I had a lot of fun playing this in multiplayer!

this is one of my favorite games ever. Even though I played this game long after its release (in 2021) and with a very fetishistic point of view for its look and uncanny dialogues, I was amazed by how despite everything it was an extremely playable game nowadays. So putting all of this together, it was a mystical experience for me, even though I'm not an Elder Scroll fan. Skyrim lacks all the soul this game has, it's full of empty things.

Few things made me feel as good as finishing this

this is the shell of a game that used to be. By far the worst The Sims ever.
Here's my two cents as an enjoyer and fan of the sims: the whole system is very boring, desires and aspirations and all. Also, the fact that the 3 had no loading screens was epic. Why introducing it??? With the time they had to do it they could have given even more freedom in the construction but instead they didn't do it, the 3 was much freer here (you could create your own personal textures , hello??? in the first deluxe edition you had the MAKER. Absurd to go this low.). At this point they could have done it that it mined your data because the base game sucks and just sucks money (ok it's EA, no fucking surprise) while in the others the expansions were real expansions and the game was enjoyable even without them. I first played the sims borrowing the cd from a friend because i couldn't afford it. I loved that i didn't even knew there were expansion at first since the base game was full of SOUL, STORY, INTERESTING CHARACTERS. it was enough. But now if you don't buy all the other dlc it almost seems that you can't enjoy the game. Anyway I candidly admit that i had all expansions, and it was shitty nonetheless lmao it's barely passable, maybe if you also have the mods you'll manage to enjoy a few hours more but never how much I enjoyed the others.

I think it paved the road for the sims 3, what it lacks in the mechanics that the sims 3 implemented, it makes for it with an incredible set of characters that inhabit its world. The fact that you could go through the memories of people that were already in the game and reconstruct their story (and often a WEIRD one) was incredible to me and really pushed me not only creating my family but made me care for the story of the other npcs, thing I barely did in the other games as you don't really have the same chance to connect with them. It makes you feel as you are stepping into a space that it's alive with or without you, not that it's there only for you.

probably the one the sims i have more hours on, despite being my second favorite after the 2. It didn't have the crazy and incredible npcs with weird backstories that the sims 2 had but it improved enormously everything else. The fact that it doesn't have any load screen really is in favor for the good rating of this game. You really felt like you could go anywhere, just ringing a door bell, like in real life. Wish the sims 4 was still like this.

This is a milestone of my childhood, i played it every few years and always enjoyed it

Could be my fav game ever, but i literally am a slut for cowboys so idk

ome of the first game I played when i managed to buy a late ps4 with my money. The atmosphere is crazy, i loved how it made me side with the cult (their songs were all bangers, easy)

If I ignore the uncanny dialogues and cutscenes I overall enjoyed the mechanics and world!

if only the support in this game worked

i hate blizzard, too bad i am addicted.... fuck