Man, I loved this game so much. I'm a huge Evil Dead fan, and the build up to this game was more exciting than any other to me personally, the reveals of different characters from the franchise's history, the involvement of original cast, it all shaped up to be such a love letter to Evil Dead fans. Then when DLC came with content from the 2013 reboot, I thought it was fair to assume there would be new maps coming, content for Evil Dead Rise, etc. And then Saber just abandoned the game. They didn't even finish the full year of DLC that was promised. Honestly it sucks, the gameplay I feel was a great mix between your typical asymetrical horror game and resourceful shooters/horde survival. An extremely biased score from me but I played it so much, 100%'d etc. Groovy while it lasted.

THIS GAME IS SO GOOD holy shit my brother got me on this (lots of love Charlie) and I cannot believe how much I enjoyed it, I'm a huge horror fan and I think this is balanced perfectly between resourceful gameplay, genuine scares and good puzzles, Mr X is very very cool as a mechanic and I love the silly, almost camp aesthetic as the game goes more and more into sci-fi as it goes. Very cool shit. Makes me excited to love horror.

There's literally nothing I can say that will add to what everyone already knows. This game is so beautiful and serene, I love it so much and I always revisit it despite being so lazy as to never finish TOTK. Making this log made me remember on confront that it was released on the Wii U

This game has a lot of flaws (although credit because I remember when it had far, far worse balance issues) but, so long as you can let go of the idea that it is is competitive, it is so, so fun and I haven't really gotten bored of it in 6 years of playing. Of course I've taken breaks from it when less interested, but the constant content always brings me back. The gameplay loop is fun despite its frustrations, the art design is my favourite of any game in history, the lore behind everything is fascinating and developed, the licensed content is (mostly) adapted far better and with more love than any other game I've seen. I love this game and will be stuck on it for many more years I fear. I also think the future really looks bright for the game with the introduction of limited-time game-modes, and expansion into spin-off games. Not every chapter is perfect, and the game will never be perfect, but it's an amazing celebration of horror and deserves more credit for bringing so many aspects of the genre into one project for people to enjoy. Now make it free-to-play goddamn there is so much DLC.

I can't really explain what it is about these that I don't love. I remember enjoying when I played it, and I completed the dex and everything, but for some reason it just didn't stick with me. The new Pokémon are cool, the region is fine, and terrestrialization is a much better mechanic than I expected. But it's just forgettable to me, I didn't retain much about the story or content outside of certain cool mons. Maybe replaying I will enjoy them more, but nothing is really given to motivate a replay. I'm sure I'll revisit them at some point, I'm still excited for what's to come with Legends Z-A. Gen V remakes for Switch please.

This game is very very cool. It's like the opposite of BDSP - Gamefreak actually tried something different, and even though its not perfectly polished and I wouldn't want every main-series game to go this direction, it works as a really cool new format for games in the franchise. I do wish that the areas of the region felt more unique, and arceus should absolutely hae more of a role before completing the dex, but overall this is very fun gameplay wise. The battle mechanics can be improved in future Legends games for more balanced gameplay, but as a sort of risk that they took with the series, I think this is great.

These are marked low out of principle. DP are fantastic games, so these have a good basis, but those games are so much more stylistically pleasing, not to mention Platinum is by far the definitive way of playing through Sinnoh. There are just so many baffling decisions to make these games direct remakes rather than reimaginings like every other remake has been in the series, and its such a shame for a game that people had been looking forward to for nearly a decade. Absolutely no reason is given to play these games over the originals, and now because they exist we won't get an ORAS style Sinnoh game. This just sucks to see and to me was a huge mis-step. You know I still soft resetted for the shiny Dialga though.

I like these more than most I think. The criticisms they get are generally fair, and I do wish the region was more interesting and colourful, but things like the national dex controversy were always going to happen at some point and I don't have an issue with how they did it, and I think backlash of the wild area is a little unjust because it does feel like they were testing to see what they could do. This marks the start of DLC in Pokémon games, something I generally don't like because locking post-game content behind a paywall sucks for everybody, but I do think the amount of content offered in the DLC for these games is good. It's a mixed bag but overall I do like the games and weirdly find myself revisiting them far more than I'd thought I would have.

I didn't actually finish this one I'll be real. I don't dislike them though, I actually think they're the best looking 3D Pokémon games and they should have stuck with a more stylised aesthetic going forward. I think as an entry-point into mainline Pokémon games, these are good and the simplicity of Kanto and the iconic original 151 is great for this purpose. This also means the Pokémon Go mechanics fit, they're just not my favourite. Which is fine, they're not really made for someone who already knows how to play Pokémon. This is the best case in the franchise of following Pokémon too I don't know how they consistently manage to make this worse.

To me, these are just SM but complete. Playing the previous games now just feels like an underwhelming flat amount of content, and whilst there is more here, they didn't take the opportunity to fix many issues people had with the first, bringing into question their purpose. They aren't continuations like BW2, and they don't add enough to not be considered just another third game in a generation, but they are more definitive versions to play through Alola and what is added with the ultra beast content is fun. I'd love to revisit this region down the line, I think it's really cool.

I have mixed feelings on these games. Gen VII is currently in the cycle of getting hate for no reason, as Gen V and VI have been through in recent years, and I think it's somewhat unjustified. But all the criticisms that have always been there remain true, there are far too many cut scenes and tutorials, especially the first couple hours of the game drag so much. I still think these games veering off of the usual eight-gym badges quest was a great idea because this with their tropical theming do give the games a good sense of identity. I think they're ultimately brought down for me for feeling like less refined versions of what would come a year later. First game I completed the dex in though.

I think these games were a really great follow-up to XY, they take what was made there and really develop their ideas into a more fleshed out region a better story and a more colourful world in general. I really enjoy them adding mega and primal lore to the Gen III legends, and mega evolution on its own is a great way to revisit underutilised Pokémon. There's a lot to do in general in this game, less content than something like heartgold but a good amount (again especially if you shiny hunt) and the post-game portion is very fun too. Banger OST.

I love this game, it's the first in series I remember the build up to release and it will always be one of my favourites just for the memories of exploring everything there is to do in it as a kid, also being the game that got me into shiny hunting. Overall though, it's got to be said that there isn't actually much to do in the game besides the very easy main storyline, and the game marked the beginning of the hand-holdy trend that would be seen a lot going forward in the series. A lot of the time the region doesn't feel fully fleshed out, and although the step into 3D was a huge move for the series they weren't quite there with the aesthetic to me and a lot of the Pokémon models themsles are quite desaturated. Overall an important step for the series but not a game that gives much reason to replay or explore beyond becoming champion (unless you shiny hunt, which this post-game is actually very good for so points for that from me).

A lot of people put these over BW, and I can definitely see that perspective, but I do think the narrative is a little less tight, and I still think black and white kyurem look messy lol. Maybe it's just nostalgia that puts the original BW above thse for me. Still, these are amazing sequels and still the only good continuance of a narrative between games in the series. They retain almost everything good about BW so, essentially peak.

PEAK. I will never forgive the hate this game got, I have nostalgia bias but the Pokémon designs have always been (mostly) great and I'm glad people have come around on it over time. BY FAR the best narrative in a Pokémon game and the lack of other regions' Pokémon until the post game and the gorgeous sprites and animations gives this entry such distinct identity. The music is SO GOOD. Serperior is in this game. Peak. My favourite, nostalgia and all.