Holy shit this game is awesome. I already love x, but this is just so exhilarating to play, while also having actual graphics.

I bought this, thinking it was a good time, but also thinking it wasn't that grade. 90 hours later holy shit I love this game and haven't stopped playing it since January

Honestly this is my favorite game of all time, nothing else to say

I've been kinda addicted to it. I should be watching a movie or getting up to date on one piece, but man this game is so fun. The campaign, endless survival, minigames. Really wish popcap went back to their roots instead of being money whores, but I guess that's lightning in a bottle

One of the best soundtracks in any game, and the shopkeeper is a top tier character

The second best game ever made, again, with shinier graphics. I mean no joke, this is probably the best looking switch game. And I already considered dread to be that but for real this time. The control options are good for accessibility, even if playing dual stick feels wrong, gyro is great but goes off center a lot and isn't ideal with a regular controller, hybrid would be ideal but they change the visor placement, so I went just classic. With a couple of changes and additions and at 40 bucks, I think it's a must buy, alongside dread. I am now crowning this the best switch game because it's prime, and now with paper Mario on the way, 3 of my 5 favorite games are on switch. Where the fuck is star successor and symphony of the night

Fun little platformer, and start to the second greatest video game series

Even if people say that its way more over the top, or that the gameplay is broken by first person aiming (which is is), it's still a damn fun game, one of my favorites in the gamecube

This game is peak 2d Metroid, damn was it a good birthday when I got dread. Especially the bosses, man Raven beak is still the best final boss I've played. Only downside is that the music isn't as good as other Metroid games, I hope Kenji Yamamoto is more involved with prime 4's ost

Metroid prime guys make monke game

Pac man on crack, coke and marijuana, at the same time, while drunk. It's awesome

Extra points for being the first one

A fairly comfortable journey through one piece locals, it has a sort of chill vibe even in action set pieces, and it has the best looks of any one piece game

Mega man fans and gal gun fans, yeah same audience

Ok the combat is actually pretty good, it's fast, fluid and overall it's fun to mow down hundreds of enemies. But there are a few kinks in it, not to mention content wise it isn't as plentiful or strong as 3, and it has a bit more filler in the roster. I overall really like it and think it's worth playing, but it's inferior to 3 imo