On paper, this game is a disaster, it looks like shit, it drops frames constantly, the music is ominous and repetitive. Theres glitches galore, and none of the collectables do anything. Despite all this i can thoroughly say that ive enjoyed every single hour of it. There is something about how simplistic and fun this game is. The platforming is fun but never too hard and theres no boring cutscenes. I enjoy how the game just chucks you into it without telling you anything, its kind of refreshing. Its a 3d platformer at its most basic level but it knows it is and doesnt try to be more than what it is. It also corners the market on 3d platformers on the base ds, which theres only about 3 of. Give this game a try on the actual ds and youll end up with a moderately enjoyable time despite the AWFUL framerate and all the other issues

Look, i get that the game is all about "immersion, exploration, and lore" but the overall game is not impressive at all. Combat is bad and its really bad, while i understand its an early fps game and its fundamentally different from a doom, it still doesnt do much good. Most fights are slogs that even once you know what to do, still are annoying and takes too long to finish. "But combat is not the main focus", yea but its integral to the experience and you are obligated to do it in order to beat the game. The immersion and story doesnt do much considering that the games areas are as basic as zelda dungeons are. you have the forest starting area, the fire area, the snow area, the ice area. What am i supposed to be immersed in when a snowy area is right next to a volcano? While the game is graphically impressive, theres nothing of interest to look at so the game falls back to the gameplay which is considered secondary to the overall experience. While there is lore, its nothing more than a basic and simplistic sci fi story. Also, to be even bothered to go out of my way to actively look for the lore, i have to be interested in even continuing to play the game in the first place.

TLDR: graphics cool, everything else suck

reminiscent of the good ol days but the formula doesnt hold up as well. The story is bad and annoying because its unskippable and breaks the pacing of the game. reuse of areas and enemies turn the game into a slog. combat is clunky and slow. Most bosses have strange hitboxes, like the kraken boss being bizarre trying to hit his tentacles. Its kinda like a "turn your brain off and hit buttons" game, but it gets more brain numbing than your standard run though one of those games.

this game is an arguable contender with ff3 for worst game ive ever played. Enemies and your characters cannot be targeted. The enemies scale to you which sucks in most of the games its actually implemented in. I died in the tutorial area like 3 times because theres a big dude who just one shots you, so that was fun. The music sucks ass, for being a ff game, they couldnt even let them use the standard theme for when you win a battle? This is a game that wants to be ff3 made by the people who did the remake. There is a reason for why people dont enjoy the shitty nes ff game, and its because it has a lot of issues that only become more exaggerated in this game. It plays exactly like the ff3 remake but the art is nice so i can give it that. I'd rather play ff1 and 2 over this game any day of the week.

Story is alright, the best part of the story is the first quarter and the rest of it slowly drifts off into boring nothingness. The game play is dreadfully awful, i just held left on the d pad and smeared my stylus against the screen and everything died. Most of the enemies are the same enemies from the start but recolored. Most bosses are forgettable, i dont remember most of them and i beat the game like 30 minutes before writing this.

surprisingly fun game that kinda plays like a souls-like. it does go on for a long time and can be kinda confusing, but it has a story if you are interested in that (i was not interested in it). game goes on for a long time and it has extra content too but can get easily burnt out on this game.

Ninja gaiden 1 is rough. I wouldnt start with this game, id start with 2. This game kinda throws you in and doesnt help you really figure out how to do the things. Its only after i played 2, understood how to be a ninja, then come back to one and enjoy it more. The path to learning the mechanics in 1 is alot more rough, similar to how nioh 1 will kick your ass at the start but nioh 2 will gently kick your ass until you get it. however, my personal retrospective still doesnt change my mind that the bosses still suck ass, some of the platforming is awful, and the camera can get fucky at times. I think its a good game but its not something a lot of people will play and truly enjoy to the end imo. Theres also the unnecessary rachrl segements that suck. Its truly sad that the "best" versions of ninja gaiden game are locked to the xbox, meaning the only real way anyone will play them is through the sigma collection. ng2 sigma is still better than the orignal and i will die on that hill

This game is a mistake god left on earth

great game but then got outclassed by its sequel

This is the worst game I've ever played.

A game with great everything besides gameplay which is probably the 2nd or 3rd worst in the franchise. Unfortunately held back by techincal limitations.