Very difficult, and challenging not really reccomended for beginners, or casual players.

One of the "better" games in the series but still barely leaving mediocre. These games are far better than their predecessor "Sword and Shield." but the experience while being fun at times, is lackluster in terms of trainer battles, exploration of the region and boring characters. The game is open world but still feels empty and lifeless majority of the time, something that even Red/Blue on the gameboy had more of a sense of adventure and scale to it. The level design is also atrocious seeing as the game is promoted as an open world non-linear experience yet the Gyms and Star bosses are obviously intended for you to be doing them in a certain order and the levels dont scale with your party, which completely takes away from the main reason people enjoy open world games; to have the freedom to decide how you want to progress through the game at any time you want. The amount of performance issues and bugs this game has is pathetic and makes you wonder how Game Freak thought this was acceptable to release to the public at all. The story atleast this time attempted something unique but it was practically non existent till the very end of the game, which just makes for really only one exciting moment that just comes and goes as quickly as it came. The character designs this time is completely atrocious except for a select few characters which is baffling in a franchise known for its great character designs. The pokemon design this time around also taken a hit, though alot of designs and new evolutions to some old pokemon are fine. In short, this game is a step above the previous entry but completely falls short in every other aspect, you're better off skipping this one.

One of my favourite sonic games, I have a ton of nostalgia for this game, as I played it for 1000 hours as a child. Though the plot isnt really interesting, and the dialogue is... well, not good. I think this game is pretty enjoyable gameplay wise and is a decent game in the franchise.

Probably the longest out of all the classic megamans but just as fun to play as the rest. I had a blast playing through this game though there were way too many wily fights at the end, but that doesnt really dampen the experience. Definitely a must play.

I like the punch out games and this one in particular is incredibly underrated, a massive hidden gem on the SNES. I really hope Nintendo makes a new Punch-Out game one day.

This game is definitely the best of the classic sonic series and I really enjoyed playing through this game. The level design really encourages you to explore and figure out puzzles through out the level which I enjoy but also kind of takes away from the "going fast" part of Sonic besides that its basically the greatest classic sonic game and I enjoyed it.

Short, but incredibly fun and I really enjoyed the time spent with this game. I do wish there were more games, but it fulfills its job well enough that it doesn't feel empty. Its a great game if you ever feel bored and want to pass the time.

Battle network 2 is a great entry into the battle network franchise and a massive improvement over 1. Its reccommended that a newcomer start with this over 1 because of that. I really enjoyed playing this game, but if I had to say one issue i had with it it would be the fact that the puzzles and the level design can be a bit boggling, but thats to be expected for a 2001 gameboy rpg.

Pretty much the best metroid game i've played so far, the cinematics and the gameplay were top notch. Pretty much the epitome of kino in videogame form...

I really enjoyed every moment of this game, this is the first time i've played it again since 2017 but I never got past Turnabout Samurai initially. But I gave it another go this year and it was such a good time solving all the cases, I've yet to do the extra 5th case but I'll give it ago very soon. This is a must play for anyone who is into visual novels or is trying to play one for the first time.

This game is a really good SRPG and a great SMT game in general, The story and atmosphere is also great with really drilling in the fact that you're trapped in the middle of tokyo. The game can be really bullshit at certain parts (Beldr, Belberith) But despite that the game is really fun. Though one of my biggest issues is that the phys skills are really fucking useless in this game hopefully this is something that the sequel fixes.

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My personal favourite persona game and also the first one I played (Well the ps2 version atleast.) The story and turn takes a massive change in tone from its predecessor with a more upbeat and lighthearted story and theme. That isnt to say Persona 4 doesnt have its dark parts. The cast is my absolute favourite cast of characters in the persona franchise and its really entertaining to see them interact with each other. While I feel like the social links outside of the party members, Dojima, Nanako and Adachi's are easily the weakest in the series theres still alot of soulful and funny moments in them. As for the gameplay the battles can be a bit hard early on but it gets laughably easy the further you get into the game and the dungeons are easily the most boring ones in the entire franchise and one of the things I hate about this game, seriously Atlus? randomly generated hallways? Tartarus sucked but it was atleast interesting to go through. The music is also an absolute godsend, songs like Your affection, Heartbeat Heartbreak, Heaven and I'll face myself are a pure joy to listen to. All in all Persona 4 is a great game even if the dungeon design leaves much to be improved on, It has a fun and engaging cast of characters a comfy small town setting, an enjoyable mystery story and tons of memories to be made, I absolutely adore this game despite some of its faults.

This game is a bit of a step down from the first game, the music is worse and most of the cases are weaker than the ones from the first game. But, the final case of the game has to be one of the best ones in the series so far, it had me on the edge of my seat the entire time, I'd say just for the final case its worth going through this game not just because its a sequel but just for that case alone. In short this game is pretty much inferior to the first but its final case makes up for it.

This definitely deserves its spot as one of the best castlevania games. I'd even argue the one of the best in the metroidvania genre considering it was one of the games that inspired a shitton of games in said genre. The music is phenomenal, the story while simple, is really enjoyable even if its not a story focused game and holy fuck the gameplay is pure kino to the highest order. Some of the bosses can kick your ass a shit ton early on but once you push through that the game is a massive wild ride from beginning to end. Truly one of the best games on the Playstation 1.

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Now let me start with the good first and foremost, because I don't want this to be an entirely negative review. Persona 5 has the best gameplay in the entire franchise so far, the combat is responsive and fast paced, the palaces are a MASSIVE step up from tartarus and the TV world and Tokyo is full of side content for you to do. (Plus, the Maruki Arc is one of the best additions to a persona game ever.) Talking on a purely gameplay focused perspective Persona 5 definitely would be a contender for one of the best jrpgs ever. However, the story and characters (Mainly talking about the party members and the antagonists here.) Are basically the achilles' heel of what would be a great game. Firstly, the main party members are the ones with the least chemistry between eachother in the entire series. The P3 gang has a similar problem but it's resolved during the answer and over the course of P3, plus there's no stupid situations like the Ryuji scene after Shido iykyk and there's no shitty scenes like the morgana situation before okumura's palace. The party members overall are just incredibly shallow and give you zero reason to care about them outside of a few outliers, (Ryuji and Yusuke.) Haru had the potential to fit into this outlier group but sadly she has zero development and screentime to be put into it. Now starting with the story, surprisingly the game starts off with a bang during the kamoshida arc. Kamoshida is a villain that actually makes you want to go in and take him down. Additionally his arc has actual stakes at hand, you'd think the game would get even better from here on out but sadly its the opposite. The following arcs are practically filler until Futaba and have forced as fuck stakes with villains you have no reason to feel threatened by, futaba's arc is surprisingly decent and pretty unique. Okumara's palace is annoying and has the same issue as Madarame's and Kanesheiro's. Sae's palace is decent enough but is practically just exists to give context to the beginning of the game and reveal Akechi as the (obvious) traitor. Shido's palace is actually pretty good and the battle against shido has a fucking kino moment that made me hype, though akechi's whole situation has a shitty ending that completely ruins Futaba and what little of Haru's character. Yaldabaoth is whatever, and Maruki's arc is probably my favourite one in any persona game I've played so far. And it actually has a philosphical narrative that makes the player genuinely question which side they should be rooting for. Overall P5 royal is a game you either love or hate, If you dont really care for story or plot (Then im not really sure why you're playing a JRPG of all things) then you'll love it. If you do care you'd most likely not like it that much, although that differs from person to person. It's not a bad or awful game but it was just a mediocre experience with some high points for me personally.