About You: Alexa Lily Edition

The prompt/template: https://imgur.com/uASzgz3

Got the idea to do this from Clearin's list, check it out: https://www.backloggd.com/u/Clearin/list/about-you-video-games/

I'll also be using the limitation of one game per franchise because I think that's fun.

Best Art Style

Hot damn do I love to look at this game. The design, the UI, the presentation, everything about this game looks great. It'd be cool if the combat and story were better because it'd be an all-timer if they were.
Favorite Villain: Nishiki

The Kiwami version is important here because of how much it adds over the original version to give Nishiki much more depth as a character. That, combined with all the extra stuff with him in Yakuza 0 makes him one of my favorites ever.

But also I can't think of many villains that are both memorable and that I like.
Favorite Ending

This might be a controversial pick but I really like how this ends. You just... go home. You finish your investigation, submit the results, leave, and receive payment for services rendered. It's not big and flashy or dramatic and I don't think it needs to be. It's fitting for what it is. Job well done.

(Also this one was kind of hard because several other games I would pick for this entry aren't available to pick because of the one-per-series limit (some Yakuzas and Final Fantasys)).
Stressful Game

I tried playing this once and it was so stressful and anxiety-inducing that I had to stop because my chest was hurting from how hard my heart was pounding. I didn't even see the alien, I only played for like 45 minutes or something.
Favorite Protagonist: Kassandra

Is she actually kind of a bad person, what with all the murder-for-hire and other questionable ethics? Yes. But I'm extremely gay, so,,
Favorite Boss Fight: Lady Maria of the Astral Clocktower

"A corpse... should be left well alone.
Oh, I know very well. How the secrets beckon so sweetly.
Only an honest death will cure you now.
Liberate you, from your wild curiosity."
You Love, Everyone Hates

Okay, "everyone hates" is a bit hyperbolic but it seems like no one else loves this game as much as I do. The difficulty is at just the right level for me for it to not be frustrating, the aesthetics of this game are great fun, the boss fights are cool, the story is good enough, solid soundtrack. You're an anime vampire! What more could you want!!
Favorite Series: Final Fantasy

Final Fantasy is such a fun series because it does a great job of taking the things that are recognizably Final Fantasy but remixing things for each entry just enough to give it a fresh twist with each entry. It also helps that there aren't really any clunkers (as far as the ones I've played, I'm missing a few of the earlier ones).

I picked Tactics here because it is pretty clearly the best in the series.
Have Not Played But Want To

I swear I'll get around to this one someday, it's been sitting in my steam library for literal years now. I tried it after I finished Dishonored 2 but I was a little tired of that style of game so I played other stuff instead and have never gone back to it

(Runner up here is Fuuraiki 4 but that doesn't seem like it'll get a localization so I went with DotO since that is something I actually could play).
Game You Always Come Back To

Spelunky HD is a perfect game.

Recently I've been playing a lot of Spelunky 2 and it almost always leaves me thinking that I should go back to Spelunky HD instead.
Everyone Loves, You Hate

I wrote a lil review that goes into a bit more detail but the tldr is: every part of the gamefeel is terrible, writing & voice acting is bad but not in an endearing way, and most importantly it's violently and grossly transphobic
Best Story

Partially I really like the story(s) in KRZ but also I don't have many games that I can think of where I think "damn, that story is a banger" without it being at least a little ironic, or part of an already-used series, or having significant caveats. KRZ is good as hell, y'alls should play it.

(The exact edition here doesn't matter for the story but it has the better cover art)
Guilty Pleasure

Not necessarily this game in particular but the clicker genre as a whole. They're not what you would normally consider "good" or "enjoyable" but I get to click on things to make numbers go up and sometimes that's what I need.
Best Soundtrack

Great soundtrack with a lot of range, not just in mood or tone but in genre as well. Jpop? We got that. Twinkly pianos? Got it. Dubstep? Yup, that's in there too. And it's bangers across the board. Incredible work all around.

Tons of Hours Played

6,451 hours 2 minutes over the past 194 months.
Relaxing Game

Chillest Vibes 2021

People should play this dang game, please, I am begging you.
Childhood Game

I got this at a CVS for 5 USD and played it for maybe hundreds of hours. Also it's a great fit for 'childhood game' because I'm scared to go back to it for fear of it being Bad, Actually!
Favorite Game of All Time

I really truly love every individual part of this game and think it comes together in a fantastic whole experience that is severely underrated. Also, outside of the game itself, doing speedruns of this lead me to being more involved in the speedrun community at large, meeting lots of great friends, and getting to run it in a handful of marathons. It's brought a lot of joy in my life in a way that few other games have even come close to, so it's a very special thing to me.


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