Reviews from

in the past

70 bucks OST with a free game to boot

When Sephiroth said "Do you know the way" and I burst out laughing, I realized I have the internet equivalent of Mako poisoning.

I really wanted to give this game a 10/10 but I just can’t so close tho I’ll elaborate later below

Legendary. From the moment it starts you know it's special. Beautifully crafted, great audio, a game with soul,purpose and yet somehow makes a world so big worth exploring. A legend reborn from a legend.
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth feels like a game I created in a dream when I was a kid. This game is proof that dreams come true. One of the most heavenly crafted games I’ve ever experienced. The perfect battle system: Final Fantasy VII Remake! It is a hybrid of ATB and action based and offers fans of both systems.

FF7R is the perfection of the classic ATB system. It has the most balanced combat system ever; end game utilizes abilities & spells from early on even on hard mode.

I'll die on the hill that FF7R has the best modern FF combat systems by a wide margin and should serve as the basis for future titles.

Very flawed title, but a timeless legendary gem nonetheless. The combat system & party system makes this game a 10 for me, and it makes the problems easy to ignore.
Besides Soulsborne, this is my favorite combat system of all time.

miss me with that shipping nonsense. dont care about punchy big boobs girl or manic pixie dream ancient... give me the pretty spiky hair mothafucka..c'mere blondie lemme show u what a real buster sword do..

they could never make me hate you cait sith

The games been out for 2 days and I already have 20 hours on it… finishing all my homework for college this weekend really paid off

Play this game if you're a fan of the 2020 Final Fantasy 7 Remake. Rebirth has all the spectacle of that game alongside all the strong themes from the 1997 Original. The game also has all of the tedium and weirdly low quality moments of the first FF7 Remake in addition to all it's benefits. Everything you loved and hated from Remake is still present in this game.

The open world is better than you might assume, as it serves to enhance the environmentalist message of the story and has both rewarding side activities and less interesting ones that just pad the runtime. Not the best, but not the worst I've ever seen either.

Final fantasy sempre foi um jogo que era reconhecido pelos graficos e pela história.
Esse rebirth ficou perfeito e com graficos de ponta dessa geração.
como foi bom ver o sefiroth já como lenda .
nossa, que jogo lindo.
vale muito a experiencia

By far: it's an awesome game for the exploration and battle. I am surprised by it since I feared of the overworld take, but it turned out pretty good by base from what I saw.

It does feel a little jerky (especially on the party movements in some occasions until now), the slow crawling moments are still there and plot speaking: I already felt the "Nomura" at the post-demo content cutscenes.

Almost 20 hours by far and...yeah, I don't get all these 9 or 10/10 reviews I see. Game is a 8/10 so far, which is still a good score. Definitely has some flaws (also few minor technical issues).

Big suggestion: play it on Performance mode. And you'll enjoy a very solid game.

A deeply messy and conflicted game that shows the strains of the capitalist need to remake this game for money versus the interesting metanarrative of what it means to remake FF7. Swings from some of the most beautifully written and heartbreaking moments in any game ever to some of the most tedious gameplay slogs ever. It is the best and worst game in so many ways. The pacing is horrid and at the end of the day i think the open world bloat gets in the way of all the good this game does have. On the ending: it wants to have its cake and it eat it too. It shouldn't. Remake set up so many big swings and this game refuses to make good on those.

Game definitly has that 2nd sequel in trilogy feel where it tries a lot but never really leave end satisyinglyly, I think each charcters arc is good and I would say at least 60 percent of the sidecontent is good but my god the 40 percent is just horrible, you go from the highest peaks in a game to pushing carts in dungeon for 30minites, its fun and better than remake but it has a lot of issues.

Like cloud, I also always see Sephiroth

90% of this game shares similar pros and cons to the first part of the Remake trilogy. The story is extremely dragged out via a much larger map, an entire chapter of filler, and unnecessary changes. For what it's worth though they did make some good changes like making Yuffie and Vincent main story characters instead of optional like they used to be. Unfortunately though Vincent and Cid are both not playable. They really should have been. The dev time was all put into developing unnecessarily long roads, mountains, and caves, along with filler beach scenes, instead of fleshing out the combat with characters that walk by your side and were playable in the original. I still wish they just made a real remake of FF7 with just minor changes at most like the previously mentioned inclusion of Yuffie and Vincent in the main narrative, but instead they decided to shove brand new timeline shenanigans into the plot. The worst part is it's usually just for shock value. Characters dying or not dying often leads to nothing significant in the long run. Why are multiple timelines being included out of nowhere? It genuinely comes off as pure shock value without any substance at times. There are some hype moments to be had via these and I am intrigued by some. Heck I do actually think one character's timeline shenanigans is actually modestly used well (compared to the others at least), but a lot of these additions do nothing for me. At the end of the day though this is still Final Fantasy 7 for the most part. It's filled with moments I love like Barret's backstory, Red XIII's backstory, and more. I loved seeing iconic moments like Sephiroth walking through fire in HD, but I wish they actually kept all the iconic moments instead of replacing them with what can only be described as completely nonsensical narratives. Now we have to wait years to know what any of these scenes even mean.

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Sure, why not start my account with this?

- The Zack prologue is an absolutely wild narrative gauntlet to throw down, fracturing the timeline much more than the last game's 'we don't have to be beholden to the original' ending implied.

- That would seem to undercut the drama of the original story beats being re-enacted, but so far (I'm about to get a chocobo) it's managed to continually surprise by accelerating certain elements of the original. Tifa confronts Cloud about their mutually exclusive memories the same night he tells his story, and Cloud goes on a date (with Aerith) in the first town outside Midgar.

- The flashback, and it being used as the game's demo, is very similar to the opening of FFXVI. That game was able to sell a lot of it thanks to Ben Starr's committed performance. I've not been as big a fan of how Cloud and Sephiroth have been directed in these games, as an extension of Advent Children, but hearing Cloud fully losing it with Sephiroth really justifies his aloof deliveries elsewhere.

- The 10:1 scale model of remake:original in both story and geography basically means there's no way they could remake the full original with only one more game to go, so I wonder if there will be more composite storytelling.

- Kalm's Renaissance European design feels like an FFIX remake we'll never get outside of dedicated fan projects.

- Ditto the innkeeper distracting the guards while you climb over and past them, an identical echo of a moment in FFVI.

- Love the context-sensitive overworld music, switching between exploration and battle on the fly.

- This might be the balance in map size that the series, at least in its single-player entries, has struggled with ever since they went more or less fully 3D with representative graphics. Big enough to feel like a world to explore (FFXVI felt like it took place on an island rather than a continent), but not so big that there isn't a ton of empty space and dead time spent traversing it (I bounced off XII twice on PS2 because its huge spaces are only tolerable at 4x speed).

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I didn't think I would dislike anything more than Persona 4 but here we are.

Gameplay: Based on the demo, the combat was a bit better than the first part of the Remake, but it was still pretty dogshit. It feels too slow and the mechanics are not fun to play with at all imo. However, playable Sephiroth made this unbearably horrible combat fun for at least a little while. I'm genuinely unsure how anyone can sit down, play this game, and think "yeah, this is good". Final Fantasy XVI's combat (or Square Enix's best action combat system: Kingdom Hearts II) should be the standard going forward for future FF titles since VIIR's combat is so unbearable I refuse to play this game beyond the demo, and just decided to watch cutscenes on YouTube instead. They also added more unnecessary, long walks basically Sony-fying this game just like the first part which is ironic since some of the weebs who praise this Remake trilogy complain about said Sony games.

Story: Some things were done better than Remake, some done worse. I would say the filler for the most part wasn't as bad as Remake's. There were some nice additions such as how they included Yuffie into the story. However, the filler still holds this game back a lot by making the story much slower paced than the original. I find it ironic that the complaints for FFXVI being slow paced aren't applied to this trilogy when this is objectively A LOT slower. They are taking a roughly 30 hour story and padding it out to ~120 hours, assuming Part 3 is also ~40 hours which is also uncertain currently since the first two parts only cover the first disc of the game, and there are still two discs remaining. The third part might be a lot longer than Part 1 and 2 in order to cover the rest of the story. Anyways, I would say the story is better than Remake's story overall until the ending. The ending really ruined the whole game I feel. Not sure why they decided to add timeline shenanigans which really brought down the story a lot. This trilogy's story is worse than even KH Re:Coded.

It's hard to say if I like Remake or Rebirth more, but they are both garbage anyway so i guess it doesn't really matter. This trilogy is a horrible remake and these two games (and probably the third one) are my least favorite games ever. I'm fully convinced the praise for this trilogy is just due to the good graphics and FFVII bias since I genuinely don't see any positive qualities. It feels like a complete disrespect to the original FFVII (which I'm not even a huge fan of so don't go saying "YoU jUsT cAn'T aCcEpT cHaNgE" or any other bs).

I hope the rumored FFIX Remake gets canceled because I don't want to see my favorite FF get butchered so badly. I'd rather play a shoddy remake like Pokémon BDSP or Let's Go.

Only at costa del sol but yeah this game is perfect

Update: finished the game yeah this game really was perfect

I fucking love ff7 dude

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Mostly done with Chapter 4.

- Chadley sucks, and his entrance into the game makes the overworld actively less fun to explore. There's no discovery when this dip child is marking everything on your map, it's a list-making. And he interrupts constantly. Take the Sheikah slate from the past two Zelda games and give it Navi's patronizing attitude, and you've got Chadley.

- I'd forgotten what showstoppers the boss fights in these games are.

- It may be they're just condensing or remixing iconic moments from the original to keep it fresh, but the whole 'Sephiroth saves Cloud by spearing the Midgar Zolom,' in combination with how callous Coud is immediately after--not caring about the robed guy who falls--has some big time-space paradox vibes, like the Sephiroth we're following and the one from the original are the same entity acting across multiple timelines. Or else Cloud's got a bigger heel turn in the wing.

- The detour with Barrett and Red in the mines is so much padding. They couldn't have at least included some character-building dialogue to make it worthwhile? At least the boss rocks.

Probably the greatest game of all time

I just wanna comment on some personal stuff that I think only I would care about but, This game probably has the most unique black NPCs in any Japanese game I've played lol, none of them are using that fuck ass Kilmonger haircut either.

Okay onto the actual game, I would assume a lot of people would not like the open world cause it's a bunch of checklist stuff rather then an emphasis on exploration(This isn't an issue for me at all I prefer this if we aren't gonna get traditional world maps), I think the characterization of some characters mainly Yuffie and Red XIII were really strong in this game, Yuffie was one of my favorites before but Red XIII is up there they did a fantastic job with him.

Lastly, I did know about the contents of the ending before the game dropped and without spoiling anything I think the ending is gonna be a huge jumping off point for a lot of people, I didn't mind the ending but that's probably because interviews prepared me for it lmao

Still a bit mixed on how I feel with the execution of this remake but hey maybe we will get that faithful one 20 years later haha.

I Can't wait to see FF7Remake part 3 in 2027

They weren't ready for a white boy's unbridled whimsy and swag