REALLY good, until the wily stages where the difficulty goes from challenging but fair, to challenging, but fuck you

Pretty ok. Controls aren't the best, especially with the ladders, but its meh.

This game should not be legal. This should be outlawed in all countries. This is pure torture. And i fuckin LOVED IT

Should've chose the latter.

Decently fun time, but once you know how to get past the screens (most of them are repeated) its gets boring. Really great effort from the atari tho

With rewind it’s pretty fun. Stage 5 is fucking insane though

my favourite part about this game is when you score an in, but the game marks it as an out for no fucking reason

I cant believe that people actually beat this game without a guide or map on the original sms. You mfs have wayy more patience than me

can't decide whats worse, 9-04 from Castlevania 3, or 6-2 from bloodlines

Pretty good game, I'm not a big fan of the slippery controls, annd the level design never really accommodates it. My biggest problems are that the ghost houses suck ass, and the final level is way too easy. Why is Larry's castle 20 times harder than Bowser's??

Even if I spent more time reading a guide then playing the actual game, I still enjoyed it enough. The cryptic nature of the game is a bit too much though. Sort of mixed on this one. Also the music is incredible

its funny at first when the police car pass by and the 2 characters try to act nonchalant, until you nearly win but then lose all your progress because of that goddamn police car

I have no clue whats happening, so that means the game sucks ass

i was too nice to space harrier II

it took me 8 fucking minutes to pass the first floor