Reviews from

in the past

Very fun game! It personally reminded me of both Pikmin and A Hat in Time. The movement is very nice, there's fun quests and interesting characters everywhere.

it'd be a 9 if the protagonist didn't look like that

Tinykin is so charming, fun, and easy to play. I have not played much Pikmin and think this is more like 75% platformer, 25% puzzle game. They really nailed the appeal of being a little guy in a big world, as well as making it fun to traverse the area. The first few Tinykin you find don't immediately help with traversal, but once you get the ones that stack up and upgrade your float bubble you're zooming around the levels to find every nook and crany. And that's not even getting into the soapboard, which adds grinding - all video games should have grinding.

While the writing was sometimes way too chatty (think the later Mario + Luigi RPGs), the story was charming and fun throughout. I had so much fun exploring and doing everything in every map, and it was nice that at 6-8 hours it didn't overstay its welcome.

jogo de plataforma e puzzle com gerenciamento de minion. Muito divertido e com fases que encaixam em uma sessão de jogada durante o almoço. Legal para jogar com crianças. Não fui atrás da platina por não ter algum items que mapeasse os grãos de pólen que vc deixou de pegar e vasculhar essas fases demoraria muito.

Fun 3D platfomer with a Pikmin 4 spin to it. You play as a shrunk down alien on earth going from room to room in a house completing quests for talking insects. You have multiple types of Tinykins to help you. These creatures that follow you around can do everything from lifting heavy objects for you to blowing up obstacles and creating bridges. Traversing the world is really fun as you have quite a few tools at your disposal to get around. The levels are not too long and there's no real challenge here but it's very fun to play.

Part Pikmin part platformer, Tinykin is awesome and I loved every minute of it. The graphics were nice and the gameplay/puzzles were fun. It also was just the right amount of play time.

Nunca joguei Pikmin e esse jogo tem profunda inspiração no mesmo estilo.

O aspecto de aventura misturando coletáveis é muito divertida. Os tinykins são muito fofinhos e as mecânicas associadas a eles são bem elaboradas. A sensação de progressão ao longo do jogo também fica bem nítida e complementa bem a experiência.

Peguei esse jogo na plus pra dar uma descontraída da gameplay de alan wake 2 e terminei ele em menos de 2 dias, muito gostoso de jogar

Really cute, most likely not gonna finish. I should probably actually play a Pikmin at some point, but W101 might have ruined any chance of me playing the vanilla version of this sub-genre.

Super lovely game
My first Pikmin like game that I decided to give a whirl as it was free on PS+, extremely lovely from start to finish, one of those cozy games that you just want to complete.

Played it with PS Plus.
Took me 8 1/2 hours to get Platinum Trophy.
Didn't do the races.
Probably won't replay it. Got more interested in Pikmin tho.

Cute game. I liked how the tinykin didn't carry over to each level as it made finding them for puzzles fun. Soap surfing was awesome. Platinum was fun and quick.

2nd playthrough after going through it earlier this year on Gamepass. This game still slaps so hard. If you have PSPlus Extra and still haven't played this, DO IT!!!

within the first five minutes this might just seem like a blatant pikmin ripoff, but it will slowly reveal itself as a quality 3D platformer heavily inspired by pikmin. it's fairly short, but it's another good example of quality over quantity. the world has a ton of charm all its own. there's also no combat, and the core gameplay is enjoyable enough without it, so its absence is actually pretty refreshing.

i have always liked games where you look at the mundane human world from a different, smaller, perspective. it gives everyday life a sense of adventure... possibly reminding me of playing with toys when i was a kid; viewing a bed as a building or a dresser as a hotel for insects, etc.

i think my only complaint is that this is entirely too easy, it only gets slightly challenging when you want to 100% it, but finding every item seems more tedious than is worth it.

you could do a lot worse for 6-10 hours.

Paguei a língua com esse jogo. Quando foi anunciado o trailer, jurei que seria outro indie que se venderia pelo seu estilo gráfico, e nunca mais procurei saber sobre ele, até que tive a oportunidade de jogá-lo, e bem... que impressão errada que tive.

Tinykin é um jogo simples, porém que atende bem a sua proposta. É um jogo de pegar inúmeros itens (tinykins, pólens e objetos das quests de cada mapa), procurar interações em cada mapa e ver os diálogos com as criaturas do jogo, no qual alguns são bem engraçadinhos.

Não senti falta do combate, pois é muito agradável fuçar cada canto das regiões. Essa exploração é muito bem desenvolvida devido ao uso da barra de sabão (skate do jogo) e dos inúmeros atalhos que vão sendo habilitados conforme novos trechos do mapa são explorados.

É bem agradável usar os tinykins, gerando expectativa pelos próximos tipos que serão disponibilizados nos cenários seguintes. Gostei da variedade de função de cada um.

Este é um jogo curto (levei entre 6 e 7 horas pra finalizar), ponto que considero positivo pra evitar que enjoe, e é mais que o suficiente para trazer paz em jogar algo tão aconchegante. Minha sugestão é evitar rushar o jogo para que a experiência seja mais proveitosa e evitar que a gameplay fique saturada.

Tinykin is a very good game, centred around the protagonist who uses tinykin beings to solve puzzles and move the story forward.
From a gameplay point of view, the game is really very good, divided into several zones that can only be reached by finishing the previous one. The game does a good job of disseminating the mechanics, and the various tinykins are given to us as the game progresses, helping us to understand their usefulness in solving the puzzles.
Another important point is the movement aspect, because of its format, the game requires you to move around in order to find the elements needed to solve the puzzles, and I find that moving around is really enjoyable in this game.
From a story point of view, the game is fairly classic, so it's OK without going overboard and doesn't offer any replayability once the game is finished.
The game's sound design is really nice and the music is very pleasant, going well with the relaxing gameplay.
Finally, the game is visually stunning, with a unique aesthetic in which the main character stands out from the background, providing a nice contrast.
In conclusion, I think this game is really excellent at what it tries to do, and it's also just long enough to be fun (~4 hours without having done all the ancillary content) without being too long to go round in circles and become boring. So I'd recommend it for people who are looking for a relaxing game with fairly simple puzzles and a happy atmosphere.

Jogo fofinho, é inspirado em Pikmin porem ao invés dos elementos de estrategia, implementa o coletatton, que eu gostei, excentiva a exploração. Não um Celeste, um Sea of Stars, mas como jogo indie casual ele desempenha um otimo papel.

What appears at a glance to be a simple Pikmin clone, Tinykin molds the formula into a title that strips away combat and focuses exclusively on platforming. It provides expansive locations with fun characters and charm.

Each Tinykin type is bursting with personality and it was always a treat to see what parts of the house I would explore next. This title is an absolute gem and I couldn't recommend it more.

- Pikmin but instead of being a strategy game, it is a collectathon 3D platformer.
- Main character can glide really far by the end of the game. It is a really open platformer.
- The world is really cool. Basically a house occupies by bugs. Each species have their role, hierarchy, and culture. And of course that come with conflicts.

Red Pikmin: Cool with fire, can be squished, will kill in your name, make me sad when they die


Tinykin is without a doubt my favorite collect-a-thon 3D platformer I've ever played. It's very charming and rewards exploration behind every corner. I'd recommend it to anyone who enjoys collect-a-thon type games!

Plataformero colectatón muy divertido, un guión buenísimo y tremendamente maduro para lo que es la estética infantil del juego. Un plot twist de la concha de la madre al final y chistes aptos para todo público pero que tienen otro sentido en la mirada de un adulto, una sensación parecida a cuando miramos los dibujos animados que mirábamos de niños pero en la actualidad, y nos damos cuenta del doble sentido de muchas cosas.

A really good take on the Pikmin formula! Made with so much love. The gameplay works a charm, the characters and world are really lovely and ultimately it's just a great game!

Collect-a-thon platformer + Pikmin = Yes

A rock-solid collect-a-thon platformer with excellent art direction and delightful characters. Its level design is a bit too open-ended, but its clear Nintendo inspirations make for an enjoyable enough platformer.

Full Review:

What a lovely game! I've never played Pikmin, but if it's anything like this, sign me up! This game is most certainly the best game I've played all year, and I'm not even finished with it yet!

A wonderful little platformer that takes some neat inspiration from collectathons and Pikmin to create a beautiful little game. It took me a while to get used to the platforming, and I found the grinding a bit finicky at first on mouse and keyboard, but once it clicked, it really clicked, and it was a blast speeding around the different rooms in the house and doing the time attack challenges. The story is relatively simple, but expands at the very end in some very neat and fun ways. It's absolutely beautiful, and the 2D + 3D styles mesh together so well.

I absolutely loved the objectives in each area, and the little side quests were really fun to go and complete. I liked the writing, though my only complaints is the further along I got the more referential it got in very obvious ways, and I hated having to help the bourgeoisie quell a rebellion, essentially, in helping make a cake.

Great game! I got it as a gift but would certainly have bought it, and I really enjoyed it! If you're looking for a platformer with some fun travel, check this out!

I love this game, it was so much fun.

Cute, relaxing fun little game. Highly recommend.

This review contains spoilers

A great 3d Platformer in the style of a 2010s Disney channel cartoon but good. It's also Pikmin for some reason. Ending had a bit of cosmic horror in it I didn't expect. In fact I expected this to be a children's game but it feels more mid teens.