This shit sucks ass. the camera is zoomed in so you cant see shit, the controls are awkward, everything is tanky. The cutscenes are annoying. even things like jumping on a platform feels bad and like your fighting the controls.

fun with the boys or alone. simple physics puzzler.

Its alright, its not the best game ever made like some would make it out to be. It has a lot of problems, in fact too many that i dont feel like listing. I finished this game feeling nothing and thats how i felt throughout most of the game. This is not a game i can play for hours on end, i had to take breaks. i would play for about 30 minutes to an hour, get bored, do something else and then come back just to repeat the process.

this game was crazy nice when i was younger

its space invaders with some cool music and its very visually disorienting.

Another relic of its time. The atmosphere is nice but the gameplay doesnt hold up for even 2 hours.

played this game to get to symphony of the night. tbh this game is kinda ugly and it felt like booty to control. Maybe its not as bad as the score im giving it, but from what i played i didnt really care for this game at all.

This is another "proof of concept" type of game. Its a bare bones version of the superior ps3 lbp.

For the psp im sure it was technologically impressive but damn is this game boring. Im a bit confused on what part of the game is supposed to be fun. its cool that that did this but it just does nothing to make the game fun whatsoever

Combat system is ok, albeit a bit confusing, camera is ugh. Lack of character interactions and boring war story. graphically impressive for the psp but grinding is not fun. overall not very interested in a ff game that lacks story and gameplay is whatever.

This game is boring. Unlike the first game this game does little to try to change itself from the competition. This game is the first one but worse in almost every regard. The battle system is annoying and slow, most of the time you're shooting enemies that are off screen and getting knocked into different camera angles. I guess this one was trying to be scarier than the first one but its hard to find it scary when you have infinite ammo, enemies stay dead permanently, and you can shoot fucking fireballs and wind blams which completely take you out the mood. The mood isnt even really there in the first place, most things arent threatening, and you know full well what the game is throwing at you. Theres no cool battle music, no interesting battle system, characters are somehow worse than the first, and the setting is more stale. The puzzles that you would get from resident evil games are practically non-existent. I tried to force myself to finish this but most of the game is just spent smashing your face against every wall for useful items, shooting offscreen enemies, and boring and dragged out dialogue all of which is lacking any good music. I wish they just expanded on the first games combat system.

The game is kinda cool. I wish the gameplay system was expanded upon. It plays like a standard rpg but with only one character and you have to actively avoid attacks. on paper it sounds cool but in the game its more annoying than anything. A good chunk of attacks tend to be unavoidable or random whether you get hit, like giant aoes that covers the whole arena. This game also introduces my 2nd most hated debuff in any video game which slows you down and makes your atb gauge move slower. Sometimes it just makes you stop completely, which is very fun if you dont have any of the consumables to get rid of it. I think it would be interesting of you could get through the game without really leveling and just avoiding attacks, even if its unpractical. In a way thats how souls games work, where you could beat every bosses ass at level one but its kinda hard and would take a while. The rpg aspect should exist to give players decisions in how they want to confront scenarios, and to alleviate the pain of having to do everything at level one. In other words, it exists to make the game easier. This is actually really interesting and makes the game far more fun to play than any of the ff games, 1 through 7, even if it get frustrating at points. The music is pretty consistent bangers, especially the main battle theme. The story is a bunch of gibberish with key character moments that are more memorable than anything the characters actually say. Aya's character design is prob one of my favorites from tetsuya nomura, because she is just dressed and looks like a normal human for once. Game kinda bangs, even if frustrating at points, and its a ps1 adventure game which means smashing your face against every wall to proceed. Also, the warehouse is bait, dont go there until prepared or you will get fucked on.

ship segments are boring and the touch controls are unneccessary. I feel like the touch controls made the dungeons have to be designed to be easy. drawing dicks on the map is pretty cool, however i have no interest in continuing this game.

I mean, its mario. it doesnt do a whole lot to stand out from the sea of 2d platformers honestly. Theres a lot of good 2d platformers even during and before the time period this game came out. I like the 3d marios a lot more because those game typically have cool looking levels, great music, and a lot of things to shake up the gameplay with the bosses and the game gimmicks. This game is like mario 3 but now it looks more generic and instead of tanuki leaf you get big and small mushroom. Theres also the blue shell but i didnt really care at all about that. Maybe the game is a product of its time but i cant even bring myself to finish the game and its only like 8 hours long. it gets stale at the 15 minutes mark and goes on for 8 more hours. It throws all the new stuff the game has for you early, then it just slowly burns away. If you like mario 3 youll probably like this game, but i dont.

I dropped this game after i found out that you needed to get every toad to beat it. Its not the worse game ever but it is pretty boring and stale when it comes to 2d platformers. Plus, its kinda misoginistic, with peach fighting with her emotions and getting the "vibe scepter".