Great, incredible story.

But, you know, it's a walking simulator.

A bit short, but sweet enough.

Great game with incredibly fun gameplay.

The final boss is a grindy motherfucker though, fuck that.

Gets a low score because of the bad difficulty spikes.

Another cautionary tale about ending your games in fucking cliffhangers. Don't do it or the game will die forever unfinished.

Played it and enjoyed it well enough.

The weakest one of the franchise.

They tried to make the stealth more actiony and thus ruined the perfect balance that the series had.

I had fun with this one.

This series has great platforming action, and this one is no exception.

Perhaps a bit short for what it is, and it's a shame you can't change the character's genders like in the original.

Probably the best stealth game ever made, simply brilliant.

Surprisingly good action title.

But dang, what an annoying protagonist this game has, fuck.

The series' formula was getting a little stale with this one.

Still, pretty damn fun game.

My favorite game in the franchise, even if it has that too cool for school look.

Dahaka is one of the best antagonist ever made.

Was my favorite Spidey game before the PS4 masterpiece came around.

Edgy teenager story, terrible VA for Peter Parker, almost grating.

Still, cool combo system and intensely fun aerial combat.

Pretty great stealth game actually.

Incredible Mech game, probably the best one I've played after Into the Breach.

Action packed, great boss battles and villains.

Good job not going up your own ass with this one Kojima!

It's ok.

Baird is a bit annoying.

Other than that, same old Gears gameplay.

Cool, but a little short and repetitive since it borrows from the groundhog day idea.

Still, surprisingly nice pacing for all that repetition.

Pretty good for the time, would never play it again.