2009 Reviews liked by 2manyW

I Mean It's Street Fighter 2 What Can I Say That Haven't Been Already Said

And people say Sonic Forces is bad. I mean, it is, but this is way worse.

If I made a video essay talking about everything this game does amazing, the video would be 13 hours long.

Makes the First Game Look Dogshit



Let's Be Honest Who in Their Damn Mind Says : "Pong Is a Masterpiece🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓"

There is a reason why this game still has an active competitive scene

The fact that the game was made in just 10 months and turned out to be so good is insane.

honesty the story was mid but gameplay is fun though

i like the movie but this game sucks ass

If you haven't played it, go play it; that's your review.

If you want to know how to write well-written characters, play this game.