Good game. Team ninja once again shows how well they are at making a consistently fun and enjoyable action experience. I don't think I'd ever get tired of parrying into a fatal blow ever. Combat is so buttery smooth and satisfying but also difficult.

On the topic of difficulty, this game is pretty good with it. Nioh 1 was a demonic, tormented game that festers on the player's despair. The level design in that game was horrendous. Thankfully nioh 2 and wo long tone it back so it's not game ruining. Maybe it's because I've already played and beaten nioh 1 and 2 a long time ago but I found this game to be a pretty good balance of difficulty. Most bosses weren't hard stops but did make me have to get good. Some bosses do kinda suck but they aren't annoyingly bad like bed of chaos from dark souls 1. It's more like just badly designed, like the 2nd to last boss. This is a game where gameplay is the sole focus and everything else is just filler. Playing this on pc, I didn't encounter any bugs or fps drops but I am also playing this maybe later when it's been patched.

I wanted to like this game. I really did but theres so many issues that i cant bring myself to finish it. To cut to the chase, the game is slow. That isnt necessarily a bad thing but when the game wants to also be so fucking punishing at the same time, it turns the game into a slog. When you may solve a puzzle or find out where to go its fun, but then you might die to some bullshit trap or the 500 gorillas that half health you with every hit. So youll be doing some of these segments multiple times over. In modern games like celeste for example, when you die the game doesnt punish you heavily and spawn you near where you died. tomb raider will take you back to where you last saved, at least on ps1 which can be so fucking far back that it makes tou want to stop entirely. But i kept pushing because i enjoyed the games atmosphere. The controls are strange but i like them. Grabbing ledges manuvering terrain is way more interactive than most modern day games like assassins creed. The general game is fun but its so intent on curb stomping the player at every moment with awkward puzzles, and constant insta kills. Some puzzles require timing so tight that i was doing some for 20 minutes straight. Initially enemies arent so bad but ehen you get to egypt, you get lions and gorillas that hit so god damn hard and are everywhere. There is also some random ass dude who pops up from nowhere sometimes and just starts shooting you. Youll never know hes there until you see your hp bar draining rapidly and then he doesnt even die, you have to get him off screen after hitting him for a bit. This humanoid gun combat and 2 shot kill animals make most of combat just health tanking and chugging med kits. If this game removed the combat and was designed to be more forgiving in some aspects, it would be amazing. I couldnt bother to finish it and stopped at the king midas level because it was so confusing to play through. I looked up a guide and knew instantly how to beat the level which took out most of the fun. On top of that, it was gonna take so long to actually play the level that i just gave up because i got bored and was annoyed at confusing puzzles. In a way, this game is like a zelda game without the shitty story and just the dungeons, but now the dungeons are just a mishmash of bullshit. I also wish the levels werent so wide and expansive. It makes traversing them so boring when it takes so long to get from point a to b. It also make the levels confusing mazes because theres so many different path ways, and if you stop mid level, you forget and just get fucked. The music is also annoying, its very loud and basic. The nice mood that you might get from, for example, portal is just ruined when the ost comes on every time you enter a new room in tomb raider. Tomb raider in a way is relaxing, where you just solve puzzles in peace, but it refuses to be that and instead wants to be an aggresive globe-trotting adventure which i just dont think its built for.

its not even the worst game ever, it has a lot of potential. My problem with this and the second game is that its kind of a sandbox game but its gives you no freedom. The 4 hours i played are so horrendously borring. Its just npcs giving you tutorials like "make a torch" or "make this building in this EXACT way". The best part of minecraft is that the game doesnt tell you anything. Minecraft is pretty shallow in terms of an actual game but it doesnt let you know what it has in store for you. builders could be good, but playing through constant tutorials or quests where npcs tell you to get this item or build this thing is incredibly boring. At some point you have to let the player just play the game. If you enjoy fetch quests and npcs babysitting you as if youve never even heard of an video game before, this might be the game for you. Even if you want to play and just ignore the missions, the game blocks you off from leaving your island until you progress enough in the missions.

castlevania but slightly better and doesnt overstay its welcome too much. nes era bullshit all over the place makes the game not fun. This is a game for old people who want something similar to castlevania on nes. I played on casual and was just face tanking every enemy or spam fire shield because there was so much enemies in the last 2 stages. Also the last 2 stages are miserable to play through. Even if there is stuff that makes the game more "easier", it still isnt a enjoyable experience. playing this game on veteran where you get knocked back from attacks would make me hate this game way more. Im just not a fan of the clunky platformers where you jump in one direction and have to commit. The final boss is interesting mechanic-wise, i dont know if its good but still interesting.

I got swarmed by zombies while one of the character was trying to crowbar the door down, then my game dropped to 7 fps.

Its not like offensively bad but its just boring. Most missions are just trailing ones. Honest to god, i wish this was just like bloodlines where most missions are combat, then the final one is infiltrating some place. This game also runs like shit on the vita. Mine is overclocked and it still cant keep a consistent 30 frames. This is the most barebones ac game, even more than bloodlines. I dont know how bloodlines was more entertaining than this with shittier hardware, and a worse engine.

So good. There really isnt many games like this one. The unique gravity shifting mechanics are incredibly fun to play with. So much, that even exploring the hub areas to get level up crystals is fun. Music bangs, character design is cool, each different area is nice. Story is not the best written thing but its entertaining enough to keep you interested till the end. My only big issue is the camera, which can get disorienting at times. i also wish there was a little more ground combat. Otherwise, you'd be doing yourself a disservice not playing this game.

Pokemon, this game is pokemon. In fact its pokemon but with an atb bar. visually it looks fantastic for the vita and is probably the best looking game on the vita, but it also runs like shit. It drops frames CONSTANTLY, even outside of combat, which makes sense considering this is a ps4 game ported to the vita. Musically its not very impressive, why they didnt use some previous ff tracks is beyond me. If they did, then i didnt hear any 7 hours into this game. Given there is some merit in trying to have your own music that i appreciate but this games music is more forgettable than every other ff game. Main characters are kinda annoying. Male lead has instant amnesia and is also the dumbest being that also has a brain. Like he's so god damn stupid that i wonder if he knows what words are. Female lead doesnt have much in the character department but she is kinda annoying too with how fast she gets mad at every little thing. The fox looks stupid as shit and the nano desu stuff has to stop in media please. Story kinda ties into why gameplay is so bad and its because characters always have to explain to the main characters why the mechanics exist and how they work. I kept getting tutorials 7 hours in and never felt like i had any real choice in my party lineup or my options that i can use. Combat is also sloooowww. In ffx, they finally got rid of the shitty atb bars for the ctb bar. The ctb bar let the game be faster but also allow for strategic gameplay. You'll be doing a whole lot of waiting in this one, and battle can be long with lots of enemies. There is a fast forward button but i think the fact that it exists proves a fault in the game. The same way that fallout has a autowalk button. While it does speed things up, the game is still pretty slow. The boss fights are fun, if you manage to get through the extremely linear areas with random encounters that will hard stop you for a couple of minutes. This game is one thats meant for the fans so i understand why they made the gameplay like this, but then whats with all the extra mechanics like imprisming, and mira jewels, and miraboards. Its strange that it has mechanics so drastically different yet still feels ancient. The fan service is lacking too, i thought i would get to summon some ff character but i got bored wayyy before you could get the chance to do so. I saw the sora dlc summon and wanted to use in for the first time in a ff game, but when will ill get to that point? I cant be bothered to play a shitty pokemon clone with ff creatures for 35+ hours when pokemon itself doesnt have fun gameplay either. I like how it looks and having voiced cutscenes but this game play like a snes rpg. The mocap in the cutscenes are also way over the top alot of times. It feels like all the progressions made throughout the main ff games are missing.

ratchet 3 starts off more aggressive than the 2nd game with more emphasis on combat. in term of general gameplay, its not as good as the 2nd. while going commando fucks up by putting so much fluff in it, the 3rd puts less fluff but also drastically has less platforming. this means theres less variety in the main gameplay which is a problem. There is also the late game spike which is pretty crazy. in the last quarter of the game, most enemies were 2 shotting me with max armor and some the environments were incredibly annoying to fight in, like an ice area or very cramped areas where you're kinda forced to take damage. Most of my guns did absolutely no damage about half way through. the only guns i had that actually did damage were the decimator and the bouncer. everything else could take out 2 enemies max with full ammo. This made the end of the game dreadful because i only had 2 guns that did damage, and they didnt have much ammo, and the rest of my arsenal didnt do anything for me. so im left with the wrench, which this game possibly has the worst iteration of. while the 2nd game gives it an upgrade, this game just has the flame whip, which runs out of ammo after 25 hits and also does no damage just like the base wrench. some enemies are also just unreachable with the wrench too, which make the inferno power up pretty trash. Speaking of the inferno power up, its strange that this is the game that its in because if it was in the previous 2, it would actually be good. But because so many enemies are way above you, or off cliffs, you cant even really use it. Most of the time its just a thing that extends how long the fight goes on for. Theres more annoying stuff but if i keep going this will be longer than it already is. I miss the platforming from the first 2 that made the gameplay formula fun, and without it, its kinda boring as fights get repetitive and drag on. also fuck the hacker minigame, that shit pops up way too often.

This game is strange. The gameplay is absolutely awful but i don't hate it. It radiates charm so much that i kinda like it. The gameplay is fucking garbage, its the most bare bones srpg you can ever play. They're no stats, no item equips, Its really slow, and you cant select who you want to move. You never know who is gonna move first, you or the enemy. The main character is an absolute shit unit with 0 mobility and range. The main meat and potatoes here is everything around the gameplay. The music is really weird, like it not bad but just kinda strange and doesnt fit all the way. Some of the character designs are fucking awful, to the point of being funny. Mainly, the merchant lady looks so stupid and her voice is really low so I couldn't hear what she was saying. The story rings like something that would be made now parodying this genre from back when this was made. Im not gonna go into details to avoid spoilers but it genuinely feels like a parody and i dont know if it is because there is fucking no information about this game online. If the gameplay had anything to it at all, it might be worth the 20~ish hours to play through it (according to one guy on howlongtobeat).

it alright. the ship segments suck ass, and so do the clank ones. I'd prefer if we just strengthen the main gameplay instead of adding in gimmicks like those.

This game seems like a game i would like to play but the fan translation is only for the main story. most of the game is untranslated and even the fmvs arent. Its such a shame too, because the story is something that really sounds like it hit for me. The menus are sexy, similar to persona in a way, and it has music by kh composer yoko shimomura. Until this game gets a remaster or a full translation, i dont think ill play this game. it'd be hard to enjoy the game when everything outside the main cutscenes isnt in a language i can understand. I really do want to play this one though

This game kinda bangs, but its also annoying as shit at times. The story is cool and it hit emotional moments that previous ff games really didnt hit either because of hardware limitation or just because they didnt write it that way. The voice acting and cutscenes really breath life into the games story that the older one dont have. I enjoy the characters and story way more than the previous games. it could be because of the voice acting but these characters feel more like people and not just a story personified. The combat is so much better now that we got rid of that fucking atb gauge. its more strategical and somehow faster at the same time. The sphere grid is interesting if not saddening that you don't really get to experiment with it too much if you dont do any side content. A lot of music in this game bangs but the standard boss theme kinda blows in comparison to the random encounter theme. The FMVs are gorgeous, considering this game came out in 01, and is an early ps2 game. Even today i thought they were really beautifully animated. The down sides are the end game like all previous ones, is horribly unfun to play through. A lot of status effects will get thrown at you so you must get equipment that counters them or youll have a miserable time like me. Theres a lot of bosses that kinda force you to eat shit the first time then come back in with more knowledge, better equipment or both. A certain boss in the late portion wiped my whole party with an aoe death spell which was very fun to have to rewatch all the cutscenes and get to the same part again when you die. The final boss is miserable again like the previous games. Random encounters can one shot you alot or just be giant health sacks. Animations tend to take too long. The gameplay peaks and then declines around the mid game. While i do like the story, it is a bit incomprehensible. The start is likely to confuse a lot of players like it did me. I won't go much more in depth because of spoilers. The game has decent highs but also abysmally low lows.

This game fucking blows dick. I don't even know where to begin. The game is ugly as sin, and I know it's on psp, but even for the psp, it's still god damn ugly. It's not even the textures being blurry, but it has the early ps3 era style where everything is green and brown. textures are constantly flickering, and i played this on the native hardware. The music is . The game play is pure filth. Im convinced a developer is trapped in the game just intentionally fucking your camera over. It glitches into walls constantly and just faces towards them. Altair consistently just bugs out while platforming and sometimes falling into walls and through stuff. combat is also buggy. Sometimes your sword will just go through the enemy and never hit them. The boss fights start off kinda fun but progressively getting more unfun. The ai is shit and they all do the same thing where you counter, and one other person will try to hit you immediately after the counter 100% of the time. Overall a buggy unfun mess that sits in the psp library along with all the other psp-ified games that were originally console games. Video games like mgs peace walker, kh birth by sleep, little big planet, gta and the list could go on. All the versions of these games on the psp suck besides birth by sleep which is actually alright.