Reviews from

in the past

I still can’t believe I finished this game

i mean, it's mario 1. it's The Game Of All Time. pretty dated but it's still an okay platformer. decided it'd be good for 100 games.

I mean, there's a reason why it lead to the franchise it is now

"Thank you Mario! But our princess is in another castle!"(c)
I eventually beat the game. No Save states, just original NES, Mario and me. That's a kind of a milestone for me. I moved towards this day more than 25 years of my life :)
Super Mario Bros. was the first serious video game I played being a child. That time I was crazy about it. I woke up in the morning and immediately ran to my non-color TV set which parents allowed to use for gaming. I spent a lot of mornings playing same levels of Mario and that's curious how I wasn't tired of doing this again and again. I think I stuck somewhere in the world 4 those days.
A lot of time has passed, I completed a lot of more modern Super Mario games and finally I returned to the origins. I must admit the game is really difficult. Till the world 7 it's pretty straightforward but then it punishes you for every small mistake or loosing of concentration.
That was a surprise for me that the game has just 3.5 on this resource while I always counted it to be a great classic. So I'd like to be an advocate for it in front of modern gamers auditory.
This game is great because it aged just perfectly. It's still interesting, challenging and creative. No matter how many new Mario games you finished this one will be able to surprise you. Good prove of these words is that it was not annoying to pass through start worlds again and again as in childhood. Because you always have a chance to pass them perfectly and hence to have more extra lives for really difficult levels.
Music here is just a magic. I know these themes by heart from a childhood. Even being repeated hundreds of times they're not annoying.
The game motivates you to be creative. Even this early Mario had a lot of secrets hidden on the levels. Ones which give you extra life or bunch of coins. Finding them without any guides is a pure enjoyment. Closer to the end you really need to follow strategy to beat the level with minimal loose of your lives. And also plan a strategy for entire world.
I think the main reason why people not fully enjoy the game nowadays is this glorious feature of Save states and replays in NSO or just on any other emulator. It removes from the game all the challenge. But it's essential here. Without feeling of excitement and a risk of loosing everything you don't get even 10% of enjoyment. I beat game last year on NSO using replays. I felt just nothing at the end.
I'm proud to join the club of Super Mario Bros. completers. You really think you could pass the game without modern replay feature? I bet you won't ;)

Muy divertido pero ya se sienten los años jaja.

it has a million rereleases but it's still kinda fun

Super Mario Bros. is a fun and challenging game. While later games obviously perfected the formula, upon replaying this, I can appreciate what it did and how it innovated in multiple aspects. The game is a departure from the simple platformers that came before it.

It manages to still feel good to control and play through now (although I gotta admit some parts of it, especially in world 8, are frustrating). I don't think I can say much which hasn't been said in the last 35 years. It's still exciting to see where the magic started.

i love making fun of my friends who haven't beaten this game. i get goosebumps all the way down my neck to the tip of my you know what when i see someone say that they haven't beaten it. i just can't help myself.

Thank you mario but our princess is in another castle.

Good game, fun, aesthetically harmonious, well-structured level progression. It makes complete sense that it’s a classic that mastered a genre.

Jump man jumps.

I haven't played the misadventures of Italian jump man in god knows how long. Probably since I was a kid, but playing it again there's two things that kinda stood out to me more than anything. One, it was a lot easier than my memories and than the occasional online murmur portray it as. The only particularly aggravating thing about the game was figuring out the puzzles.

It was just an annoyance that was relatively easily solved by bashing your head against the wall until you had the solution. The other thing it's just how much inertia Mr. Italian Jump Man has to deal with. Certain jumps miss because you don't have enough speed despite that working before, slipping off platforms when landing because of said inertia. It's just a bit rigid.

Plus, each level set is basically four or five level types remixed into chunks of four, it's pretty darn repetitive. It's still a decent like 30 minutes of your life, but like, I don't really think there's a reason to play this one much now. There's better platformers on the same system alone.

Better than most modern games specifically from Sony

I did it Kevin. I beat your Super Mario Bros Deathless challenge!!

⭐️⭐️⭐️ ½ - Extra Feasible

Are you seriously scrolling down to read reviews about Super Fucking Mario Brothers? Man alright you know what, sure.

A fucking technical masterpiece at the time that has in some ways aged perfectly, and in others, aged a bit like your weird uncle. This game is still fun, but a bit sluggish and clunky at times. Everything that this game does mediocre would be fixed by Doki Doki Panic (Also known as Super Mario USA or Super Mario Bros 2 in the USA... belive it or not!!!) and then perfectly refined by Super Mario Bros 3--even so, this game is a critical first step in video games going from Bloops and Blips to Actually BANGER fucking experiences

Um jogo histórico q revolucionou e popularizou os jogos de plataforma, infelizmente envelheceu mal e é muito travado, com fases repetitivas e algumas fases muitos chatas pq precisa fazer uma ordem específica, mas q na época era um jogo perfeito.

Nota: 7/10 (★★★☆) - Bom

I loved stepping on… koopas

*Played Mario 1 on an actual NES nearly fifteen years ago. All my subsequent playthroughs were on the Nintendo Switch.

Although I was born in 2003, somehow, my family acquired an NES for me to goof around. The only game in the NES was naturally the original Super Mario Bros, thus it became the very first video game I ever played.

Ignoring my nostalgic talk, Super Mario Bros is still a fun game to play with.

For starters, you got the basics down: moving, jumping, power-ups, jumping and stumping enemies, and the goal to either reach the flag goal or beat up a Bowser.

Despite it being about four decades old, the game still holds up in terms of gameplay and visuals and it's pretty short (though would take a lot longer if you're bad at it like I was).

The only things I don't like about Mario 1 is immediately becoming smaller when you hit an enemy despite the fact you have a Fire Flower and some of Bowser's Castles have these annoying moments of blind progression that could loop if you didn't choose the right path.

Besides that, Mario 1 is still pretty enjoyable despite its age and a really fun game to speedrun. 4/5.

It's Super Mario Bros, what else is there to say? This game was revolutionary, and by today's standards it's still a fun, simple, but challenging platformer. It feels a little repetitive after a while and not all of the levels stick the landing, but I can't be too hard on a game like this.

You never will be a true video game fan if you never touched the OG SMB

i know that inovated everything, but thats not make the game automatically good
so fucking repetitive

O primeiro jogo que eu joguei na vida foi New Super Mario Bros (ou Mario Kart DS, não tenho certeza) e por causa daquele jogo eu estou aqui hoje jogando videogames todos os dias e escrevendo essa entrada no meu backloggd.

Poder jogar o jogo que criou a minha primeira experiência com videogames foi muito divertido. Obviamente eu já conhecia Super Mario (o jogo) e obviamente sabia que ia ser bom e divertido, mas percebi que ainda sim subestimava o potencial e a capacidade da equipe, do jogo e da plataforma.

O jogo é bom, muito bom, mas acabou sendo superado em muitos aspectos por todos os jogos da linha principal 2d que o sucederam. Ainda sim, seus desafios são divertidos de visitar e poucas vezes senti que a dificuldade era injusta.

O jogo sabe que é desafiador para iniciantes e por isso coloca as warp rooms (2, 3, 4 e 5) em lugares que recompensam jogadores que mesmo não sendo muito habilidosos se atrevem a explorar o jogo.

Meu principal problema são alguns elementos do game design que foram mudados em jogos seguintes: Levar dano com a Flor de Fogo te faz virar o Mario pequeno, pegar uma Flor de Fogo com o Mario pequeno te torna o Mario grande e a localização das últimas 3 warp rooms.

For a casual game, it's a bit tough and annoying to play, the speedrunning is really fun though