Fun! Plays cleanly, enemy design is fun and cute, areas look really nice. For some reason I have less fun with this than PIkmin 3, but I cannot place why. The Olimar mode is just slightly different but equally as fun.

It was fine. Solid platformer. Not my jam. The dragon powerup has the world's most horrid sound effect though.

I loved this game as a kid. Spectacular song selection that stands up to this day. It is not as difficult as later games in the series though.

Played through the entire main story 2 player with a friend. Loved it. Gameplay was v clean. I loved how they re-imagined a ton of Zelda items and enemies; v creative while also staying true to the inspiration. Cane of Somaria OP. Still have to finish the DLC.

Gameplay was fun but the story, animations, graphics, and area design are all downgrades from the previous games. The new character designs are really good though. Will go back to do shiny hunting for the gen 8 mon but otherwise I am done,

Great animations, creative story, fun puzzles. Characters are super cute too. A fun game to play over the course of a week or too. Highly rec.

Unfortunately boring. Lacks the heart of the first one. I did turn a living mermaid to stone though.

Played this a crap ton in high school and loved it. Hilariously deep lore for a game where you play as a little squid guy.

Finished Lyn mode. Was easy but the animations and music made it a fun time. Taking a break before the second half of the game. 3.5 as I had fun but the gameplay will hopefully push the score up in the harder part of the game.

This game is short and cute. Took me about 3-4 hours to complete. I liked the art style a lot. I did not expect a final level that used all the mechanics of the previous areas, but it was a really neat way to wrap up the story. Feels like there could've been more to it overall, but the joy of just absorbing everything helps balance that out.

The weakest of the series IMO but still fun. I loved the first section the most.

Pokemon hadn't lost the magic for me yet with this one. I've beaten it once normal and once in a wondertradelocke. There's plenty of flaws but I still go back to shiny hunt in this.