dont have a ton to say since its been a while since i played it, but this game is really great.
theres a lot of jank and I wasn't a big fan of the gameplay for a large part of the game, but it's made up for with its characters and story.
all of the sephirah are really great, and ayin and angela are amazing as well

the actual story of this game is relatively generic, nothing too special. same with the gameplay, as most of it felt like a chore (especially with how easy it was).
but the characters, polca and lily especially, are so amazing i couldn't give this game anything but 5 stars. this is the only game to make me cry for multiple hours at once, and you can tell how much passion was put into it.
also shade's osts are so so good omg

still an amazing game, but lacks the connection between the gameplay and themes the OG had, though the gameplay is still very fun.
takes a good while to get any payoff, but the entire third week is incredible
a lot less in your face with its writing than the first game, which may be why i felt it was weaker than the og
OST is somehow better than the og tho idk how they managed that

not gonna write a ton because i'd end up going on for way too long but
i would be a much worse person if i never played this game
every single one of its themes resonates with me, and my initial playthrough of it made me completely re-evaluate myself and how i acted.
the way it's gameplay melds with the themes is also incredible, never seen a game even try something similar.
the entire cast is great here (especially joshua) and there isn't a single boring moment in the game
ost is also incredible
dont think i have a single complaint to give this game honestly

a lot of gameplay improvements here, new quartz system felt limiting initially but i grew to love it a lot. having as large a cast as it does a majority of them don't get a ton of exploration or development, but it isnt at all bad. Comparable to my feeling of FC in a lot of ways, but what makes this one better imo is Crow and the whole final few chapters, which again invokes a similar feeling that FC's ending did, just the story didn't take as long to get exciting.

probably one of the best games ever, only real complaint is that crossbell does get a tiny bit tiring to explore after 50 hours in Zero and another 50 in this.
gameplay is mostly the same here, not much to say.
the story and characters are amazing though, mainly fragments and the finale. the SSS r one of the most fun cast of characters ive ever seen and i lvoe all of them so much. KeA and the whole sequence with her and lloyd at the end ruined me forever

gameplay is a bit of a downgrade from 3rd but still fun. SSS r amazing (except kind of elie) and are what makes this game so good. the self-contained plot here is good but nothing mind blowing (which is a given since its another set-up game) and didn't leave me as excited as the endings to FC or CS1 did. also has the (so far) best map in the series with how much smaller it is, gives the game a very intimate feeling since everything takes place in basically one city

has the best story out of the sky trilogy imo, plus the best gameplay and boss design. was initially kind of turned off due to how different it was but the heavier focus on gameplay worked out really well. also has a sort of dual protagonist thing like fc had but kevin and ries are much more interesting than estelle and joshua were in fc. love them sm

suffers a bit more with pacing issues and some really boring parts more than FC did, but makes up for it with how amazing the story is. gameplay is also much better as you pretty much always have 4 party members. love u loewe

good start to the series, very slow paced but it doesn't feel like its drawn out or wasting your time. also really good ending