I wish I liked this game more, but it could be quite frustrating. The remaster work itself is really good but the game had too many underlying issues that were too difficult to ignore.

I found a walkthrough was needed to prevent me getting lost on most maps. It was a bit buggy here and there as well with enemies teleporting as doors opened and seeing them through floors. Even adding differnet colours on the map for doors that need certain keys would be a nice improvement.

Finally the lives system and not being able to save whenever I wanted to really killed my enjoyment on a few levels, especially Jabba's level where I'd rather not have to fight the dragons at the beginning every time.

I love everything about this game that isn't the gameplay, which could sometimes be kind of fun but mostly lacklustre or even frustrating. The story will stay with me for some time, I think.

The music when Girl reaches a new planet is the best.


Still feels great to play and the weapons are fun to use, even if there's not that many of them. Levels do vary in quality from fantastic to confusing to exciting to a bit dull. I really enjoyed the aesthetic and vibes of the game more than anything elseand I really did enjoy them a lot.

I think I probably would've liked this game more if I'd played it when it originally came out.

Still a pretty good game and plays really well on the Steam Deck since the update. Sometimes a bit frustrating with how quickly enemies can kill you and Xen is just bad (but thankfully short).

The best representation of playing DnD in a video game so far. Even though I spent around 90 hours completing it I'll definitely go back in to play it again and again.

A really unique and cozy game, I really enjoyed the smaller size of the story and all the characters were very charming.

Continues everything I liked from the first game, but did get a bit repetitive in some places. While I enjoyed most of the story some parts felt a little rushed or unearned.

All the best parts of every souls game in one fantastic package.

A fun, short experience that I enjoyed from start to finish. The characters are quirky, Frog Detective himself has some funny lines. At the end I was interested enough to play the sequels.

Took over my life in a way I was not ready for.

One of the worst fighting games I've ever played. Boring visuals, forgettable music and unresponsive controls. At least the characters look vaguely like their counterparts from the show.