Ballerscuba’s Faves!

The GOTY over the years of my favorite YouTuber, who tours humanity’s culture since the Dawn of video games.

Best computer game of 1982
GOTY 1982
Most surprising game of 1982
Favorite arcade game of 1980
Favorite arcade game of 1981
Most surprising game of 1981
Tie for best arcade game of 1983
Best computer game of 1983
GOTY 1983
Honorable mention to Best Computer Game of 1980
Best console game of 1981
Console game of the 70's
Tie for best arcade game of 1983
Best computer game of 1980
GOTY 1980
(Atari 2600 port)
Best console game of 1980
Arcade game of the 70's
Most Surprising Game of the 70's (tied with Star Raiders)
Most Surprising Game of the 70's (Tied with Colossal Cave Adventure)
Computer game of the 70's
GOTD 70’s
Best computer game of 1981
GOTY 1981
Best console game of 1982
Best arcade game of 1982
Most surprising game of 1980


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