Reviews from

in the past

Bastante simpático, un capo Little Mac

A very quick and incredibly rewarding game that never gets too too difficult but provides enough of a challenge to keep things interesting. Love its approach to combat with its almost rhythmic button pressing, and I will continue to play this on and off for years to come. One of the NES’s best

Got me into the franchise and boxing in a way. All the sequels are better but you have to start somewhere.

I'm extremely impressed with how well this game holds up. It's way more of a fast-paced puzzle game than a boxing game, so it has a really engaging gameplay loop. Probably one of the few timeless NES games.

I played this one for a bit, it was fun, but i had no idea what i was doing

This game is so much fun! It's also one of the first retro games I ever played.

Punch Out always fascinated me, it's one of those games you hear a lot about but have never played for yourself. So I decided to dedicate my time going through and beating every single title (There's only 3 not counting the inaccessible arcade one) and after finally beating this game without doing a billy mitchell I can say definitely, i'm a fan.
This is an old NES game, which if you're well inversed with these types of games it means they're hard, unforgiving, and brutal. Meant to keep you playing constantly. And yeah, this game is really hard. If you use save states I feel like you're not getting the true punch out experience, you need to feel those highs of finally beating that tough boxer you struggled on for days. (for me it was the sand man) and it's the greatest feeling once you do conquer the challenge.
While there's still some flaws in this games core design and its not the best entry, it's still a fun and enjoyable time learning the bosses and how to counter their movements. A game where only the best can step up to the plate, you either go big or go home. And for someone with the name "Little Mac" he goes nowhere but big.

little mac's eyes turn red at the end because he's filled with impotent rage directed at the player for making his 5'2" looking ass fight Mike Fucking Tyson

Usually older games had to rely on alot of abstraction to convey their experiences, so its actually pretty impressive that Punch-Out manages to feel very literal and intuitive within its limitations- to me this is good design (leaving aside its balance and its difficulty)

Really well-built game for the system, and is a really solid start to the series. Definitely the weakest of the three, but it still holds up, and I return to it every so often.

Hard as shit but really clever and mostly devoid of the bs that I feel most of these games have

Actually an amazing NES title. Such a classic.

Easy to pickup and play, can usually only get halfway through the roster.

i watched an interview where the actor who plays roman roy said he can beat tyson but only on CRT

Worse than its sequels, but still pretty good. I understand the concept and all, but I sometimes wish these games were a little bit easier, just for less skilled players (such as me).

Wait a moment is this the Dark Souls of NES games? Hehe.

Very Proud to say I beat this game without Passwords, its one of the toughest things I've ever went through as a GAMER.

Yeah, this game cannot be played on modern displays at all lmao. I'm fortunate enough to have played it on a CRT where.. the game is actually possible.

Honestly probably my favourite first party NES game. So incredibly rewarding to play, the boss fights are all super engaging, you feel like you're making constant progress and you feel amazing when you finally get them. Mike Tyson is probably one of my favourite bosses in any videogame.

boks oyunu, tek atma hilesi ile bitirilebiliyor

If you like whiff punishing in Fighting Games then this is a game for you. Becuase that is all you do in this game. However at times this game really feels like a reaction test and my reactions are usually too slow to beat soda popinski.

I did beat Mike Tyson once though after many attempts. This is a fun game but for some reason I am often scared to play it because im afraid of losing, which isnt a problem I have with any other difficult game. Scary stuff.

One of the greatest games of all-time.

makes u feel like little mac

Man ... that Mike Tyson is impossible...

Favorite NES game ever by far

This is the best sports game so far that I have encountered during my challenge. Even though that it's more focus on goofy/ arcade style, this is still a really great game.

There's actual a story to this sports game : Little MAc (the main character) have met Doc Louis (coach) on pure chance. Doc started to train Mac and Mac started to enter the World Video Boxing Association. He goal is to beat everyone and challenge the champion of the league : Mike Tyson. This is not at all mentioned in the game and can only be learned in the booklet of the game.

The graphics are really nice. Since there's nothing in the background that moves, they could focus more on the opponents and little mac as well. You can also see Mario as the Ref in this game. The opponents looks really good and they all have some great design and personality to them, which is great.

The music is also a really great There's a neat that I learn form the title screen music : The song is an adaptation of a Gilette (the rasor brand) song that used to always pay during boxing matches in the 50's. The main song during the fight is really catchy and will probably be a earworm for a while after playing a lot of Punch out. Also, each fighters have their own intro songs when they enter the ring. This is a great touch.

The controls of the game are really good and responsive. You can dodge or block with the D-Pad, use B for a left punch and A button for a right punch. You can use the Up on the D-Pad while punching to aim the Face instead of the stomach.

For the mechanics of the game, each bosses have their own patterns that you will need to learn to beat them. This is a great way to learn the AI Behavior. When pushing at some specific timing, you can have a star, which can be used for an Uppercut. However, using the uppercut is not at the right place on the controller in my opinion. The select button is not instinctive to hit in the heat of the combat. You get used to it though.

You also have a cardio meter. This get depleted when getting one of your hit blocked or when blocking. When fully depleted, you need to dodge every hit that's coming and will receive more damage if you eat a punch.

My major complaint about this game is the last boss. Mike Tyson is simply way too hard in the first round. A single hit at the beginning of the match and you will see the floor instantly. That can be really frustrating and makes the match really hard. I don't mind a challenge in games, but a one-hit kill in that type of game is too much.

That being said, I really enjoy this game and will often play a couple of matches since the game is so fun and addicting. I recommend this game to be played by everyone. You don't need to try and beat it, but yo will find some fun to go the furthest possible.

Game #55 of my challenge.

Mike Tyson is 3 inches taller than Little Mac canonically yet they make him look like he's 7 foot 8. This game must have been made by the modern white woman.

far and away the best game on the NES. rewards skill like no other at the time.

This game has the most realistic boxing game mechanics as it involves getting punched in the face repeatedly, but you do get to dodge the punches to be able to punch the other guy in the face repeatedly till he gets punched in the face. Sometimes there is even a punching animation for one of the opponents. It's crazy. I think I am going to punch the screen now.

(Game is good up until you get to Super Macho Man and then it becomes bullshit. I guess it was the only way for you to beat up so many ethnicities back in the day, so people found charm in it or something.)

If I EVER catch Don Flamenco in real life on the street that man is going to die