Reviews from

in the past

Art is when I play philosophy quotes at random intervals while you walk through an empty void.

aquela cena das pedras com olhos do filme everything everywhere mas em formato de jogo

This game is never finished so I will always pop it in for a quick half hour bittersweet existential crisis

We as humans should not think of ourselves as above or remove from the world around us. We are as much or as little a part of the universe as the tiniest fly or the biggest planet.

That is the premise around which Everything is build and that Everything tries to get you to relate to. While the gameplay is simplistic and the narration walks a fine line between engaging and pretentious, I very much appreciate a game that has a real point and builds every part around supporting that point. Want to see more games like that

I have no idea how to feel about this game. It is profound and hilarious but not... good.

Nice narrations, forgot where my first spawn was so I gave up.

A beautiful experience that makes you feel more connected with everything around you.

Eu tive uma fase "Alan Watts" quando adolescente e esse jogo saiu no ano que mais usei doce, e o momento em que o átomo se transforma no universo foi bem revelador para mim. Mesmo hoje em dia tendo outros conceitos, foi uma boa experiência.

Played 2 minutes being everything make me vomit. I quit and prefer to be nothingness by queuing on League of Legends.

Misleading title, I wanted to be a hot big boobied goth chick and those aren't in the game. I'm deeply dissapointed

The best philosophical text you can play.

I think the Tutorial section of the game is pretty wonderous and manages to be an interesting hybrid of walking simulator with philosophy wrapped with a little bit of a Katamari flair. After that I think the game has already made its point and it just decides to speedrun the tools it can give you to just be a pseudosandbox thing with only the occasional audio recordings to break the monotony. I think they were onto something special but they barely cooked it.

Playing the bacterias (and anything is that size) disgusts me

Truly a fantastic piece of art. Really makes you feel like you are part of universe instead of just living in it.

che fatica ragazzi
reato di Alan Watts

Made me cry. not even sure why really.

yeah the alan watts stuff is kinda pretentious but this game is absolutely fascinating and is probably one of the coolest games i've played just by virtue of having so much to do and so many different things to control. really need to replay this game, it's been years but i remember having a blast with it

An extremely impressive feat by David O'Reilly. This game has an incredible sense of scale and a great mechanical complexity curve. I didn't love it enough to spend 20+ hours collecting every "thing", but I enjoyed the 3 hours I put in. It can be a bit pretentious at times, but I respect that it knew what it wanted to be and went all in on it.

It's such a cool idea, and I like Alan Watts, but now that I know David O'Reilly is kind of a new wave crypto idealist I'm not sure how I feel about this whole thing being more meaningful than it is pretentious. Like things kinda slot into place and it makes sense that this was made by that kind of guy. I'm sure he's not all that bad, but I unfollowed him on social media a year or two ago because he was just giving off insufferable vibes and I can't remember if there was something specific vis a vis NFTs/crypto or if it just felt like that was where he was heading. Maybe that's not good enough reason to dislike this game, but given what else I've seen of his work I think it's founded enough for me to be skeptical about him.

This was a game I've wanted to check out for a few years, and overall I'm glad I did. (and doubly glad I got it heavily discounted) Like others have noted, the writing and narration from Alan Watts can be thoughtful at times, but others it comes off a bit pretentious.

I've listened Alan Watts' lectures before playing this (which is originally what drew me to it) but I think when they are spliced like this the game can loose out on important context or you miss the point of whatever sound bite you're listening to. I also found a hard time really listening to the Alan Watts sound bites and really digesting it and also playing the game. This could be a personal thing, but I found myself stopping to digest the information, and then playing the game. It was always one or the other, but very rarely both due to all the visual and audio stimuli.

Also something that could be better with a controller, but the mouse controls were a bit jank even when tweaking the sensitivity settings.

Overall, it isn't a bad game. If you think you would like a short little calm experience with some fun but possibly pretentious dialogue - its not a bad game to pick up on sale. I don't think I'll be picking it up to play again though.

obnoxious game for obnoxious people

bem idiota mas de vez em quando te faz pensar. não tenho ideia de como avaliar direito isso



What the fuck is that???

C'est un jeu, tu joues un petit truc, et tu peux prendre possession d'un truc plus gros si il est proche de ta taille. tu passe d'une souris a une galaxie.

C'est sympa comme oeuvre d'art, pas fou comme jeu

you can't actually be EVERYTHING

It's a very museum core game, it does have an ending but the concept being very limited despite its title, you get what you can get from this game very fast, there are surprises along the way if you put time to it, but yeah, it's a very it is what it is feeling

pretty neat but gets boring very very fast

Everything is everything, is everything is everything. A Katamari Damacy-like box lined with philosophy and sincerity. There is an innate pleasure in sitting back and watching the environment ebb and flow as elephants become traffic cones, as hadrons are swapped with nebula, as scales shift quickly like static between television stations. It may possess one trick, but the trick is to let go and experience the natural order of things. A delightfully surreal meditation of a game.