Definitely the best out of the trilogy, I can see myself actually coming back to replay this.

Way easier than i thought, even if you only get about 4 continues. Pretty sure contra 3 strengthened my senses.

Honestly, i would've never beaten this if the contra anniversary collection didn't have the Japanese version, which not only gives you infinite continues, no matter the difficulty, but also has a 30 lives cheat. If you want an actually enjoyable experience, play the Japanese version, crank that shit up to hard mode, and use the 30 lives code.
Oh, and FUCK STAGE 5

A massive improvement from the first game, until world 8, when they finally remember this is suppose to be an AI game, and make the final world hard as SHIT. Good game overall tho

While the doc robot stages hold it back a bit, the wily castles stages are absolutely fantastic, definitely my favorites in the series.

Its not the worst thing ever, but not only is it repetitive, its also really goddamn short! I finished all the levels the game has to offer in less than 2 minutes, and didn't get a game over till loop 5, where the difficultly randomly increases. Pretty weak game.

Stage 1, 2 and 3 are really boring, but after that it gets way better. Stage 8 is fucking hell to finish though. Probably my least favourite Contra so far, but its still a great time

Great Game, but the hallway to death and stage 18 (phase 1) are absolutely hellish, and im pretty sure death is impossible without holy water

Alot of fun, but also really goddamn hard. Maybe the best sega arcade game?

I know its short and all, but this is genuinely the most enjoyable games i've ever played, and getting platinum on it was the perfect length. (19 hrs)

Unlike baseball, i actually know how to play football, so I had some fun, even though the game was trying to fuck me over, especially with the fact that you cant choose what player you are, as it randomly switches. That doesn't sound too bad, but when the game puts you in control of a player thats off screen, its just complete bs. The CPU are also really goddamn bad, even with that struggle, I won 4 nil in a 30 min match. Its not the worst thing ever, but why play this when you could just play FIFA? (or ea fc now, but who the hell calls it that?)

The only thing holding it back from being a 1/2 star is the music and that stage 1 was ok. Horrible game.

Probably the best superhero game ever made.

I was really deciding between a 4 or a 4.5, but i feel the more frustrating moments of the game (9-04) hold it back. Anyhow, its a fantastic game. I played through nearly all of the stages, and beat the game once with Sypha and once with Alucard, just wanted to add that in