a real short and sweet 3D metroidvania with a charming 64 inspired look.

the movement in this is real fun, I think doing the slide jump and wall kick and wall run (slide?glide?) is addictively good

music's charming too, especially loved the track that plays outdoors and the theater area one too

it's pretty aright, doesn't really come close to the trilogy but it's honestly fine enough for a portable MGS.

biggest issue was the stamina system being back but the only way of recovering any stamina is exclusively done via rations, which aren't easy to come by - not helped by the extremely limited inventory system.

The cutscene presentation is pretty different but I do like the art for it, shame there isn't any voice acting for the codecs though. The recruiting system was an interesting idea, that much I'll say.

got snake eating and ocelot, simply ocelot.

but honestly I sorta struggled with this one compared to MGS2 but once I got the hang of it it was really enjoyable!

I think I see why this game is so loved

like it's got some age to it but I really loved the journey throughout it and really enjoyed the Materia system along with the combat

graphics and sound were real charming too, some location I probably won't be forgetting any time soon, same can be said for any of the soundtrack.

Gameplay: Absolutely fun flying sections with some good challenge depending on how hard you make it via the Fiend's Cauldron (or basically how you set the difficulty in a modern Smash Bros). The ground sections are pretty aright with the game's take on a TPS and I personally don't mind the trackball stylus controls for camera movement, though your mileage may vary. Plenty of different weapons to collect and use with fun enemy encounters along with memorable boss fights.

Story: Charming characters with fun dialogue and banter.
The whole story is woven very well into the gameplay, be it in-game dialogue or moments of spectacle that happen during action.

Graphics and Sound: Probably the prettiest game on the system. Soundtrack is amazing and feels especially great during the flying sections where a lot of it is timed to the gameplay, making things feel very organic.

to summarize, if you own a 3DS/2DS/AnythingThatPlaysGamesForThe3DS - then you should give this a try.

This was my first proper Metroid and maybe it's not the best place to start considering how Super exists - but this was really enjoyable for a first timer. It's pretty linear but I can't say I wasn't engaged - story even if a simple had me hooked.

The game looks great and the soundtrack even with the limited GBA hardware still brings out a lot.

a fun charming little thing, more consoles should come packaged with these kinds of games

I believe this is where the rhythm game genre peaked, you cannot tell me otherwise.

This isn't a difficult game and I really don't mind that.

The charming world and beautiful mix of pre-rendered sprites in a 2.5D background, the whimsical and dreamy music, the fun platforming you can do with Klonoa's power to grab and shove enemies into any direction including the foreground itself or to even use them for an extra jump - it all comes together into something really memorable and I love it.

originally this was outside of my radar, in fact I had no interest in this at all - until I played it.

It doesn't play anything like Project Diva or Mirai games, much closer to a CHUNITHM game but with Vocaloid music - and honestly, it's very fun and I like the custom shaped notes you can get that fit to the theme of a song sometimes. I really appreciate that the energy you're given like in most mobile games is solely for rewards and that stuff as you can pretty much replay any song you want even on zero energy as long as you're cool with not additional rewards or exp being given at the end of a song. Not to mention it felt pretty smooth and responsive even with wireless audio.

It also includes some original non-Vocaloid characters with their story, which I at first didn't care for but overtime kinda grew to like some of the cast. Vocaloids sound a bit jarring in the VN moments next to the humans, I wish they'd have tuned their speech in dialogue to be a bit more natural.

An amazing return, design philosophy of it is exactly what to expect from a Crash game - fun level design that can be ridiculously challenging if you go for the crates - only downside is the amount of crates with some being hidden in some oddly strange places.

The new mask abilities also work well with the flow of the levels and mix things up considerably, I really like the gravity one especially.

Having multiple characters to play as was also very neat, but personal standout was Dingodile with the bigger spin and leaf blower abilities. I do wish the characters outside of Crash/Coco would've gotten more levels as there aren't that many for each.

Haven't even gotten to the unlockable costumes, tape challenges and even mirror versions of levels that can have their own unique mechanic beyond a visual filter.

really cool game!

doesn't hit as hard as 999 but I still enjoyed it throughout, though the 3D models are less charming than the portraits the previous game had.

music also is amazing just like the last game!

a total trip I'll never forget

also some really fantastic soundtrack by none other than Shinji Hosoe

the game that sold me on ridge racer and was my first RR game.

before I did not know what a ridge racer was but this game then entered my life.

The drifting mechanics are an absolute joy to use, the amount of times I had my cars spinning to cross the finish line were impossible to count.

The graphics and look of the game for the time looked gorgeous on the PSP and still look lovely.
The soundtrack is fantastic, with returning tracks that are great to new additions and remixes that are also incredibly catchy.