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👎 uf un poco mierdon se siente muy vacío y es todo muy farmear por farmear ?? aunque me encanta el diseño y el concepto en sí pero siento que está hueco el juego y es demasiado simple

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It's okay. Much like how I feel about Minecraft Dungeons, Legends just feels like a gateway to the genre of game it represents for younger audiences. it's simple, straightforward, and plays it quite safe. I mainly just played the game's story mode with two other people, and after the games rather confusing start, it instantly becomes second nature and a fairly straight line. All the game mechanics are instantly taught to you in the opening tutorial, and neither really decide to go beyond that. For a Minecraft game, quite a few of its many elements from the original game aren't present here, just the bare minimum that ends up being just enough to give create the overall aesthetic. A few unique elements have been used for this game too, like key characters and animal mounts, which do fit into Minecraft's style well. As for the style and presentation of the game itself, it's hit-and-miss. The simplistic chibi style used for most of the character models here is a bit offputting, more with humanoid characters like the villagers, zombies and skeletons, and your avatar. The design ends up feeling way too far off what a Minecraft game should look like, and overall just lazy and the easiest route possible.

The gameplay, while rather engaging and fun at points, ends up just being boiled down to pressing a button and watching the game carry itself. I would suggest trying a harder mode if you plan on playing this game. Clocking in about 7 hours, the game will just breeze by you and leave you feeling quite empty by the end of it. The formula to how the game is carried out is instantly established and doesn't really change from start to finish.
The games UI is strangely difficult to navigate at the start, and you may end up tripping up a lot trying to find what you need. It all looks the same and doesn't really stand out at all.
Finally, the Pigmen enemies feel braindead a lot of the time. When they eventually attack a settlement or if you raid them, they more or less just run at you with no consequence. Other types of enemies just do the same, but have more health or some sort of gimmick to them, which hardly matters due to allies feeling overpowered, no matter if they're in their element or not.

Overall, it's a fine experience if you like strategy games and don't feel like having much of a stressful time during a game. If not, act like this didn't exist in the first place.

Very pretty visuals, and the animals and soldiers are nothing short of adorable! I liked the look of the world, and the mounts (especially big beak!) were neat. I really enjoyed this game in co-op, I am not sure if I would have enjoyed this game as much if I was playing solo, but playing with a companion is better in my opinion. Considering I do not play games of this genre, this was a very fun experience. Unfortunately, the end game was extremely disappointing. Whilst I do believe that there may be more content in the form of DLC to be added in the future, the end-game did not provide much and felt very lacklustre. Storyline was fine, even good. Overall, it was a fun game.

It has a lot of cool concepts but fails to evolve them. After the first hour you've experienced everything the game has to offer as it sadly steers away from needed complexity. There's still some fun to be had with Pikmin style base raids, but that's about as far as the novelty goes.

Great visuals but the gameplay is really repetitive and boring.

Fun before you unlock the skeleton

sympa mais le multi est mal fait

Jogo prometeu muito e entregou nada

The concept and idea was very interesting. It's a Minecraft Pikmin-like, that sounds awsome! But 30 minutes in the game gets incredibly boring with a lot of needless walking and boring, repetative battles. I stopped playing after that and will not be returning

booooooooooooring, e trava mais meu notebook q eu jogava lol em 2013

Okay this game is forgotten and buried but hey good RTS for beginners if I can say that.

This game fucking sucked. Boring and annoying and repetative

Koskoca Microsoft, dünyanın en çok satan oyunu için bir spinoff oyun çıkartacaksın ve bu kadar sıkıcı olacak. Normal oyuna getirdiğiniz düzgün bir güncelleme yok bari bununla uğraşmak yerine ona biraz daha özen gösterin uzun zamandır bir şeyi yaparken bu kadar sıkıldığımı hatırlamıyorum.

Boooooo we want actually good and meaningful updates to Minecraft back not whatever the fuck this is.

i played this game for like 12 hours straight when it came out

O jogo é bem tedioso e fraco se comparado outros jogos do genero ou até mesmo da franquia minecraft, basicamente parece q eles queriam fazer um jogo diferente e colocaram o nome minecraft pra ver se vendia.

O jogo resumidamente é vc apertar um ou dois botões, fazer o seu exercito de golem e atacar bases de piglins sem o menor senso de punição caso falhe ja q vc pode praticamente spamar hordas de exercitos infinitos com o apertar de um botão.

O visual é até que bem bonitinho e fofo mas foge muito da estética simplista orginal de Minecraft, o próprio Minecraft Dungeons é um exemplo de que aquela mesma estética funciona em jogos de outros generos e eu não sei pq nesse resolveram mudar.

A gameplay no geral é bem fluida, porém muito chata e tediosa. O jogo se resume em farmar recursos pelo mundo, proteger vilas de aldeões e atacar bases piglins, e o pior é que esse looping se mantem o jogo todo até o fim, oq deixa a experiencia muito chata e repetitiva.

No geral é um joguinho bacana pra você deixar seu filhinho de 6 anos jogando pra se distrair enquanto vc trabalha, pq tirando isso o jogo é bem chato e repetitivo, esperava mais...

Really mid and the gameplay was not fun whatsoever. It was tedious and felt like a chore to do anything.

damn i really thought this one was good at least

Its fun but sadly there isnt enough in the single player to keep me going, just doing the story becomes a bit boring fast at least for me, I do like it for what it is though and its worth a look just to see if you'll get on with it.

Given how much of Minecraft is centered around building things, it seems like a real-time strategy base building game should be a perfect fit for adapting the series to, but I felt like this one seriously missed the mark. Controlling units never feels right, even with the game's more in-depth command menu. It's not exactly clear which units are being issued a given command and pathing often causes units to get stuck on geometry. The pacing of the game is also pretty whacky with an open world whereas I feel like a mission structure would be a better fit. I love to see Minecraft experiment with other styles and genres, I just wish this one had been structured differently.

The concept is initially interesting and was fun for the first while, but the story got boring fast. Was hoping that the multiplayer would be fun with friends, but you cant all be on the same team without a lot of working around and when we did manage to start an online game there wasn't enough depth to keep me interested past a few games.

Opened it by accident and decided to give it a go anyway. Played for maybe 2 hours. Definitely not my thing. Felt clunky to control and the visual style was cluttered and overwhelming. Cool to see them trying different things with the Minecraft property - an RTS certainly fits that.

I love anything related to Minecraft because I’ve always loved the world and art style, so this gets some bonus points for that. That said, this really wasn’t fun to play. Characters stuck in walls, unable to understand the concept of staircases, and a lot of tedious back and forth for resources until the late-game upgrades made this kind of a slog even though the campaign was quite short. I’m glad I gave it a shot and even more glad I didn’t pay for it given the beauty of game pass, but I’m probably not going back to it again, unlike its predecessor, Minecraft Dungeons.

This game is the biggest piece of diarrhea dick waffles I've ever played. I refunded this after only playing for 20 minutes. It's a shame because I was very excited about this. Fuck this game and everything it stands for. ^_^


Um jogo que parece não ter muita alma, tem cara de jogo que os desenvolvedores fizerem porque tinham que fazer.

Pontos positivos: cutscenes bem animadas, gráficos bonitos, defender é divertido e o jogo de maneira geral não é bugado.

Pontos negativos: jogo em muitos momentos se torna monótono, falta de carisma e coisas únicas, a temática do jogo com o gênero e a gameplay parecem que não foram aprofundadas como deveriam e ficou algo que ao mesmo tempo é simples, é confuso e chato. O jogo deixa bem claro que faltou uma boa direção.

Esse jogo é tão desinteressante e pouquíssimo memorável que nem tem o que falar direito mesmo sendo algo negativo, ele é um jogo jogável e até dá pra se divertir, mas falta muita alma nesse jogo, só jogando pra sentir.

cute idea but it gets real old real quick