Reviews from

in the past

Eu sei que o jogo é bom, mas simplesmente não consigo me interessar o suficiente para zerar

really good little demo. excited to play the complete game

gameplay was great and i liked the story from what i remember just was short

For what it is it's not too bad but the controls are hot garbage compared to MGSV

While a solid teaser as what is to come within Phantom pain, it is a glorified demo at most thats why its only a low review from me, gameplay and mechanics and the small bit of story it had was enjoyable by a mile however

Good opener before MGSV,

-Good, short prequel to MGSV
-Smooth gameplay
-Easy to learn, hard to master stealth combat
-Essentially a tutorial for MGSV

Ulan kojima ne alem adamsın sen

Playing this in 2023 after getting it on sale and knowing it's only one mission, this is a really polished and fun game with some neat side content. Buying this in 2014 must have been heartbreaking.

probably my favorite ending to a mgs game

This is what should've been from the start.

Ground Zeroes started as a demo for Phantom Pain. It features signature Big Boss as he inflitratres Camp Omega to rescue Paz and Chico, the ones from Peace Walker. It's short, about 1 or 2 hours of length. Maybe 10 minutes if you know what to do.

It's just one mission. That's the entire Demo? Not exactly. The game canonically ends there, the events and the story itself that connects with Phantom Pain are all in one mission. But you still have plenty of missions to explore and complete besides the main one. These objectives are as varied as in the ones from Phantom Pain. Rescue this guy, destroy that, find intel. You name it.

The main star here is Camp Omega, an American base located on Cuba. A big base that is reminicent of the big outposts we see in Phantom Pain, but expanded and that being the whole map. I love it, the complexity in it's layout leaves your imagination to go wild and start making tactics to complete the objective the way you see feet, just like in Phantom Pain.

It's contained, it doesn't have the open world of the final game. And that's a good thing. But, this game is just a prologue for Phantom Pain. Nothing more than that storywise. The rest of the missions can be considered filler or extras, fun nonetheless.

In short, if you were tired of Phantom Pain's empty open world but loved the stealth mission were you go to a certain outpost. This is the game for you.

Buy it at a disscount though or in the Metal Gear Solid V: The Definitive Edition which includes this game too.

loved it when snake said Kept you waiting huh

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people who think this is bad but the phantom pain is great really don't seem to understand metal gear, GZ while short in length is a focused environment you need to learn in order to finish the mission correctly, just like a lot of previous MG games but on a smaller scale, and not only that but it's a direct followup from Peace Walker which is one of the most unique and interesting MG to date.
it's essentially the prologue to the phantom pain but it's importance shouldn't be ignored, it's actually the darkest metal gear game period, they hype up Skull Face as a really fucked up and evil villain and Big Boss has to experience not only losing Chico and Paz, two pillars of innocence he met in Peace Walker, but he has to witness Mother Base get destroyed completely.

... If Ground Zeroes is any indication?

I'm looking forward to Phantom Pain, at least on a gameplay basis.

Preciso revisitar, mas na época não me convenceu que valia a pena enquanto produto separado do V. Mas eu admito que só estava jogando pela história, então talvez se eu voltar para fazer 100% eu aumente a nota.

Edit: realmente estou tentando fazer 100%, mas a jogabilidade é bem travada em relação ao V e o jeito que a IA funciona é duro. A nota vai seguir a mesma.

Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes is an extremely confusing piece of video game history. It exists only so that MGSV: The Phantom Pain can exist, and, due to that, is hardly more than a demo. It was the first taste of what the new generation of Metal Gear could offer. Snake had never felt so agile, and he had a myriad of tools at his disposal. GZ’s cutscenes are, in my opinion, the best in the series. Kojima had typically avoided violence in previous entries; Snake would always tranquilize or CQC enemies instead of kill them. In Ground Zeroes, however, Kojima established that he would pull no punches and proceeded to show some of the most graphic imagery and storytelling in a game to date. It ends on a bang (xd) that sets up MGSV:TPP beautifully, but, that being said, MGSV:GZ isn’t worth purchasing on its own.

I completely forgot that this game even existed.

I actually quite like this game as a contained sandbox. I had a lot of fun with it given its short runtime and tight level design that really made the improved gameplay shine.

Kojima'nın demoyu millete kakaladığı oyun :) 1 saatte bitince millet şok tabii ki.

pra uma demo (paga), é bem interessante.

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throws a magazine at Chico
throws a magazine at Chico
throws a magazine at Chico
throws a magazine at Chico
throws a magazine at Chico
throws a magazine at Chico
throws a magazine at Chico
throws a magazine at Chico
throws a magazine at Chico
throws a magazine at Chico

Not bad for 30 minutes of gameplay

Amazing, very short, really only played it for the skins in MGS5.