Normally I'm not a fan of open world games because of how uninteresting I find them to be, but Ghost of Tsushima is one of the exceptions. What mainly kept me playing this game was the fantastic combat system; it feels so satisfying to use Jin's arsenal to it's fullest, from the fluid sword skills to the vast amount of other weapons you can use to defeat your enemies. This game is what Assassin's Creed wishes it can be. On top of that, the game has a really compelling story with tons of side plots, a good soundtrack, beautiful graphics, and world that is mostly fun to explore and interact with. Ghost of Tsushima was a great surprise to me and I really loved playing it overall.

What a game man. I already loved Sapphire, but Pokémon Emerald has topped that game and has now become one of my favorite pokémon games. Pretty much everything wrong with the base Gen III games is fixed here; the gym leaders are harder, Team Magma and Aqua feel like different teams now that they are both in this game, more Pokémon are available at your disposal, double battles are much more frequent, and there is a lot more to do in the postgame with the Battle Frontier. (Even if I didn't really dive much into it during my playthrough, I can definitely see the appeal and I may give it a chance someday)

Hoenn is also home to some of my favorite Pokémon of all time; Swampert, Sceptile, Gardevoir, Altaria, Absol, Aggron, the weather trio, Deoxys, and many more. I love the music for what GBA was capable of, the water routes are very fun to explore, the sprites produced in this game are gorgeous. In general, this generation is just a big step up in quality from the last two.

I will say that the lack of the physical special split and limited move pools for certain Pokémon keep this from being my favorite game in the series (and also in a region that is stuffed with water, why is Wallace, a water type gym leader from Ruby and Sapphire, the champion and not Steven; that has always irked me), but regardless, Pokémon Emerald is a game that I completely get the hype around and one that I adored playing.

I decided to replay the base game's tracks since I've been playing the booster course pass for the first time this year. I do think that Mario Kart 8 can be a bit boring sometimes since there isn't much incentive to come back to it as much as Double Dash, but there is no denying that Nintendo put a lot of effort into the tracks of this game. It was fun on Wii U, and it's still very fun now.

I gave Hogwarts Legacy a chance, hoping to at least somewhat enjoy it as someone who hasn't seen the Harry Potter movies, but unfortunately I found this game to be really boring. It's not bad by a technical stance; I think the game looks really good, I enjoyed exploring Hogwarts itself, and broom riding was pretty nice. But I found all of the characters to be boring, the combat to clunky (especially since I don't enjoy having to press the right trigger constantly to even perform a basic attack), the missions to be tedious, and the world outside of Hogwarts to be uninteresting. I was tired of playing this game 6 hours into it, and I packed it in by the 10 hour mark; I have no interesting in finishing this game.

I forgot I played this game back in early 2023 and decided to play a bit today to remember my thoughts on it. One hour later and I now remember why I abandoned this game in the first place.

While some of the minigames are fun, this game likes to repeat the same ones over and over again, which makes the game really repetitive. And I don’t really find any of the team games fun either. From what I’ve seen at least, the game seems to be better than it was back in 2020 because Epic Games has at least made it so you don’t have to play both single-player and team minigames in the same room, and as of writing this review there is now a level editor, which are always neat additions to games. Overall, though, Fall Guys is a game that I don’t enjoy playing and have no intentions of coming back to anytime soon.

You know the game is awful when even the director is ashamed of it.

I heard numerous times before playing this game at how bad it was and I was still left in awe in how terrible this game was after finishing it.

I could name all the positive things about DMC 2 in one hand; I like Dante’s design, the music is alright, and I like the “Here’s your crown” scene. That’s literally it.

Otherwise, yeah, this game is one of the worst games I’ve ever played in my life. It controls worse than even DMC 1, the enemies are painfully easy to deal with due to the overpowered pistols, the bosses are obnoxious, auto lock-on is a constant annoyance, none of the weapons are interesting or fun to use, the story is a load of nothing, the characters are boring, the environments are dull and lifeless, and Dante can’t even taunt in this game.

I’m so glad that DMC 3 exists and that I played it before this pile of shit, because it makes me appreciate that game even more than I already do. I never want to play this game again.

After playing through this game for the first time, I can completely understand why people love it so much.

I will say that there are a few things that I thought didn't hold up well. I thought some of enemies and bosses were really annoying to fight, especially near the end of the game (f*** Arkham), and the addition of different styles makes it a bit tedious to deal when trying to grind so that you can level each of them up.

That being said, I'm glad that this idea was introduced here because it adds a deeper level of combat that wasn't in the first game. It's one of the reasons why Dante feels so amazing to play as, along with his cocky attitude and the weapons he uses throughout the game.

And the story, while not groundbreaking, is also a big step up from the first game, as it introduces Vergil and Lady to the series, with the ladder character have a deep connection to the story of the game.

While not perfect, Devil May Cry 3 is a game that still holds up really well all these years later, and it's not surprise as to why this raised the bar for action games. I respect every bit of passion that went into this game and I can't wait to play more of it.

This would’ve been my preferred version of Mario 2 if it weren’t for the screen crunch.

The SNES version of this game was much more in line in what I thought this game would be. I think that Super Mario Bros. 2 on the original NES had a good baseline for a great game, but I felt like it needed some polish on the controls and mechanics in order to become something I really liked.

Then here comes the SNES version giving me just that. Almost all of the levels are now really fun to play, I love the fact that you can play as multiple characters (even if objectively Toad is the best character in the game), and I find it really satisfying to be able to pick up and throw objects at enemies This version of the game is just all around loads of fun.

Overall, I respect the original for making a great basis, but if I were to play a version between the two, I'll take the SNES version any day.

Not gonna lie, I expected to like this game more, but near the of my playthrough I just got really frustrated with this one due to the poor controls and frustrating enemy placement. It's not bad, and it has a lot of cool ideas, but I don't plan on replaying it all that much.

So, after 2 playthroughs, with it containing 185 hours and 25 minutes of gameplay in total, all I have to say is ...

This is one of the best games I've ever played and I can't wait to play the other games in the series.

Wait, what do you mean that the remake for Persona 3 was announced while I was playing this game?!

While I don't love this one as much as Return to Dreamland, Triple Deluxe, or Planet Robobot, I still think that this game is an amazing step into 3D for the franchise.

The copy abilities feel great to use, the bosses are a lot of fun to fight with the newly implemented dodge roll mechanic, the world that you explore this time around has an element of disturbance that I really appreciate, and the game overall just feels good to play.

There isn't really much to complain about with this one. I just loved playing through the game and completing it felt worthwhile.

I decided to play this game to give myself a break from playing Persona 5 so much, and I'm surprised at how much this game holds up.

Sure, it isn't perfect, as I do think there are some major problems like the bad camera, underwhelming bosses, and underwater world only being there for the sake of padding the game out(screw the submarine level especially), but I just find this game to be really fun to play overall. The fun level design, fantastic music, and great controls and moves for Pac-Man especially make this a great adventure.

I can understand why some aren't fond towards this game, but overall it's one that I had a lot of fun playing and I can't wait to get into the other Pac-Man World games

I didn't like it as much as the Wii version (I prefer the exploration over the 2D boost mechanic; don't @ me), but all around it's a pretty solid version of this game that uses the wisps effectively and one that I enjoyed playing.

Where the hell was the trick system though?

I gave this game a 6/10 back in 2022, but I felt like I was giving the game too much credit. Turns out, I was correct; this game got worse on a second playthrough.