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Time travelling and monster collecting are neat twists on XIII's formula, but the plot is on the same level and both protagonists are boring (Serah is cute at least).

What a beautiful looking, killer sounding pile of chocobo dung

XIII-2 is so good it made me search for Serah hentai.

i hope whoever had the idea to let tri-ace make a tri-ace ass final fantasy game is having a phenomenal day

this is probably the peak of gameplay of Final Fantasy. FF1-6 might be old school hard, FF7-13 kinda braindead, however xiii-2 is perfect sweet spot of mashing auto battle and switching up strategies on the fly so you won't die in 2-3 AOE attacks to some mini bosses or even bosses.

Final Fantasy XIII-2 is an JRPG with a turn-based-ish battle system, it continiues on FF XIII's paradigm shift automatic battle system which has it's good and bad sides, but is implemented massively better in this game, and makes much nicer battles where you feel more in control of your losses and victories. The time-travel theme with slightly less linear progression also fixes the other major problem in FF XIII making this game a bit of a hidden gem, since many probably gave up because of the predecessor. Actually one of the only real problem in the game is that some of the progress is hidden behind hard to find hidden treasures and side quests, so you may end up stuck too often. The story I find was quite good and the graphics and music are amazing as always. The game also had some quick time event stuff but that didn't really matter for me one way or another.

Se curtiu o Final Fantasy XIII e sua história, talvez seja melhor parar por aí e fingir que aquele é o fim da saga. Um dos maiores problemas desse jogo é a história. Não faço ideia do que passava na cabeça dos caras quando escreveram isso, especialmente depois das críticas sobre a confusão do enredo do jogo anterior. Aqui, a confusão é dobrada, porque eles resolveram colocar viagem no tempo, eu só consegui entender a história lá pela metade do jogo. Outra coisa que me deixou chateado foi o fato de praticamente não usarem os personagens do FF13 original, que eram o ponto forte pra mim. Serah até que é legalzinha e o Noel também tem seu charme, mas descartar todos aqueles personagens incríveis foi um tiro no pé, sem falar do mascote que eles adicionaram chamado Mog, que é tão carismático quanto uma porta automática de shopping. O único ponto positivo, na minha opinião, é o vilão, bem mais interessante do que o do FF13 original. Mas tirando isso, a história é uma bagunça cheia de furos (o que era de se esperar com viagens no tempo). As side-quests são podres de ruim, chatas demais e nada intuitivas. E o menu pra acessar os mapas e eras diferentes é uma confusão. A dificuldade não muda muito do 13, a não ser por algumas partes que ficam 300% mais difíceis e você é nocauteado por algum monstro específico (antes do último boss, tem um inimigo superforte que precisei fugir pra não enfrentar, mas o último boss em si foi tranquilo).

Mas chega de reclamar. A jogabilidade continua quase a mesma do jogo anterior, com umas mudanças pequenas que melhoram bastante, especialmente a parte de trocar de líder durante a batalha. Nisso não tenho nada a reclamar, já que curti bastante o combate do FF13. Eles incluíram vários mapas pra explorar, então não é tão linear quanto o anterior, mas ainda assim não é lá muito empolgante. O que salva mesmo é a trilha sonora, que acho melhor que a do FF13, com músicas dos chefes e dos mapas que são pica.

No geral, é tipo um Final Fantasy XIII com uma história pior, mas com essas melhorias não dá pra dizer que é um jogo ruim. Nota 6/10.

Tried to roll into this shortly after playing FFXIII and just couldn't do it. Always seemed really interesting though, hoping to get there one day.

I think this game was severely underrated. The first game received so much negative press and comments that most ignored this. But I think this game not only fixed everything from the first game, but is one of the better final fantasy games. The soundtrack is absolutely amazing and having a legend from chrono trigger help write this game made it all the better.

All the crashes were worth it for the music alone tbh.

Me encanta Serah como protagonista en una historia temporal que está muy bien desarrollada y un buen villano acechando en las sombras, muy recomendado, una secuela muy superior al antecesor

ive never played this game, i am not a final fantasy guy so i have no plans on ever playing it (also hear bad things about it). im sure im making someone mad by writing this out but fuck it- idk how i came across run from the ost, but its genuinely one of the greatest songs ive ever heard in my life. i love it to death and you need to go listen to it right now, youll be doing your ears a favor

Loved this game, it's near and dear to my heart.

I haven't finished this yet but from what i played it was good. 13-2 fixes the horrible party leader dies = game over mechanic, incorporates some cool systems where you fight alongside monsters, and has a lot of Chrono Triggery time travelling vibes to it.

Foi o melhor da trilogia do final fantasy xiii

Enjoyed my time with Final Fantasy XIII, so over the years I have tried to get into this game five times, but failed every time. It wants to give you an false impression of non-linearity and multiple paths, so you have to walk same hallways back & forth unlocking new pathways or just to confirm that it's a dead end. Map is a piece of shit and Mog made me skip all cutscenes. Awful music plays so loud you can't hear any sound effects, and there are no audio settings. One star for Sarah.

Carregado pelo excelente sistema de Gameplay, bosses e Caius Ballad. Não há muito a comentar. Em geral, foi divertido e final satisfatório com uma excelente boss fight para uma história nem tão excelente assim.

Melhor do que o 1º em praticamente tudo,com um vilao muito bom,eu acho o Caius fantastico.
A Serah é uma boa protagonista e o Noel é um cara legal,incrivel q os 2 nesse jogo tem mais quimica entre si,do q a Serah com o Snow no primeiro jogo inteiro.
Tem um dos melhores finais,pq te pega desprevenido e da um gancho muito bom pro ultimo jogo da trilogia.

Technically played on the Steam Deck, which was actually a good experience. A confusing one to gather my thoughts itself, it’s a good game with a unique time travel traversal mechanic and story. The combat is just as fun as the previous game and improved on it. The puzzles and fragment hunting can get pretty annoying but guides fix that issue. I think as a standalone FF game, it would be stronger, but it does feel like an odd filler episode after 13, only because the jump from abandoning the Fal’cie plot/lore and replace it with a time travel story and a new antagonist seemingly out of no where felt jarring. Any connection to previous lore/story in 13 was minimal, to the point it felt like this time travel story could have been in any FF game really. It feels like we aren’t even in the same world of Pulse and Cocoon (beyond visually), mostly abandoning all the main characters from the prior game. It’s not a BAD game by any means, it’s just a weird one that feels really different from the previous game, and not nearly as much focus on characters. It doesn’t feel like a sequel, it feels much more like a spinoff game that takes place in the same world.

Minor lore spoilers: We go from a game where the Fal’cie are desperately trying to open Etro’s gate by destroying Cocoon in order to awaken god, to one where these Fal’cie suddenly lose the motivation to summon their makers/god for no obvious reason (besides maybe losing their control over humans after humans realize they have free will). The person to replace the plot of opening Etro’s Gate to bring about the Chaos and eventual events in LR, now goes to Caius, but his motivations are entirely different and mostly unrelated to any of the lore in the prior game. Etro is the only thing that really ties these two games together loosely, but you have to read about this in data logs and novels, which to me is an indication on the failure of the writers to weave together these games in a more logical way that reveals itself during gameplay. If you have to read content outside of the game to get the full picture, I think that’s a great sign of weakness. Etro is basically the catalyst of all the bad events that take place in both games, but suddenly introducing her seemingly out of no where in 13-2 heightens this disconnect. That being said, the ending was pretty good with an unexpected cliffhanger that had me very intrigued. I liked 13 more for the characters, as their motivations were stronger and more fleshed out, and the overall lore of the Fal’cie/gods. Also, soundtrack is a BANGER as always for this series, probably my favorite game soundtrack ever. Overall, I liked this game, even if it has some strange game design choices and a confusing existence.

I remember jumping on this game right after platinuming FF13, thinking it would be more or less the same. It was hard imagining what a sequel could look like, given how final the ending was for Lightning and friends. I suppose too much was invested into the world building, lore, and canonical history to not explore further.

Taking place immediately after the first game, you play as Lightning’s sister, Serah, on her journey to find Lightning who has gone missing. Fal'Cie, L'Cie and Cie'th are all still around and just as confusing as the first game, although they play a much smaller role in this entry. The similarties between both entries are apparent right as you boot the title screen; everything that was green is now pink, everything that was thin is now bold. One thing I found to be unfortunate is how FF13-2 did not share the same crystalline tone and aesthetic that the first game had. Everything is bolder, fatter, and quicker paced; gone are the sleek menus with animated character portraits. While the game has its own unique appeal with the addition of rock battle OST and faster animations, it’s too unlike the first game for my liking. I guess it’s a matter of expectation.

While Noel's design felt fresh and reminscent of prior Final Fantasy games, the remaining cast felt sparse and unmemorable. Caius on the otherhand, was the perfect villain for a game like ths. It's no surprise that his silhouette is featured on the game's logo; his dark purple appearance strikingly compliments Lightning's softer pink design. Giving the adversary a face, a name, and a goal makes the entire journey feel that much more cohesive.

One of the core gameplay changes would be the removal of a third permanent party member. For the entire game, the only two party members you’ll play as are Serah and Noel (excluding guest characters). The third party member will be a monster that you’re able to recruit during battle. The upside to this is that it diversifies the amount of skills and attacks you can have in your party. The downside is that you’re less likely to get attached to the cast due to its tiny size. Every cutscene and story beat will primarily star Serah and Noel.

The way FF13-2 addressed the first game’s criticism of being too linear was to allow the you to teleport to previous areas, and also allowing you to visit alternate versions of areas that take place in parallel timelines. A neat idea, but given that each alternate area felt far too similar to the original area, it really just felt like you had a handful of areas that you were cycling between.

The vibes of the first game aren't entirely here, going more for a J-Pop ""pink"" aesthetic with Serah's costume mimicking an idol's dress. There is also a less foreboding tone overall, with the lack of a countdown on the character's mortalities. The difficulty was about on par as the first the game, without the massive weapons grind. The platinum trophy also posed very little challenge aside from finishing all the side-quests and hunting down all monsters. An upgrade from FF13 in some ways, and a downgrade in others.

Overall Rating: 80
Personal Difficulty: 40
Trophy Hunting Difficulty: 45

Fixed many of the issues FFXIII had, namely the pacing, linearity, and limitation of controlling only one character in the party. Felt like a more focused RPG experience instead of the weird inbred mashup of RPG and action that FFXIII was. The story was also actually coherent this time (for the most part at least, it’s still a post-FFVII squenix game so, y’know)

Overall, I would recommend people interested in the FFXIII mini-franchise to skip the first one and just start with XIII-2 (based on what I’ve heard, I expect I’ll also end up recommending skipping Lightning Returns but that remains to be seen)

To sum it up plainly, the gameplay is a little bit better, but the story and characters are a little bit worse than XIII.

There's something special about beating a big FF game. It just hits a little different. This was another masterpiece that honestly I can't recommend it enough. The cliffhanger is massive tho. I am extremely curious how Lightning Returns is gonna wrap up.

My replay of Final Fantasy XIII earlier this year dismantled my long standing prejudices against it while affirming my belief that it is a deeply inconsistent piece of art where all of its creative intent, a lean, character focused narrative set against the backdrop of a rich and vast cosmology, crashed against the walls of the Crystal engine and a rush to release a complete product. Floating player pathways over gorgeous environments that you never really interact with outside of Gran Pulse. A world that excluding the six protagonists and some codex entries is dead and non-existent. Besides the character work and battle system every component of Final Fantasy XIII reveals the title's deep inconsistency.

Replaying Final Fantasy XIII-2 not long after likewise has dissuaded me from seeing it as a 'return to form' that rejects its predecessor and instead treating with it as conversant with its predecessor. Whereas XIII's were unintentional, I believe XIII-2 embraces inconsistency as its central throughline in ways that make its similar constraints a real thematic strength.

The environments are more open but fundamentally they are still largely dead and incoherent spaces devoid of people (outside of Caius and the two leads) and lived in places. This sense of unreality lends an essential texture to the unraveling of time and space and gradual destruction of the Fabula Nova Crystalis cosmology. The central progression conceit, non linear travel through time portal, serves to disunify and break up the world in contrast to say Chrono Trigger's goal to achieve the opposite. The cited goal of resolving paradoxes is a pyrrhic task in which new ones are often created and the Antagonist(s) own comments on Serah and Noel's time travel foreshadows the game's conclusion. Whilst each individual area is more times often than not, annoying in terms of level design, the ways in which they are accessed is deeply thrilling and mysterious. Its been so long since I last played that I had the pleasure of wondering where I'd end up next when finding time-gates and making the boundary between mandatory and optional content ambiguous gives a nice sense of wonder to everything you find.

That it does that whilst retaining most of XIII's strength made this a very pleasant replay for me. The narrative is more concise and to the point having only two protagonists and a fun and charismatic antagonist who is consistently present. And collecting XIII's baroque flavor of FF monsters is the perfect addition to XIII's excellent battle system. I guess what slightly dampens all this is that it while it inherited XIII's strengths, it still inherited some of its weaknesses. It was made with less people on less time using an engine that was difficult to work with. Load times are frequently long and a combination of invisible spaces and sluggish movement make the act of traversal annoying and even worse when too frequest random encounters and back and forth sidequests are thrown into the mix.

I really loved Final Fantasy XIII-2's ending back then and even now I see it as emblematic of its greatest strengths. The most bleak and sincerely tragic conclusion of any Final Fantasy game underscored by a relatively happy vocal theme. Consistently inconsistent.

The Yeul/Caius/Noel storyline is great and it provided for one of the better villains in the final fantasy series. The gameplay is quick and snappy and an improvement over XIII, smooth and highly enjoyable. It has less production values but it has other things to make up for it. Beautiful soundtrack. The ending was great but lacked closure.

Best one of the XIII trilogy.

16/11/2023: Pls, remaster this so I can 100% this shit in 120fps

Pues superando todas mis expectativas y rompiendo con todo lo que el primero me llegó a hacer odiar... Sí, lo recomiendo mucho. No sólo porque arregla LITERALMENTE todo lo que hace mal el primero, sino que hay una cantidad de guiños y referencias a la saga maravillosos. Se nota que es un juego hecho para los fans que tanto se cabrearon y criticaron FFXIII. Te explican mucho mejor la historia, no sólo la que añaden en este juego, sino que también la que no te dejaron clara del anterior. Se tratan todos y cada uno de los puntos de la trama, de los personajes y no se deja absolutamente nada sin explicar, excepto, obviamente, lo que se quiere dejar para la tercera parte.

Serah se gana el amor de todos por su carisma y por ser una Vanille bien ejecutada, dado que no es extremadamente optimista, infantil, no. El personaje mantiene un equilibrio entre la seriedad que debe de tener ante el movidón en el que se ha metido y su personalidad dulce, cariñosa y dicharachera. Noel es un gran complemento para Serah, se complementan bastante bien por lo mucho que distan sus personalidades y formas de actuar, al principio parece un Squal, pero poco a poco vamos viendo lo muy traumado que está el pobre y las ganas que tiene de arreglar todo y, sobretodo, de proteger a Serah a diferencia de su nefasto esposo Snow. Además de que la presencia de Caius está muy bien llevada, haciendo apariciones estelares o dejándonos ver todo lo que está trastocando las cosas. Me recuerda bastante a cómo llevaron las cosas con Golbez en FFIV, lo resuelven de una manera muy eficiente. Y personajes como Hope, que en el primer juego era insoportable, en este lo transforman en un verdadero crack, dirigiendo la Academia y ayudando constantemente a salvar el mundo. No quiero olvidarme de Yeul, que con tan sólo su mero diseño ya nos deja claro que es fantástica, pero que desarrollan de manera muy discreta y es un personaje muy fresco y que le viene genial a la trama.

El sistema de combate es el mismo pero llevado un paso más allá. Los personajes pueden avanzar desde el principio por el rol que quieras y es a raíz de ir avanzando por el Cristarium cuando es más caro subir de nivel y no por acercarnos al final de la ruta del rol. Por ejemplo, en mi partida, Noel desde muy temprano en el juego fue nivel 99 de Castigador y Serah 99 de Fulminador, y poco a poco fui subiendo el resto de oficios. Es una reinterpretación muy acertada, porque da muchísima más libertad al jugador sin necesidad de hacerle farmear como un verdadero animal. Sin mencionar la inclusión de la Mesnada, de los tres puestos de combate uno será cedido a los monstruos que vayamos capturando a lo largo de la aventura, cada uno con su rol específico, y les haremos crecer con nosotros mejorando también sus propios cristarium.

La banda sonora le da mil vueltas a la del original, que ya era buena de por sí, creando temas diferentes más dinámicos, con mezcla de géneros, usando los antiguos en situaciones específicas... Diría que es lo que más me ha sorprendido del título, pero es que Final Fantasy SIEMPRE ha tenido buena música, no es ninguna sorpresa.

¡El mundo es un mundo! ¡Se acabaron los pasillos! Obviamente hay alguna sección o mapa muy pasillero pero, independientemente de ello, se sienten extremadamente vivos y activos. La exploración es muy importante, no sólo para conseguir los cofres repartidos, sino que las mecánicas introducidas con el moguri nos incitan a buscar aún más tesoros y los dichosos fragmentos maestros para poder activar los portales temporales. Además, hay una gran cantidad de misiones y contenido secundario que nos ofrecerán un final secreto y unas cuantas horas más de diversión, como en Xanadú, donde puedes volverte ludópata en las tragaperras o en las carreras de Chocobos.

Es un juego bastante bien ejecutado en todos los sentidos, si le tengo que sacar una pega, es que la versión de steam tiene serios problemas de rendimiento y que tuve que meterle un archivo para que directamente no se me cerrase el juego sin venir a cuento. También le critico el salto ingente de dificultad JUSTO ANTES del Jefe Final. He ido todo el juego sin ningún tipo de dificultad, superando casi todos los bosses y enemigos, y fue llegar a esa zona y PAM EN TU CARA, TIRA A DARTE UNAS VUELTAS Y CONSEGUIR MÁS COSAS. Pero he de decir que, debido a ello, descubrí unas cosillas que me había dejado sin hacer e hicieron que el juego me gustase muchísimo más. No tenía intención de jugar Lightning Returns pero... Tras la buena impresión de XIII-2 es muy probable que lo haga

Story falls off after the first game and I just became disinterested.

My time with this game is closely reflected by one of my favorite Zoolander quotes, "Do I know what product I'm selling? No. Do I know what I'm doing today? No. But I'm here, and I'm gonna give it my best shot." I don't really know what happened in this game. There was time travel and monster catching. I had fun though.