Reviews from

in the past

Electrocuted a junkie before bashing their head with a wrench. Very good.

Great atmosphere, combat was a little too chaotic

I still recommend this game for its interesting setting, even if everyone knows the plot twist by now. Each character you meet will leave some sort of impression and the weapons and powers are all entertaining to the last second. Sadly, the ending again dampens the game by just not being all that interesting at some points and really tiring at others.

Definitivamente um ótimo jogo, a narrativa é quase que perfeita, mesmo que eu tenha perdido boa parte do impacto que algumas revelações tem (spoilers), ainda são incríveis, tem algumas poucas coisas que me aborrecem no jogo (parte do combate, o hacking e o balanceamento)

(Gave the original a 5 as it has less problems than the remaster but this could have been an easy 5 if not for the crashing).

Bioshock is debatably a really good immersive sim. Some people may not consider it one but considering SS2 is a IS and bioshock is essentially an underwater reimagining/spiritual successor that is a little hypocritical. Now is it a little more restrictive than the average IS ? Yes but I would still call it one due to it check boxing pretty much everything on the list of what makes a game a IM even if its not hardcore. Getting past that the game itself is goated. Amazing story and atmosphere with fantastic world building and lore. I have a hard time picking between 1 or 2 in terms of which one is better (infinite would be a part of the convo if it wasn't CODified). The twist itself is just immaculate and not too many titles can stack up against this one. I dropped the rating a bit because this remaster has even more crashing problems than the original game.

Best game ever made. I've played it at least 15 times all the way through and I'll never get bored.

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In the end, what separates a man from a slave? Money? Power? No, a man chooses, and a slave obeys!

"Would you kindly, powerful phrase. Familiar phrase?"

This game was so insanely good game from start to finish. I know I'm late to playing this game compared to other people but it always freaked me out growing up. Now as an adult: It still freaks me out, and rightfully so. The game beautifully meshes this survival horror feeling with gameplay that has aged like the finest of wine, and to top it off, the story was impeccable from start to finish.

Following the main character, Jack, as they explore this dystopian city built on so many ideas from Andrew Ryan and watching it all unravel at the seems that were visible from the start. The prominent characters were great, the gameplay despite how old this game is was amazing and sleek, the set design overall throughout the game was stellar, and the voice acting was phenomenal. Finally, usage of audio logs throughout game gave further clarity in this wonderful spectacle of Rapture. Its so obvious why people give its sequels a hard time now: What can top this? Bioshock's only detriment is how hacking minigame works but even that slight against it isn't enough to diminish its score: This game is worth all its praise, its about as close as you'd get to a game being perfect. What is captured in this densely packed about 12 to 14 hour playthrough is nothing short of a marvel and Bioshock truly is cemented as one of the many best video games of all time.

Todo lo que es no estar jugando es la puta polla.
Cuando tienes que pegar tiros o cualquier cosa es infumable.

Uma das melhores histórias e narrativas de todos os videogames com 2 vilões que também ocupam o pódio, mas tem uma gameplay um pouco limitada para um FPS

i love this game i dont even care. some of the gameplay mechanics feel clunky by modern design standards but the art, story, world, etc. are all as thrilling now as it was in 2007.

So far, pretty enjoyable. I pick this up and put it down infrequently, never seeming to beat it, but not because I dislike it or think its too difficult/easy/etc. I just for some reason or other get side tracked or almost lose interest in finishing it. Maybe I will someday

Narrative: 3.5 - Gameplay: 3.5 - Visuals: 4 - Soundtrack: 3 - Time: 2.5
Stars: 3

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"And in the end, what was your reward? You never said, but I think I know: a family."

So this is what happens when a bunch of libertarian nerds get together and do something.

The game was alright, the gameplay isn't bad by any means but it's nothing revolutionizing. I love the idea of Rapture and how it's presented but i wasn't really captured by the levels, i 100% would love to have a concept art book.

Plot wise it was pretty good but i kinda went in knowing Atlas wasn't a real person so it wasn't engaging enough, that is until it's revealed. I thought it was some Snowpiercer kinda thing (where the leader stages the revolt), so seeing the actual truth was really good SPECIALLY when they reveal the truth about the MC that was really unexpected so that + the good ending bump up the score to a 4/5.

And speaking of, the good ending is soooo good. watching the cinematic of you giving this poor girls the life you never had, letting them be normal after the hell they went through culminating in having a real family what perfect ending, like Dr Tenenbaum said: "a reward".

gameplay feels old and clunky but the writing, atmosphere and great story make up for it.

Bioshock just ticks all the boxes. Right from the beginning, it becomes obvious that the people that worked on it are very talented.

Bioshock starts with one of the single most incredible openings in the FPS genre if not video games in general. Fantastic level design and art style inspired heavily by Beaux Arts and Art Deco. You discover and start to understand the story and the lore by exploring Rapture. Even different corpses on the ground tell their own story. Every element around the city is full of details, character and charm from vending machines to the Splicers (the main enemy type), giving you an insight into the events that led them to where they are. The atmosphere is phenomenal and unique.

Gameplay and the shooting are addictive, just like old-school shooters. The fights with the Big Daddies can be tense and brutal until the later levels where you already have enough equipment to deal with them quickly.

Most of the negative reviews are because of the remastered version. I don't know if they patched it or I'm simply playing a different version from the others but I haven't encountered any bugs/glitches. The game never crashed and I was able to run it at a stable 200 FPS. The only "complain" I have is the lack of graphics options but It's not that big of a deal.

So now, would you kindly buy Bioshock?

Gdyby nie to że co krok trzeba układać plungera to by było fajne, a tak jest wkurwiające

Poor gameplay, silly mechanics but the story makes up for it. Great game overall.

Arkadaşlar uzun soluklu bir incelemeye okuyun ve sonra oyunu oynayın.
Hikayeli oyunlara bağımlı olan bir oyuncunun ellerinden yazılan notlardır.
Arkadaşlar bioshock evrenini gerçekten benimsedim ve kitap okumayan biri olarak bu oyunun kitabını bayıla bayıla okumuştum.
Oyununun remastered serisi çıkınca oynacağım diye kendime söz vermiştim. Ve o gün bugünmüş.
Yaklaşık 9 saatlik oyunu oynadıktan sonra bu Anasını sktiminin oyununu yarıda bırakmak zorunda kaldım.
Ulan arkadaş dark soulsmu oynuyorum ben amn feryadları zorluk ayarınızı sikm ben sizin. bu oyunu çok olumlu yapanlarında göt deliğini sikm . Arkadaşım hikayeyemi odaklanayım yoksa cephaneyi sınırlı seviyede mi harcamayamı odaklanayım yada götü boklu kızın siktimin robotundan kaçmaklamı uğraşayım aq.
Yemin ederim elim ayağım titriyor.
Bu oyunu bitirmek için o kadar çabaladım ki. Lan cephane sıkıntısı var oyunda oyunun görev yönlendirmesi zaten siktr boktan ya arkadaşım adam bana diyorki şu sıvıyı getir. İpucunda ne yazıyor biliyor musunuz ? :D
gazel onu boruya sakladı anasını sktimin evladı boru nerde boruuuuuuu
O boruyu götüne sokacam gazel aptl oyun ya Gerçekten bu oyunu oynayanında oynatanında beynine boşalayım yeter ya

Great story, great gameplay, great leves desing, everything was great, I loved the creative aspect on the world or enemy desing. A bit long at the end, and the final boss was too easy, but overall one the best games I hace played

Good port of an amazing game. Loved every second of it. Atmosphere and story have yet to be matched by any other game, its really some of the best I've played yet. Only not 5 stars because the combat feels a bit dated.

Did go for 100% on two playthroughs. Had a lot of fun with the DLC missions, and definitely wish more people gave them a shot. The combat one was probably the most fun as it was the most stressful

Não achei que fosse gostar tanto desse jogo. É meio agonizante em certas partes e o desafio até que é razoável. Só queria ter tido a oportunidade de jogar com um controle, já que não estou acostumado a usar o mouse e teclado.

genuinely an amazing game, the gameplay is good and the story is engaging. It would have been a 5-star if I didn't have spoilers.

Score: 87/100
-Got the good ending
Was a really good 3d shooter was an awesome story and theme throughout the game.

La ambientación, la historia y esas cosas están chulas pero jugablemente ha envejecido como la mierda, tengo pendiente terminarlo.

the controls are bad but they said would you kindly rate it 5 stars

(she is perfect to me!)

jogo divertido, com boa história e temática