Not as good as the original, even if it looks so much better.

The cutscenes get insanely ridiculous often.

I get it, you loved the Matrix, holy crap.

It's a beautiful game that's ridiculously easy as you can't ever die in it.

Locking the true ending behind a DLC that you can only get on old consoles is perhaps the greatest possible sin this game has.

Great fun, amazing gameplay.

Too short, sadly


I can totally see the many flaws this game has.

However, it was once my favorite RE and it holds a special place in my heart, for sure.

Ok, what the hell is this spice girls crap doing in my Final Fantasy?

Holy crap

Great action title, amazing atmosphere.

This game is a work of art, full of love.

Should be appreciated by everyone.

I'll admit it, this game is one of my greatest guilty pleasures.

The biggest meme of the gaming industry ever, made for a subpar end product.

It's amazing this actually came out at all, and for all that it is, I can have simple brainless fun with it.

I totally get it if you can look past this game's shortcomings and enjoy it.

The characters seem super charming, for sure.

The gameplay is pure cancer, basically unplayable to me.

Great strategy title with beautiful visuals and interesting story.

A great game, too bad the subsequent games were mediocre at best.

The start of the end for the KH franchise.

Awful, stupid, ridiculously bad story.

Terrible characters, this is a horrible game.

Great DLC.

A little too short for me.

The best Mario Party game ever made.

A change of pace for the series, but a good one nonetheless.

Great atmosphere.