Was my favorite before i played 13 but still really good.

I would describe this game as a flawed masterpiece. It has some bad things about it like the fact that the game reaches its half point at chapter 11. Some bosses (but not a lot) suck ass and even use death which is an annoying mechanic. The game could introduce the paradigm system a bit earlier in the game. All that to say that its still really good. The music is incredible and blinded by light is the best battle theme and i will die on this hill. The game looks really great, but there was a dog in chapter 7 i think that looks a bit fucked. The fmvs are gorgeous and look great to this day, but my main complaint with the fmvs is that during the action ones, the camera shakes and zooms in too much to understand what is happening. The battle system is the most interesting of any of the main FF games. I think it can be challenging at times but most the times i struggled, i just changed my strategy and eventually pulled out the win. I like that i don't have to control every action my teammates do. Is it necessarily fun to spam heal in a regular rpg? I don't think so and im glad i don't have to worry about it most times. I also see people complain about how linear it is. I think its better this way, because the antithesis of this linear gameplay is ff12. If you played ff12, you would know how god damn boring walking around giant maps gets. Also ff10 is damn near just as if not more linear than this game, so why doesn't that game get as much hate? Personally, i just feel like its nostalgia for most of the fan base and they just like the ones they grew up with. I grew with ff6 however, and i don't like that game at all. The story is weird, a lot of stuff gets thrown at the player and you have to adjust to it. Terms like l'cie get confusing when you start, but after a while it actually starts to drag you more into the story. I don't want to say much to avoid spoilers but ill say sazh is my favorite ff character and i cried for that man. I've also had some of the best ever rpg boss fights in this game.

The greatest game boy game ever made. Im not lying and if you disagree, you are wrong and dumb. Still holds up to this day with incredible level design, cool music for the game boy, and the tightest feeling 2d mario to ever control. It has so many different level ideas that games like new super mario bros would claim as its own. The mini mushroom makes it first appearance here and its used way more interesting than any mario game in the future. Side flipping through levels is so insanely satisfying, you can clear some levels in less than 10 seconds. I'm gonna say it, i will say it. This is the best 2d mario game.

bad, the single player missions are not fun and they are 3 minutes long. If you die during them you have to do it all over again. Its not that satisfying or unique. Multiplayer might be fun but everytime i got shot, i just did an 90 degree turns.

now you might be asking "why the fuck are you playing an atari game in 2023?". My answer to that is because i find it interesting how far we evolved. This game is 40+ years old. With all that being said, this game is dogshit to play now. Back then it might have been cool but now its not. There is a charm to be had with these old titles though. The fact that you never know wtf is ever happening is fun in its own way. This is probably the best game on the atari though. There is no reason to ever go back to play these games except for the history factor. This is the beginning.

So i just finished this game. It was cool. I didnt give a fuck about the story, i also hate child characters in games because they suck 95% of the time. I also have no clue wtf killzone is about too so add that in the mix. As a shooting game its alright. It literally doesnt so anything unique but gunplay is pretty satisfying. hitting dudes with a shotgun feels nice and chunky. Some of the segments are boring like the helicopter gun segment, given it only lasts like 4 minutes. Music is nothing to note. The graphics are wild for the vita. I wish i could change my fov but i know why you cant. With base fov, im just running into walls and shit. Controls are nice for what they had to work with. I think the times where i was trying to aim over cover and my guy just wouldnt shoot was cool. That would happen multiple times too. I also think damage feedback is pretty ass. Its hard to know how close to death you are and where you are getting shot from. For example, in a game like left for dead, if i get hit, i turn to the direction im getting hit damn near instantly. In this, i get red half circles in directions im not even getting hit from or wont get any tells that im being hit from my sides or behind. I do think its a good game as im giving it a 6/10 but im also glad that the game didnt have any awful segments to play through. It knows what it can do well and sticks to it.

ima be honest, i just got bored. It took way too long to get into gameplay and the little it showed wasnt very great. I get the little story is charming but my patience runs thin and it isnt interesting enough to hold my attention. Also i dont play games just to read a book. Games like final fantasy have a story but theres also significant gameplay.

The game couldve been fun if you fought more than 4 enemies and the story wasnt an hour long. There is nothing to this game like at all. I would buy this guy for 50 cents and nothing more. Theres so little content, the combat is clunky, no enemies, same movesets. Its like they finished development on the game as soon as they started. I will say that dashing around is fun but its supposed to have i frames. In my total play time of 1 hour, i did not find the dash to be useful as a dark souls dodge roll for example. In fact i would recommend spamming specials then dash away then repeat because thats all this game is.

I only played like because i scrolled down a list of vita game blindfolding and this is what i landed on. I had no clue wtf this game was. That being said, this game isnt very good. Its short, theres like 2 buttons, gameplay is nothing. Its plays like a shitty zelda game where you dont even swing the sword. you have to grind. i could go on but this game did not make me care enough to say more.

better than the original but has its own problems. There still exists part of the game where you dont know where to go. sometimes lara doesnt grab onto thing properly. checkpoints are nice but with how punishing the fall damage is makes it annoying to experiment with any type of platforming or exploration. drops frames alot of psp. lara looks fucking stupid, idk why they wanted to make her look like the ps1 version. Honestly, i think tomb raider is a franchise with 0 good games. I have not liked the modern trilogy, the old games or these crystal dynamics remasters. Everytime i play any of these games, they are so punishing, confusing or in the case of the modern ones, boring, slow and outclassed by its competitors. I still think this is better than the original game but both are slogs to play through.

This game is so fucking gorgeous. The UI is fantastic, the maps are visually appealing. Hitting a sharp drift feels so good to do. The Music is fantastic, Idk what crack they were smoking back then to make this soundtrack. Maybe this isnt the best racing gameplay out there, but i also havent played many. There isnt much car customization which I dont mind or care for. Just a overall incredible package that oozes soul. it is pretty short, given there are multiple grand prix's. I wish there were more map variations too. The game also doesnt teach you how to drift, you just kinda have to figure it out yourself. This game is a prime example of how music can carry a game. I also felt more emotion for shinji yazaki than most rpgs ive ever played.

I could not finish playing this game. Its so god damn boring that it made me question why i even play video games. Im confused on why the gambit system was even made. Its literally the antithesis of gameplay. most of the game is spent just walking around giant empty wastelands and having you guys auto kill anything they aggro onto. Its not the worse game ever but so much of the game is just a nothing burger. The story is something that i feel like if you were trying to write a story to be objectively good. Art, however is subjective, so that why something like ffx would be a more enjoyable story. X has more emotion and evokes more feeling from the player with memorable characters. XII doesnt really have memorable characters, everyone looks the same besides the bunny lady. Nobody is intriguing or have any real compelling reasons for doing anything. The princess is such a empty character. The entire game she just spouts "I must restore dalmasca" and has no real substance. She has a dead husband who dies at the literal beginning of the game, and i feel nothing for this character i know absolutely nothing about. Nor do i feel sad for the character in my party who i know nothing about besides that she wants to restore dalmasca. Gameplay is literally just holding the left stick forward. While it is cathartic to kill a boss by doing nothing, its also tiring to not do anything. At this point, just have the character move themselves. Theres not really any banger tracks in this because there no random encounters. The everything being green thing really start to drag down on you. The reason i talked mostly about the characters and story is because there really isnt anything to say about the gameplay. It just plays itself and i imagine that if you played this game on the base version without the fast forward button, i'd probably end myself.

This shit sucks so much ass. Holy shit. What type of crack were they smoking back then? This game is arguable contender for worst game ive played, so much so that i dont even know where to being. The atb bar is back for some fucking reason. I dont like the atb bar, and i dont know why square has kept it around for 6 games up till x-2. FFX had a great system with the ctb bar. It made the game more methodical but also retains the speed too. The atb bar is fucking boring, its either too god damn fast where you just hit the first option that seems optimal or its awfully slow like FF9. Theres also not much thought that goes into playing an rpg with the atb gauge, you pretty much do the same shit in every game from FF4 to 9. X-2 does little to make itself stand out from a game like FF3. A game that came out on the nes. In 1990. On way inferior hardware. The dresspheres is just ff3's class system but they tell you what they do at least unlike 3. The gameplay is damn near identical, i dont even thinks theres limit breaks in this game which was a part of every game from 7 to 10. I'd love for someone to tell me what about this gameplay is so drastically different from the nes games. I could tell you why 8, 9 and 10 play way differently but this game? Hell no. Its dull, the battle music isnt even good, and it does nothing to deserve the name of an main finaly fantasy title.

The story is nothing. It just shows the character from the 1st game but now theyre living boring normal lives now. Paine is a nothing character whos only purpose i belive was to be the female warrior character in the party. Rikku is a gag character. Yuna is kinda interesting in how drastic her character shifts but its so unrewarding because we, the players, dont really get to see the change occur. It just time skips ahead and now shes a new character. The game comes off like im playing a shiiltty charlies angel rpg. I dont like the multiple endings, i dont like the perfect one. Getting 100% to get the real ending is a fucking wild decision, whoever made it needs to be fired. Mission select is especially annoying considering you could waste time in an area thatll kick your ass. The creature mechanic is awful and confusing, why did this need to be a thing? Game just woke up and decided it wanted to be pokemon for a bit. The music sucks ass, albeit the theme on the airship is pretty cool. People say "its fine, its just camp". Just because its camp doesnt make it good, its still a slog to play through. Theres plenty of game that are both but this one is not. To reiterate, this game just feels like square enix wanted to make a game that was a rpg about charlies angels, and just ripped the characters from a pretty good game and just fucked it all up. Going from 10 to this feels like playing mario galaxy and then playing mario on the nes. The only reason id prefer playing this over FF3 is because 3 is annoyingly bad at points, but has better highs where this game is just boring all the way through. Its like choosing between two different piles of shit. I went in with expectations that it wasnt gonna be as good but it cant possibly be that bad after a quality game like 10. Now im just sad and upset.

Lots of blood and gore. Gameplay is kinda clunky in how you move. enemies are bullet sponges, which i think is intentional but i think playing this game on the harder difficulties would be miserable. looks nice and characters during cutscenes are well animated. Game is buggy as shit, whether its because its the pc port or not. visual bugs up the ass, enemies and teammates glitching everywhere, and horrible fps drops. shooting is ok, its not the most fun game in term of gun play. every time i shot the boomshot, it just blew up in my face and killed me. I dont know if that is a bug or not but it made me never want to use that weapon considering theres weapons that hit harder and dont kill you. Getting shot while trying to chainsaw enemies just made it so i couldnt do it. while the chainsaw is cool, its pretty inefficient and not that good. Chainsawing smaller enemies will cause marcus and the enemies to kinda just float away from each other and displace you sometimes. The "boss fights" are cool but nothing impressive at all, they serve to spice up gameplay. Game overstays its welcome toward the final act. The story starts off strong but most cutscenes in the game just devolve into marcus telling the same 2 characters to go one way while he and other character go different way. Despite that is fun when the characters are on screen, its just a shame marcus is constantly telling them to fuck off

its alright. I didnt really feel anything playing this or after i beat it. The story is acceptable, but not great. The parkour is pretty clunky. There was a lot of times where i would jump to a swinging bar and just stand on it. Faith for some fucking reason cant grab ac units by the edge of them. Its also kinda hard to figure out where to go some times. Given the game does a lot to try to mitigate this issue. Pressing b will point you to your end objective which is kinda helpful. Objects that you're meant to use to parkour are highlighted in red. Both are kinda implemented in way where they screw up sometimes. Red objects dont always mean that they will lead to progress and the b button doesnt point to a path to get to your destination, but your end goal. I like the menu theme and the frutiger aero vibes. There truly isnt many games with the same type of vibe. Everything in this game is just ok, it doesnt do anything particularly good but its also not bad.

Its just ok.