8 reviews liked by Ace7zar3

Definitely an enjoyable experience but it being a roguelike definitely causes its story to be less impactful than OE, especially if you beat it in just a few runs. I do wish it was a little harder, but the more challenging levels towards the top are easily the best part of your run. Obviously gonna go for 100% cause its gameplay is PEAK. ALSO HIIII OFF THE HOOKKKK HII PEARL HIII EIGHT HIII DEDF1SH

This game really is amazing and a new favorite of mine! I was worried that the anime style was going to get in the way of the writing, but thankfully that was not the case. It definitely suffers from anime tropes, but it rarely gets in the way when the game decides to get serious. In its strongest moments the story doesn't pull its punches, exploring its themes in ways that really impacted me.

The characters in this game are so loveable, I ended up getting really attached to them over the 125 hours it took to beat it. From the moment I first met Ryuji I knew I was going to love him, and while some of the main cast took a bit longer for me to like, by the end every single one of the Phantom Thieves were near and dear to me. Even the side characters were really likeable, the ones I thought I was going to hate redeeming themselves when I finished their confidant. I felt like tearing up having to say goodbye to them at the end of the game, and when the credits rolled and With the Stars and Us playing I couldn't stop myself.

Persona 5 really has everything. It oozes style with its jazzy music and red color themed visuals, the turn based combat system is the most fun I've had in a jrpg ever with setting up all out attacks by exploiting weaknesses, and it had a really impactful and enjoyable main narrative that actually made me want to get up and get out there. It is really long, but I think it deserves its length. Really recommend it!

I have played more than 2 hours of this game with my mates thanks to PS Plus. Despite getting it for free basically, I still felt robbed wasting my time with this utter mess that left me & my friends to eagerly uninstall it when we were finally getting tired of it. Calling this Splatoon at home would be an insult to decent Splatoon clones.

Are we so gullible? Do we as an audience not demand anything from our art? There's no story, no new mechanics, no real characters, no interesting or enjoyable visuals, no compelling gameplay, no original ideas at all in fact. Is a faceless strawman to antagonise really enough to get millions of people to play an Unreal Engine asset flip made as artlessly as possible? Is no one else actively disturbed by how blatantly and gracelessly this rips mechanics from every popular game of the last 2 decades, without integrating any of them together whatsoever? Has art ever felt this cynical before?

Feel free to discount my opinion. I am a 'salty Pokemon fanboy' after all, and I only gave this game an hour or so of my not particularly highly valued time. I personally just prefer the art I engage with to care for the art form it sits within, even a little bit. Palworld hates video games. It sees nothing more within them than a collection of things to do and hopes that by shovelling a flaccid farcical version of as many of them as possible into your mouth it will somehow constitute a 'video game' when all is said and done. It doesn't. I'm deeply saddened that so many gamers think so lowly of our art form that they genuinely think this is acceptable.

saying video games shouldn't tackle tough topics while having silent hill 2 at a 5/5 is very smooth-brained.

team silent is gone and you need to accept that.

Madeline is so freaking cute, I wanna lift her by those big ass ears like a two handle coffee cup and display her at the top of the mountain like I'm lifting the UCL trophy.

Oops I think she heard that.

a new silent hill game has released and it is about a POC woman struggling to keep to their daily routine following their girlfriend's suicide. I wonder what people online are saying about this. Surely they have interesting things to say about it.

bitches be like "this is what takes nintendo and those soulless corporations down" when this game was made with the same soulless sentiment

2 lists liked by Ace7zar3