Yup, still an absolute gem of a directorial debut. Fumito Ueda is the king of show don't tell.

The slimy worm monster boss was one of the most infuriating things I have ever come across in a video game. And I'm not rating this game so low just because it made me rage quit, I thoroughly believe that this is one of the laziest sequels ever made. It's the same as its predecessor but objectively worse in every conceivable way, from its protagonist, story, combat, all the way to its inventory system. I'm not going to circle jerk my disliking for this trash any further by saying that it's racist because that assessment is stupid and shouldn't be taken seriously, but just because it isn't offensive doesn't mean it's good in any way.

I started my playthrough of this game at the start July in the hopes of finally seeing what the fuss is about. We are now in the middle of August and I still haven't reached the end. Why? Because this game is an absolute slog and a failure in pacing. The gameplay ranges between underwhelming to downright badly designed, the enemy AI is annoying, and its influence from Half-Life is a disadvantage more than anything because half the time the game expects you to shoot enemies while important plot information is given. There are so many great ideas and such a phenomenal art style to be praised here, but its gameplay is so aggressively not fun that I can't bring myself to even try anymore. Every time I boot it up, I turn it back off after 20 minutes because I'm tired of dying all the time just to be sent 10ft back to die again.

THIS. IS. IT. The worst game that I've ever played!
I know I still have a whole world to discover of games that are legitimately broken and unplayable, but this game will nonetheless hold a place in my heart as the embidoment of everything wrong with modern gaming. The only value it had is that it started the definitive dying cycle of a franchise that has lost all relevance over a decade ago.

You can tell David Cage is SOMEWHAT getting closer to a level of competence, but that isn't saying much.

Be grateful at least, because David Cage's pretentiousness and delusional view of video game storytelling resulted in one of the most hilarious games I've ever played.


I did it! I beat this game 10 times!!!
It's just that type of game that NEVER gets old.

Guys, I need serious help. I think I'm going crazy.

This is my third time playing Spec Ops, and I feel more devastated with each and every single playthrough. The sheer sense of guilt keeps killing me inside. And yet, it's so captivatingly fucked up that I can't stop playing. This is not at all a game for people who like happy endings, because nothing can make one more aware of the harsh reality that games may not be as fun as you first thought.

And it's insane to think that a game like this was able to find its way into the PS3, a console generation that I cannot stand for being extremely lacking in originality and dignity of storytelling.

It was like I was playing it for the first time all over again thanks to my controller. I love this game with every fiber of my being!

This game has a weird obsession with dancing skeletons for some reason, but that wasn't enough to emphasize the unending misery I felt playing it until one of them started dabbing.

I'm 100% willing to bet that the Duffer Brothers stole the concept of this game for Stranger Things. Don't get me wrong though, that would be one of the few cases where the ripoff was infinitely better than the original.

I was about to give it 4.5, or maybe even 5 stars...
Then the third act dragged it down to a 4 with all the pointless action sequences, tedius enemy encounters and these stupid-ass robots that you have to shoot with missiles that miss half the time.
Things seemed to get back on track with the climax building up to something great, but that part also took down a point with how terrible and underdeveloped the villain is.
AND THEN the game just suddenly ends without conclusion. It's not even a cliffhanger, it's just an arbupt stop to the emotional highpoint of the story.

Genuinely as dissapointing as a game has ever gotten.

A whole year of 13 playthroughs of the greatest game I have ever played. I have no life and I'm proud of that!

And about the remake, I stopped hoping for the best. The new content they've shown us over the past few days only make me fear for the worst.