. i swear estelle talked about how shocked she was to see monsters in at least 4 skits after leaving the first town.

This was a playthrough that I kept picking up and putting down. But I finally sat down with it over the midterm break and hooo boy. I loved it. I can see myself humming waa waa wee wey back to back waa waa wee wey face to face for many years to come.