Had not replayed it since it came out and it didn't remember a bit. Good world and dialogue but annoying combat sometimes and really pared down since it's the first of the trilogy. More interested in the two sequels i haven't played. 3/5

This is one is much better than returns, way better writing, choices and consequences, great party members and story. Couple of bugs multiple times made me lose progress but they were solved by reloading latest save. 4/5.

I was instantly annoyed by the voice acting and then i hit a game breaking bug and i have no intention of restarting.

This one is pretty fun. It's basically a Metroid Vania where you are the monster. Some tricky puzzle situations dealing with the size of the monster. Annoying enemies and no map for some reason are the biggest cons. 4/5

This one looks like shit, runs like shit, the story is laughably bad...and still i can understand why people might like the fps old school combat. Had fun in spades with the stupid amount of enemies.


The shock value and the talk around this game really undercut how good the story is alongside some great writing. Not to mention how incredibly fun the combat is. 4.5/5 and I'm debating changing it to 5 after i think more about it.

Playground doesn't miss, Crazy Tracks and a gorgeous new hot wheels park to play around on.

I absolutely loved this one, but trying to gold medal the challenges was infuriating and i'm dropping it before i start hating the game.

Like an Anime VN infused with cocaine, Quake Rocket Jumps and the Titanfall 2 Training Stage. Best gameplay i will probably experience this year.

If you can get past the Art Style, you will find a great storyline with quite impressive branching storylines. Still, the art style is a big hill to overcome even when you are used to it. 3.5/5

This is clearly the best of the trilogy....but also the buggiest. Ran into four different bugs in the final final boss and had to restart the final hour of combat like 3 times, which made me pissed off a it a lot. It's a shame because the console port is not made by the original team so who the fuck knows when some of these issues might get fixed. 3.5/5

What an amazing story about loss, life and death with some creative as fuck storytelling tricks considering they are using a "Walking Sim" structure. 4/5

Obviously this game is a banger and there's no point in repeating the positives. I do have some nitpicks.

Enemy Variety is pitiful, the side missions are a bore with a waste of villains, aside from Tombstone, that only get brought up during the final act for the heel turn. I wish they would have made the side missions mini storylines with Villains like Arkham. Boss fights were ok, nothing revolutionary. 4/5

Midnight Fight Express is fucking awesome. The soundtrack is fucking baller and the combat is just chef's kiss. If I was better i would try to get all the S levels but is pretty hard. 4/5

Chill game about serving coffee inspired by VA-11 HALL-A by chill conversations. 3/5