131 Reviews liked by Ali

What an incredible package! A modern classic and must play for fans of retro-inspired games. ⭐️

Varied gameplay, fluid platforming, crisp, expressive pixel art, charming writing, and a killer soundtrack…

It’s one of the indie greats and a new personal favorite of mine. 🫶🏻

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Amazing game, the best game I've ever played and the best horror game I've played, the psychological horror aspect kept my hooked and kept me going, from the beginning of the game where you start in a dirty bathroom right outside of Silent Hill, to finding out your wife, Mary, didn't die 3 years ago, but died last week, to finding out that your wife wasn't there waiting for you, but instead you find Maria, a sexual desire James had created of his wife in his mind during her sickness and experiencing the death of your own wife more than once by watching Maria get killed 3 different times, and then ending it off by finding out that your wife had not died by the hands of the sickness she had been dealing with for years, but by the hands of yourself by smothering her to death in her hospital bed with a pillow.
Not a second of that game felt like a waste, not a minute of that game felt too long, every aspect of the game itself felt perfect.

As it currently sits, I have not finished this game as of yet, but am currently still playing through it slowly but surely
But regardless of not finishing the game, it feels amazing, the aspect of playing as a detective in the town that Alan Wake had gone missing in, unraveling bits of story that he is creating without knowing that he can change how the world is in that town with his writing, is amazing, not a second goes by where I get sick of what I'm doing, and not a minute of it feels annoyingly long, it feels just right, but the combat could be a bit better

The ideal Alek fantasy RPG. real fucking gaming

This is by far my favorite Gran Turismo game. Without playing this, I wouldn't have met some of my best friends.

This game was special. An action rhythm game that is incredibly fun to play. A straightforward story with lovable characters filled with plenty of comedy. Robbie Daymond is just one of the best VAs out there. The boss fights and OST were amazing. I feel like with how short this is, I'll find myself coming back with all that post game content.


Another fantastic game by Vanillaware. I fun tactics game with a story similar to Fire Emblem. Really loved the world they built. Even with so many characters, most of them felt fleshed out. OST was great. Combat is predetermined so I found myself skipping battles instead of watching the amazing animations.

So many lovable characters with unique dialogue towards others, you could completely miss out on recruiting people just because you didn’t recruit another one. I was definitely elf pilled lmao. Alain and crew are definitely gonna be remembered, all 60 or so of them.

(Played with Dreamcast conversion mod)

Ngl the Sonic campaign is fantastic. And the other playable characters are fun too even if they dont feel very fleshed out and feel a bit too easy. People act like Big is the worst bit of this game but I can blitz through that in under 15 minutes. No the real problem is playing Sky Chase FOUR TIMES! Anyway this is a good transition into 3D.

I feel like the more I play this game the more I like it. I used to hate the mech and treasure hunting levels but I find them quite fun now. The speed stages are obviously the highlight though. Was a fun quick 3 hour stroll down memory lane.

I’ll talk about it in a bit, but it might even be lower lol.

It’s quite fine and cool sometimes